android Programming Glossary: gyro
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation I'm getting pitch and roll data from my device's gyroscope using this tutorial http www.thousand 2012.. a filter applied to the code in the tutorial to eliminate gyro drift . Unfortunately the code only works when my device is.. SensorManager mSensorManager null angular speeds from gyro private float gyro new float 3 rotation matrix from gyro data..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION means that all available inputs acceleromter magnetometer gyro are combined together in a mathematical black box typically.. . All of the different sensors acceleration magnetic field gyros gravity linear acceleration and orientation are taken as outputs..
android compass seems unreliable be overcome with proper DSP techniques and with 2.3 and gyro enabled phones it will get better overall but shame on Google..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) the accelerometer noise that causes the problem but the gyro white noise see subsection 6.2.3 Propagation of Errors. By the.. 6.2.3 Propagation of Errors. By the way you will need the gyroscopes too. As for indoor positioning I have found these useful..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? no processing at all. TYPE_GYROSCOPE if present uses the gyroscope and only the gyroscope. Like above it returns raw events.. TYPE_GYROSCOPE if present uses the gyroscope and only the gyroscope. Like above it returns raw events angular speed un rad.. the magnetometer on some other devices they use the gyro. On Nexus S and Xoom the gyroscope is currently NOT used. They..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation Issues with Device Orientation I'm getting pitch and roll data from my device's gyroscope using this tutorial http www.thousand 2012 03 android sensor fusion tutorial All the readings are extremely.. tutorial All the readings are extremely accurate there's a filter applied to the code in the tutorial to eliminate gyro drift . Unfortunately the code only works when my device is placed flat on a surface that is parallel to the ground. The.. extends SherlockActivity implements SensorEventListener private SensorManager mSensorManager null angular speeds from gyro private float gyro new float 3 rotation matrix from gyro data private float gyroMatrix new float 9 orientation angles from..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION Android use something called sensor fusion which basically means that all available inputs acceleromter magnetometer gyro are combined together in a mathematical black box typically a Kalman filter but depends on vendor . All of the different.. black box typically a Kalman filter but depends on vendor . All of the different sensors acceleration magnetic field gyros gravity linear acceleration and orientation are taken as outputs from this black box. Whenever possible you should use..
android compass seems unreliable the magnetic and orientation sensors are horrible yes this can be overcome with proper DSP techniques and with 2.3 and gyro enabled phones it will get better overall but shame on Google and the Mfg's for wasting so much developer time with shoddy..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) Tech Talk at 23 20 . I highly recommend this video. It is not the accelerometer noise that causes the problem but the gyro white noise see subsection 6.2.3 Propagation of Errors. By the way you will need the gyroscopes too. As for indoor positioning.. causes the problem but the gyro white noise see subsection 6.2.3 Propagation of Errors. By the way you will need the gyroscopes too. As for indoor positioning I have found these useful RSSI Based Indoor Localization and Tracking Using Sigma Point..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? It returns raw accelerometer events with minimal or no processing at all. TYPE_GYROSCOPE if present uses the gyroscope and only the gyroscope. Like above it returns raw events angular speed un rad s with no processing at all no offset.. accelerometer events with minimal or no processing at all. TYPE_GYROSCOPE if present uses the gyroscope and only the gyroscope. Like above it returns raw events angular speed un rad s with no processing at all no offset scale compensation . TYPE_ORIENTATION.. are implemented in h w on some devices they use the accelerometer the magnetometer on some other devices they use the gyro. On Nexus S and Xoom the gyroscope is currently NOT used. They behave as if there was no gyro available like on Nexus One..