android Programming Glossary: hooking
ADB + Samsung Galaxy Samsung Galaxy Has anyone been successful with hooking up a Samsung Galaxy with ADB running on Win XP Pro SP3 Links..
Camera on Android Eclipse emulator: have an embedded camera in the lid of my notebook. I'd be hooking up through an external USB camera. The emulator runtime can..
Incoming call dynamically override default ringtone android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS 6. Done The main idea is hooking for incoming call and replace the ringtone by your own. And..
Specifying a link key in android without pairing by changing the underlying android bluez code and hooking up to feed a pre generated link key etc is theoretically possible..
Intent to start a navigation activity Explicitly check for known apps Implicitly check for apps hooking google.navigation and perhaps geo but then you also get map..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview would massively increase the size of your app and then hooking up all the WebView apis would involve a lot of work. share..
Android auto-logout when app goes to background is sent to the background. There are many questions about hooking the HOME key I understand this is possible only by registering.. the HOME key what other options are there Obviously just hooking onPause won't help because that is Activity specific. The best..
ADB + Samsung Galaxy Samsung Galaxy Has anyone been successful with hooking up a Samsung Galaxy with ADB running on Win XP Pro SP3 Links to already existing threads or tutorials related to this would..
Camera on Android Eclipse emulator: on Android Eclipse emulator I don't have an embedded camera in the lid of my notebook. I'd be hooking up through an external USB camera. The emulator runtime can pick this up right I'll get the image displayed inside the AVD..
Incoming call dynamically override default ringtone uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS 6. Done The main idea is hooking for incoming call and replace the ringtone by your own. And of course you should restore default ringtone to saved value..
Specifying a link key in android without pairing if you know the device bluetooth address. internal private mechanism by changing the underlying android bluez code and hooking up to feed a pre generated link key etc is theoretically possible and it will be a difficult project and a custom solution...
Intent to start a navigation activity choose to support it. The best solution I can think of is to Explicitly check for known apps Implicitly check for apps hooking google.navigation and perhaps geo but then you also get map apps You can enumerate the possible implicit targets using PackageManage.queryIntentActivities..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview
Android auto-logout when app goes to background app goes to background I want to detect when my application is sent to the background. There are many questions about hooking the HOME key I understand this is possible only by registering as a launcher app. ...BUT... as always there is a client.. screen is not one of my app's activities . So if I can't hook the HOME key what other options are there Obviously just hooking onPause won't help because that is Activity specific. The best we have come up with is to keep an array of Activity references..