android Programming Glossary: gyroorientation
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation float 9 orientation angles from gyro matrix private float gyroOrientation new float 3 magnetic field vector private float magnet new float.. R.layout.activity_attitude_display_indicator gyroOrientation 0 0.0f gyroOrientation 1 0.0f gyroOrientation 2 0.0f initialise.. gyroOrientation 0 0.0f gyroOrientation 1 0.0f gyroOrientation 2 0.0f initialise gyroMatrix with identity..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation rotation matrix from gyro data private float gyroMatrix new float 9 orientation angles from gyro matrix private float gyroOrientation new float 3 magnetic field vector private float magnet new float 3 accelerometer vector private float accel new float 3.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_attitude_display_indicator gyroOrientation 0 0.0f gyroOrientation 1 0.0f gyroOrientation 2 0.0f initialise gyroMatrix with identity matrix gyroMatrix 0 1.0f gyroMatrix.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_attitude_display_indicator gyroOrientation 0 0.0f gyroOrientation 1 0.0f gyroOrientation 2 0.0f initialise gyroMatrix with identity matrix gyroMatrix 0 1.0f gyroMatrix 1 0.0f gyroMatrix..