android Programming Glossary: gv
Android - Images from Assets folder in a GridView main class I am linking that with my gridview by GridView gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new ImageAdapter.. by GridView gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new ImageAdapter this assetlist Thanks a lot for..
How to make a 2-dimension image gallery with both horizontal and vertical scrolling? Called when the activity is first created. GridView gv Gallery g new Gallery 3 @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new GAdapter.. R.layout.main gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new GAdapter for int i 0 i g.length i g i new Gallery..
Extending Application to share variables globally String pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames.. GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames To access these variables... getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames To access these variables. The first line there..
Android - Images from Assets folder in a GridView Class which extends the BaseAdapter class and in my main class I am linking that with my gridview by GridView gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new ImageAdapter this assetlist Thanks a lot for any help in advance Saran.. class and in my main class I am linking that with my gridview by GridView gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new ImageAdapter this assetlist Thanks a lot for any help in advance Saran android image android gridview ..
How to make a 2-dimension image gallery with both horizontal and vertical scrolling? to make it look nicer. ~Aedon public class Test extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. GridView gv Gallery g new Gallery 3 @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new GAdapter for int i 0 i g.length i g i new Gallery this g i .setAdapter.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main gv GridView findViewById gv.setAdapter new GAdapter for int i 0 i g.length i g i new Gallery this g i .setAdapter new GGAdapter g i .setOnTouchListener..
Extending Application to share variables globally Player p players p public void setPlayerNames ArrayList String pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames To access these variables. The first.. ArrayList String pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames To access these variables. The first line there where I define gv throws a classcastexception... pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames To access these variables. The first line there where I define gv throws a classcastexception. Anyone know..