android Programming Glossary: guard
Way to protect from Lucky Patcher / play licensing [android] can make it harder by obfuscating where you are doing this doing it in many places doing it randomly and adding pro guard obfuscation etc. to dissuade casual hackers. Even server side logic is simple to bypass unless the return package is used..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x Intent i new Intent context InCallScreenGuardService.class i.putExtra delay 100L logMe Phone Offhook starting screen guard service context.startService i else logMe Phone Offhook In Call Screen Guard disabled by user if phone_state.equals.. true TODO Intent i new Intent context InCallScreenGuardService.class logMe Phone Idle stopping screen guard service context.stopService i else logMe Phone Idle In Call Screen Guard disabled by user return this send intent..
Change the background color of the options menu public void run v.setBackgroundColor Color.BLACK try in Android 3.2 IconMenuItemView implemented with TextView guard against possible future change in implementation TextView tv TextView v tv.setTextColor Color.WHITE catch ClassCastException..
problem with KeyGuardManager I notice my phone is behaving weirdly. until a I see the following message in the Logcat file WindowManagerService.mKeyguardTokenWatcher cleaning up leaked reference meaning as far as I can tell the reference to the key guard was leaked. I have.. cleaning up leaked reference meaning as far as I can tell the reference to the key guard was leaked. I have no idea why this would happen especially as I cannot see a method which seems to safely dispose of the.. I have no idea why this would happen especially as I cannot see a method which seems to safely dispose of the keyguard lock. The code that aquaired the lock looks like this use KeyGuardManager to automaticly unlock the device KeyguardManager..
Animate the transition between fragments like so public class MyFrameLayout extends FrameLayout ... public float getXFraction return getX getWidth TODO guard divide by zero public void setXFraction float xFraction TODO cache width final int width getWidth setX width 0 xFraction..