android Programming Glossary: holds
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget drawable to set background for LinearLayout view that holds text field within SearchView its id is android id search_plate..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) but the most obvious reason to me is that the Activity holds a reference to the FragmentManager and the FragmentManager manages..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager change class MainPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter This holds all the currently displayable views in order from left to right... class MainPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter This holds all the currently displayable views in order from left to right...
Android SQLite and huge data sets With a 16MB non compacting heap and the fact that a Cursor holds the entire result set in the heap that is not out of the question...
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager For tab2 though I have a fragment the xml file of which holds a ViewPager element which in turn has some fragment pages. When..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview I tried to reach the HTML5VideoFullScreen instance which holds a MediaPlayer member from the inner class VideoSurfaceView...
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes . A Cursor is akin to an ODBC client side cursor it holds all of the data represented by the query result. Hence just..
How to get the absolute coordinates of a view per one of the questions. TableLayout is the table which holds all the puzzle pieces. TableLayout tableLayout TableLayout findViewById..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? corrupted. The basic answer. The SqliteOpenHelper object holds on to one database connection. It appears to offer you a read..
Android: Create spinner programmatically from array that I can't handle. Here's what I got This ArrayList holds the elements that should be in the spinner gets filled from..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? in the nav set @param navSet Navigation set bean that holds the route information incl. geo pos @param color Color in which..
notifyDataSetChanged example on the Adapter. When an ArrayAdapter is constructed it holds the reference for the List that was passed in. If you were to..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android layout for non complex things. listItems is a List which holds the data shown in the ListView. All the insertion and removal..
Android: how to check if a View inside of ScrollView is visible? inside of ScrollView is visible I have a ScrollView which holds a series of Views. I would like to be able to determine if a..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity public class helloParcel extends Activity holds objects of type 'address' name and state private ArrayList address..
When to call activity context OR application context? tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you.. memory leaks if the Context from getApplicationContext holds onto something created by your calls on it that you don't clean.. on it that you don't clean up. With an Activity if it holds onto something once the Activity gets garbage collected everything..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments LATEST INFO i have narrowed my problem..
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? planet.getName is Checked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Holds planet data. private static class Planet private String name.. return name public void toggleChecked checked checked Holds child views for one row. private static class PlanetViewHolder..
Face Recognition on Android you have got the FaceRecognizerPtr you can do things like Holds your training data and labels MatVector images CvArr labels..
How to use search functionality in custom list view in Android constraint FilterResults results new FilterResults Holds the results of a filtering operation in values ArrayList Product..
how to set json parsed data in a listview and then adding search functionality in it 20dp android text TextView LinearLayout NewData Class Holds all data in hashmap public class NewData public static final..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging track of all current registered clients. int mValue 0 Holds last value set by a client. static final int MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result constraint FilterResults results new FilterResults Holds the results of a filtering operation in values List String..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts this planetList mainListView.setAdapter listAdapter Holds Contact data. @SuppressWarnings unused private static class.. return name public void toggleChecked checked checked Holds child views for one row. @SuppressWarnings unused private static..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget selector We'll use the above created drawable to set background for LinearLayout view that holds text field within SearchView its id is android id search_plate . So here's how to do this quickly in code when creating..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) There are probably multiple reasons why it's not supported but the most obvious reason to me is that the Activity holds a reference to the FragmentManager and the FragmentManager manages the backstack. That is no matter if you choose to retain..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager to tell the ViewPager stuff has changed and how to show the change class MainPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter This holds all the currently displayable views in order from left to right. private ArrayList View views new ArrayList View public.. here's my adapter hopefully comments within the code are sufficient class MainPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter This holds all the currently displayable views in order from left to right. private ArrayList View views new ArrayList View Used..
Android SQLite and huge data sets That could be one of two things You are out of heap space. With a 16MB non compacting heap and the fact that a Cursor holds the entire result set in the heap that is not out of the question. CursorWindow only supports 1MB of data which is what..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager 5 tabs and the content of each tab is handled using fragments. For tab2 though I have a fragment the xml file of which holds a ViewPager element which in turn has some fragment pages. When I initially start the application the application I am able..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview full screen. I tried few unsuccessful workarounds Reflection I tried to reach the HTML5VideoFullScreen instance which holds a MediaPlayer member from the inner class VideoSurfaceView. I didn't manage to get it I'm not sure this is possible ViewSurfaceView..
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes or things the Cursor populates like a ListView via a CursorAdapter . A Cursor is akin to an ODBC client side cursor it holds all of the data represented by the query result. Hence just because you change the data in the database the Cursor will..
How to get the absolute coordinates of a view I used to try to get the size of the holding container as per one of the questions. TableLayout is the table which holds all the puzzle pieces. TableLayout tableLayout TableLayout findViewById Log.d LOG_TAG Values tableLayout.getTop..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? your update calls will fail even if your database doesn't get corrupted. The basic answer. The SqliteOpenHelper object holds on to one database connection. It appears to offer you a read and write connection but it really doesn't. Call the read..
Android: Create spinner programmatically from array it with data from an array but Eclipse gives me a warning that I can't handle. Here's what I got This ArrayList holds the elements that should be in the spinner gets filled from a file later on ArrayList String spinnerArray new ArrayList..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? the actual drawing of the route based on the geo points provided in the nav set @param navSet Navigation set bean that holds the route information incl. geo pos @param color Color in which to draw the lines @param mMapView01 Map view to draw onto..
notifyDataSetChanged example only works if you use the add insert remove and clear functions on the Adapter. When an ArrayAdapter is constructed it holds the reference for the List that was passed in. If you were to pass in a List that was a member of an Activity and change..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android item layout supplied by Android and you can use this stock layout for non complex things. listItems is a List which holds the data shown in the ListView. All the insertion and removal should be done on listItems the changes in listItems should..
Android: how to check if a View inside of ScrollView is visible? how to check if a View inside of ScrollView is visible I have a ScrollView which holds a series of Views. I would like to be able to determine if a view is currently visible if any part of it is currently displayed..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity code below is now working after replies editing. Thanks public class helloParcel extends Activity holds objects of type 'address' name and state private ArrayList address myList @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
When to call activity context OR application context? instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance will have.. Context will fail mostly related to the GUI . It can create memory leaks if the Context from getApplicationContext holds onto something created by your calls on it that you don't clean up. With an Activity if it holds onto something once the.. getApplicationContext holds onto something created by your calls on it that you don't clean up. With an Activity if it holds onto something once the Activity gets garbage collected everything else flushes out too. The Application object remains..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments LATEST INFO i have narrowed my problem down to being a problem with the fragmentManager retaining..
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? i if planet.isChecked Toast.makeText context planet.getName is Checked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Holds planet data. private static class Planet private String name private boolean checked false public Planet public Planet.. checked this.checked checked public String toString return name public void toggleChecked checked checked Holds child views for one row. private static class PlanetViewHolder private CheckBox checkBox private TextView textView public..
Face Recognition on Android 8 int grid_x 8 int grid_y 8 double threshold DBL_MAX So once you have got the FaceRecognizerPtr you can do things like Holds your training data and labels MatVector images CvArr labels Do something with the images and labels... Probably fill them..
How to use search functionality in custom list view in Android @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence constraint FilterResults results new FilterResults Holds the results of a filtering operation in values ArrayList Product FilteredArrList new ArrayList Product if mOriginalValues..
how to set json parsed data in a listview and then adding search functionality in it android layout_height wrap_content android paddingLeft 20dp android text TextView LinearLayout NewData Class Holds all data in hashmap public class NewData public static final String TAG_CUSTOMER_CODE customer_code public static final..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging false ArrayList Messenger mClients new ArrayList Messenger Keeps track of all current registered clients. int mValue 0 Holds last value set by a client. static final int MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT 1 static final int MSG_UNREGISTER_CLIENT 2 static final..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence constraint FilterResults results new FilterResults Holds the results of a filtering operation in values List String FilteredArrList new ArrayList String if mOriginalValues null..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts as the ListView's adapter. listAdapter new ContactArrayAdapter this planetList mainListView.setAdapter listAdapter Holds Contact data. @SuppressWarnings unused private static class Contact private String name private boolean checked false public.. boolean checked this.checked checked public String toString return name public void toggleChecked checked checked Holds child views for one row. @SuppressWarnings unused private static class ContactViewHolder private CheckBox checkBox private..