android Programming Glossary: hoped
Android ListView: get data index of visible item just returns the passed in position not a row id like I'd hoped. A brute force solution would be to get the View at index 0..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? folders but added everything else. When I got home I had hoped it would be as easy as pointing eclipse to the newly downloaded..
How to do opposite of of preference attribute android:dependency? on the other preference it didn't enable it like i had hoped java android xml dependencies preferences share improve this..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? approaches produce a result which is anyway near what I hoped for. So my question is can anyone tell me how to use them correctly..
Android ListView State List not showing default item background when none are selected i.e. the default view state . I had hoped that the last rule of the State List item android drawable @drawable..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector other than the obvious that increased performance could be hoped for Any such input is appreciated. Thanks android multithreading..
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? the middle part that's commented out being the part I had hoped would add the image. Below that is the output on the logcat..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? in a nominally garbage collected language I would have hoped for a little more effect. So my question is what does recycle..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? of the audio file that was stopped paused and hoped it would append but i had no luck. Is there a way to achieve..
Android ListView: get data index of visible item that looked useful however the SimpleAdapter implementation just returns the passed in position not a row id like I'd hoped. A brute force solution would be to get the View at index 0 and compare it to the view for each item in the adapter. However..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? Based on an SO question answer I had ignored the bin and gen folders but added everything else. When I got home I had hoped it would be as easy as pointing eclipse to the newly downloaded source tree. I tried setting the workspace requested when..
How to do opposite of of preference attribute android:dependency? and it disables it like i want but even with it being dependent on the other preference it didn't enable it like i had hoped java android xml dependencies preferences share improve this question Actually found it on my own and figured I'd just..
How to use an OpenCV rotation and translation vector with OpenGL ES in Android? much any possible way I could think of. Sadly none of these approaches produce a result which is anyway near what I hoped for. So my question is can anyone tell me how to use them correctly So far the closest results I have gotten was when randomly..
Android ListView State List not showing default item background etc but the items themselves have a transparent background when none are selected i.e. the default view state . I had hoped that the last rule of the State List item android drawable @drawable shape_row would capture that state but for some reason..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector to read upon this. Again what's the impact on the developer other than the obvious that increased performance could be hoped for Any such input is appreciated. Thanks android multithreading garbage collection android 3.0 share improve this question..
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? just fine. The way I've tried doing it is shown below with the middle part that's commented out being the part I had hoped would add the image. Below that is the output on the logcat when I try to execute this. Surely I am missing something pretty..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? As you can imagine having made so much effort to free resources in a nominally garbage collected language I would have hoped for a little more effect. So my question is what does recycle do Does it actually trigger garbage collection or will the..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? and starting it with the setOutputFile fd fd being the filedescriptor of the audio file that was stopped paused and hoped it would append but i had no luck. Is there a way to achieve this or append two recordings or should i give up on mediarecorder..