android Programming Glossary: homeactivity.class
ActionBar Up button and Navigation pattern .from this .addNextIntent new Intent this HomeActivity.class .addNextIntent upIntent .startActivities finish else This..
Android set image as wallpaper my question. I will show some attempts I have made. HomeActivity.class public class HomeActivity extends BaseActivity String imageUrls..
Home key press behaviour if MyApplication.startedApp Intent intent new Intent this HomeActivity.class startActivity intent finish MyApplication is a class that extends.. and is defined inside AndroidManifest.xml. In HomeActivity.class you set inside the onCreate method the boolean field startedApp..
Creating shortcuts in Android via Intent [duplicate] screen I am having one TextView and Button in my Activity HomeActivity.class . Goal When I click on the Button it should create a shortcut..
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? numlock Intent intent new Intent LogInActivity.this HomeActivity.class startActivity intent else loginTextView.setText Login failed...
Android check internet connection connectionIntent new Intent TheEvoStikLeagueActivity.this HomeActivity.class TheEvoStikLeagueActivity.this.startActivity connectionIntent..
ActionBar Up button and Navigation pattern so create a new task with a synthesized back stack. TaskStackBuilder .from this .addNextIntent new Intent this HomeActivity.class .addNextIntent upIntent .startActivities finish else This activity is part of the application's task so simply navigate..
Android set image as wallpaper and edited my question. Hopefully you guys could understand my question. I will show some attempts I have made. HomeActivity.class public class HomeActivity extends BaseActivity String imageUrls @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Home key press behaviour Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState if MyApplication.startedApp Intent intent new Intent this HomeActivity.class startActivity intent finish MyApplication is a class that extends and is defined inside AndroidManifest.xml... finish MyApplication is a class that extends and is defined inside AndroidManifest.xml. In HomeActivity.class you set inside the onCreate method the boolean field startedApp to true. If the user presses BACK from the screen you need..
Creating shortcuts in Android via Intent [duplicate] Possible Duplicate Android create shortcuts on the home screen I am having one TextView and Button in my Activity HomeActivity.class . Goal When I click on the Button it should create a shortcut with the default android image as icon and text as entered..
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? .toString if sUserName.equals numlock sPassword.equals numlock Intent intent new Intent LogInActivity.this HomeActivity.class startActivity intent else loginTextView.setText Login failed. Username and or password doesn't match. I want to assign..
Android check internet connection SPLASH_DISPLAY_LENGHT else return false Intent connectionIntent new Intent TheEvoStikLeagueActivity.this HomeActivity.class TheEvoStikLeagueActivity.this.startActivity connectionIntent TheEvoStikLeagueActivity.this.finish android share improve..