android Programming Glossary: gson.fromjson
AsyncTasks do not get collected causing other AsyncTasks to not run Reader reader new InputStreamReader stream eventresponse gson.fromJson reader Response.class return eventresponse catch Exception e..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index Patient for JsonElement obj Jarray Patient patientList gson.fromJson obj Patient.class patientListArray.add patientList Collections.sort..
onclick button is not working in listview Patient for JsonElement obj Jarray Patient patientList gson.fromJson obj Patient.class patientListArray.add patientList Log.i patientList..
Using GSON in Android to parse a complex JSON object after the web response Gson gson new Gson Event events gson.fromJson webServiceResponse Event .class somewhere nested in the class..
Store objects in Android String json appSharedPrefs.getString someName return gson.fromJson json yourModel.class To get data from your object into app preferences..
Converting json string to java object? String json Gson gson new Gson JSONConverter obj gson.fromJson json JSONConverter.class return obj.getTranslationForReturn..
Store a List or Set in SharedPreferences gsonb new GsonBuilder Gson gson gsonb.create MyObject list gson.fromJson value MyObject .class WRITE String value gson.toJson list SharedPreferences..
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object
org.json.JSON Exception : End of input at character 0 i do JSONObject j new JSONObject response Event pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class i get org.json.JSONException end of input.. pst null try JSONObject j new JSONObject response pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated..
How to Parse JSON Array in Android with Gson JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonOutput postEnt gson.fromJson jsonObj.toString PostEntity.class Log.d postLog postEnt.getPostList.. new TypeToken List Post .getType List Post posts List Post gson.fromJson jsonOutput listType Hop that help. share improve this answer..
GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”? for JsonElement obj Jarray channelSearchEnum cse gson.fromJson obj channelSearchEnum.class lcs.add cse java android gson.. gson user guide This will work channelSearchEnum enums gson.fromJson yourJson channelSearchEnum .class But this is better Type collectionType..
AsyncTasks do not get collected causing other AsyncTasks to not run parsing Gson for existing events Gson gson new Gson Reader reader new InputStreamReader stream eventresponse gson.fromJson reader Response.class return eventresponse catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Log.e RunningEvent Error sending data to..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index patientListJson .getAsJsonArray patientListArray new ArrayList Patient for JsonElement obj Jarray Patient patientList gson.fromJson obj Patient.class patientListArray.add patientList Collections.sort patientListArray new Comparator Object @Override public..
onclick button is not working in listview patientListJson .getAsJsonArray patientListArray new ArrayList Patient for JsonElement obj Jarray Patient patientList gson.fromJson obj Patient.class patientListArray.add patientList Log.i patientList patientListJson sorting the patientListArray data..
Using GSON in Android to parse a complex JSON object to do it using GSON in the format I'm looking for is somewhere after the web response Gson gson new Gson Event events gson.fromJson webServiceResponse Event .class somewhere nested in the class static class Event String name String date public String getName..
Store objects in Android visa vis. Getting data out of app preferences and into an object String json appSharedPrefs.getString someName return gson.fromJson json yourModel.class To get data from your object into app preferences String json gson.toJson obj Then putString someName..
Converting json string to java object? text result from JSON responce public String getTranslation String json Gson gson new Gson JSONConverter obj gson.fromJson json JSONConverter.class return obj.getTranslationForReturn Method return a translation to a private call @return String..
Store a List or Set in SharedPreferences String value prefs.getString list null GsonBuilder gsonb new GsonBuilder Gson gson gsonb.create MyObject list gson.fromJson value MyObject .class WRITE String value gson.toJson list SharedPreferences prefs context.getSharedPreferences settings..
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object
org.json.JSON Exception : End of input at character 0 0 noofquizes 0 peopleattending 0 result true and in android i do JSONObject j new JSONObject response Event pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class i get org.json.JSONException end of input at character 0 of What's wrong with it heres the code..... GsonBuilder gsonb new GsonBuilder Gson gson gsonb.create Event pst null try JSONObject j new JSONObject response pst gson.fromJson j.toString Event.class catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace android json share improve..
How to Parse JSON Array in Android with Gson gsonb new GsonBuilder Gson gson gsonb.create PostEntity postEnt JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject jsonOutput postEnt gson.fromJson jsonObj.toString PostEntity.class Log.d postLog postEnt.getPostList .get 0 .getId What's wrong how can I solve android..
GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”? ArrayList channelSearchEnum lcs new ArrayList channelSearchEnum for JsonElement obj Jarray channelSearchEnum cse gson.fromJson obj channelSearchEnum.class lcs.add cse java android gson share improve this question The problem is you're telling.. Explains how to deal with this https site gson gson user guide This will work channelSearchEnum enums gson.fromJson yourJson channelSearchEnum .class But this is better Type collectionType new TypeToken Collection channelSearchEnum .getType..