android Programming Glossary: home
Slow Android emulator possible fix this problem Even if it starts and loads the home screen it is very sluggish. I have tried the Eclipse IDE in..
Android: Override back button to act like home button Override back button to act like home button On pressing the back button I'd like my application.. button press as below and then call whatever method s the home button calls. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode.. event Capture the back button press and then spoof a home button press. Capture the back button press then start an Activity..
Close application and launch home screen on Android application and launch home screen on Android I have two different activities. The first.. displayed instead of the application returning to the home screen. How can I avoid this and get the application to return.. can I avoid this and get the application to return to the home screen android android activity share improve this question..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? Notification bar. This is so that when the User presses home and the Activity gets pushed to the background they can get..
android - exit application code exit application code I have an application where on the home page I have buttons for navigation through the application... button EXIT which when clicked should take the user to the home screen on the phone where the application icon is. How can I..
Change title bar text in Android and be different for each page activity in my app i.e. my home page could say page1 in the title bar while another activity..
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values storing shared preferences. Its located in the android sdk home samples android platformversion ApiDemos directory share improve..
Android Lock Screen Widget for this the only thing I found was apps that will take home screen widgets and put them on the lock screen for you. Any..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @ id home android paddingTop 0dp android paddingLeft 15dp android textSize.. layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @ id home android layout_toRightOf @ id host_input android paddingTop.. layout_marginRight 15dp ImageView android src @drawable home android id @ id home android paddingTop 15dp android paddingLeft..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project thumb mupdfthirdparty jbig2.c In file included from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .... android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 53 from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .... mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec jbig2.c 22 home yury software android ndk r6b platforms android 8 arch arm usr..
Kiosk mode in Android handle without modifying the framework like longpress on Home to show currently active Applications I could also be mistaken..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? the Home button how do I get rid of the choice When creating one Intent.. Intent so that MyActivity reacts to a User pressing the Home button is easy using the XML markup intent filter action android.. the choice of what activity do you want to use for the Home screen HTC has made its Touch Flo Sense override the default..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? I want the Back button to act the exact same as the Home button and here is how I have tried so far @Override public..
android - exit application code but rather manages it by the OS. You can bring up the Home application by its corresponding Intent Intent intent new Intent..
How to disable the home key improve this question Use this method to disable the Home key in android @Override public void onAttachedToWindow this.getWindow..
How to add new contacts in android String DisplayName XYZ String MobileNumber 123456 String HomeNumber 1111 String WorkNumber 2222 String emailID .build Home Numbers if HomeNumber null ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert.. .build Home Numbers if HomeNumber null ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? we need Run in full screen nothing else will be visible Home button and other device buttons won't work Our app will run.. it is possible but you can not control the behaviour of Home key and end call key . for full screen add android theme @android.. event.getKeyCode return false return true On Home key press the Home screen will come so to overcome this you..
How to close Android application? Also Android will not notify an application of the HOME key event so you cannot close the application when the HOME.. key event so you cannot close the application when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself.. when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself so that a developer cannot prevent users..
Slow Android emulator the emulator quickly but that is very rare. How can I if possible fix this problem Even if it starts and loads the home screen it is very sluggish. I have tried the Eclipse IDE in Galileos and Ganymede. android performance android emulator..
Android: Override back button to act like home button Override back button to act like home button On pressing the back button I'd like my application to go into the stopped state rather than the destroyed state... think there must be three possibilities... Capture the back button press as below and then call whatever method s the home button calls. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if keyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK Log.d this.getClass.. .getName back button pressed return super.onKeyDown keyCode event Capture the back button press and then spoof a home button press. Capture the back button press then start an Activity of the home screen effectively putting my application's..
Close application and launch home screen on Android application and launch home screen on Android I have two different activities. The first launches the second one. In the second activity I call System.exit.. the application to close but the first activity is automatically displayed instead of the application returning to the home screen. How can I avoid this and get the application to return to the home screen android android activity share improve.. instead of the application returning to the home screen. How can I avoid this and get the application to return to the home screen android android activity share improve this question You should really think about not exiting the application...
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? gets displayed a Notification will also get displayed in the Notification bar. This is so that when the User presses home and the Activity gets pushed to the background they can get back to the Activity via the Notification. The problem arises..
android - exit application code exit application code I have an application where on the home page I have buttons for navigation through the application. On that page I have a button EXIT which when clicked should.. navigation through the application. On that page I have a button EXIT which when clicked should take the user to the home screen on the phone where the application icon is. How can I do that android exit back button share improve this question..
Change title bar text in Android and im wanting it to display something of my choosing and be different for each page activity in my app i.e. my home page could say page1 in the title bar while another activity that the app switches to could have page2 in that page's title..
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values
Android Lock Screen Widget app. I haven't been able to find any official documentation for this the only thing I found was apps that will take home screen widgets and put them on the lock screen for you. Any clues on where I learn more about building true lock screen..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout id @ id host_label android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @ id home android paddingTop 0dp android paddingLeft 15dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android text host android.. id @ id port_label android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @ id home android layout_toRightOf @ id host_input android paddingTop 0dp android textSize 25sp android textColor #a5d4e2 android.. layout_marginTop 4dp android layout_marginLeft 15dp android layout_marginRight 15dp ImageView android src @drawable home android id @ id home android paddingTop 15dp android paddingLeft 15dp android paddingRight 15dp android layout_centerHorizontal..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project 0.9 android Run ndk build You can get the following errors Compile thumb mupdfthirdparty jbig2.c In file included from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 53 from home yury programming.. from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 53 from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec jbig2.c 22 home yury software android.. os_types.h 53 from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec jbig2.c 22 home yury software android ndk r6b platforms android 8 arch arm usr include stdint.h 48 error redefinition of typedef 'int8_t'..
Kiosk mode in Android the keys. I think there are some instances that you can't handle without modifying the framework like longpress on Home to show currently active Applications I could also be mistaken though. But for a prototype that could be sufficient. Have..
Overriding the Home button - how do I get rid of the choice? the Home button how do I get rid of the choice When creating one Intent so that MyActivity reacts to a User pressing the Home button.. Home button how do I get rid of the choice When creating one Intent so that MyActivity reacts to a User pressing the Home button is easy using the XML markup intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER.. intent filter I want to know how to avoid getting the choice of what activity do you want to use for the Home screen HTC has made its Touch Flo Sense override the default start Activity and I never get the question if I want to use..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? new activity rather than bringing back the old one. So essentially I want the Back button to act the exact same as the Home button and here is how I have tried so far @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event if Integer.parseInt..
android - exit application code Android's design does not favor exiting an application by choice but rather manages it by the OS. You can bring up the Home application by its corresponding Intent Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN intent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME..
How to disable the home key use the back key. How do I accomplish this android share improve this question Use this method to disable the Home key in android @Override public void onAttachedToWindow this.getWindow .setType WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD..
How to add new contacts in android a new contact. It works fine for me. I hope it will help you. String DisplayName XYZ String MobileNumber 123456 String HomeNumber 1111 String WorkNumber 2222 String emailID String company bad String jobTitle abcd ArrayList ContentProviderOperation.. .withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_MOBILE .build Home Numbers if HomeNumber null ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI .withValueBackReference.. ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_MOBILE .build Home Numbers if HomeNumber null ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI .withValueBackReference ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? . We will root the phones no problem with that. So the things we need Run in full screen nothing else will be visible Home button and other device buttons won't work Our app will run automatically on startup It doesn't have to be hacker proof.. direction Thanks. android share improve this question yes it is possible but you can not control the behaviour of Home key and end call key . for full screen add android theme @android style Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen to activity tag in manifest.. KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER event.getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK event.getKeyCode return false return true On Home key press the Home screen will come so to overcome this you need to implement a service and there you need to implement..
How to close Android application? the root activity assuming that the app never kills this activity Also Android will not notify an application of the HOME key event so you cannot close the application when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself.. Also Android will not notify an application of the HOME key event so you cannot close the application when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself so that a developer cannot prevent users from leaving their.. of the HOME key event so you cannot close the application when the HOME key is pressed. Android reserves the HOME key event to itself so that a developer cannot prevent users from leaving their application. However you can determine with..