android Programming Glossary: gst
Android: Multiple Alarm not working this 0 in PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT GST ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the GST 20 June 2011 Calendar.. GST ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the GST 20 June 2011 Calendar calendar_GST_18_June_2011 Calendar.getInstance.. TWO MONTHS for the GST 20 June 2011 Calendar calendar_GST_18_June_2011 Calendar.getInstance calendar_GST_18_June_2011.setTimeInMillis..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match I use the following GStreamer pipeline to show the result gst launch udpsrc port 5555 video x h264 width 640 height 480 framerate.. information Any other suggestion android colors h.264 gstreamer rtp share improve this question I solved it by swapping..
Getting frames from Video Image in Android browse_thread thread c85e829ab209ceea 3f180a16a4872b58 lnk gst q onpreviewframe#3f180a16a4872b58 share improve this answer..
Android beginner: understanding MotionEvent actions browse_thread thread 9a9c23e40f02c134 bf12b89561f204ad lnk gst q ACTION_UP#bf12b89561f204ad Here's my code import
How to use EMMA code coverage in android
overriding the Home Key Long press in a category.HOME activity browse_thread thread d8cdcd1c52d79ef1 0f4b184da6f248a9 lnk gst q home key#0f4b184da6f248a9 However I have recently come across..
Making Overlaid image transparent on touch in Android?
Android: Can not send http post thread cc59efb9475ac557 81116369f2c6bd7a hl de lnk gst q This thread forbids HTTP requests#81116369f2c6bd7a . share..
Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android browse_thread thread 1ac2b851e07269ba c7275f3b28ad8bbc lnk gst q certificate and then call allowAllSSL before you do any SSL..
Why is is a TabHost stealing focus from a TextView in Android? browse_thread thread 435791bbd6c550a 8022183887f38f4f lnk gst q tabs focus#8022183887f38f4f Anyway have you any idea of why..
ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo browse_thread thread 4739ce05742841da af59c779e99f5e23 lnk gst q index#af59c779e99f5e23 But it's not EndlessAdapter 's fault...
Android: Multiple Alarm not working pendingIntentOfTwoMonth2 PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 in PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT GST ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the GST 20 June 2011 Calendar calendar_GST_18_June_2011 Calendar.getInstance calendar_GST_18_June_2011.setTimeInMillis.. PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 in PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT GST ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the GST 20 June 2011 Calendar calendar_GST_18_June_2011 Calendar.getInstance calendar_GST_18_June_2011.setTimeInMillis System.currentTimeMillis.. 0 in PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT GST ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the GST 20 June 2011 Calendar calendar_GST_18_June_2011 Calendar.getInstance calendar_GST_18_June_2011.setTimeInMillis System.currentTimeMillis calendar_GST_18_June_2011.set..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match am only streaming the raw H264 directly to my desktop. There I use the following GStreamer pipeline to show the result gst launch udpsrc port 5555 video x h264 width 640 height 480 framerate 15 1 ffdec_h264 autovideosink All works well except.. if so how Or can this be solved by adding certain RTP payload information Any other suggestion android colors h.264 gstreamer rtp share improve this question I solved it by swapping the byteplanes myself on Android level using a simple..
Getting frames from Video Image in Android
Android beginner: understanding MotionEvent actions is proposed http group android developers browse_thread thread 9a9c23e40f02c134 bf12b89561f204ad lnk gst q ACTION_UP#bf12b89561f204ad Here's my code import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log..
How to use EMMA code coverage in android
overriding the Home Key Long press in a category.HOME activity question http group android beginners browse_thread thread d8cdcd1c52d79ef1 0f4b184da6f248a9 lnk gst q home key#0f4b184da6f248a9 However I have recently come across an app that successfully allows you to launch it by double..
Making Overlaid image transparent on touch in Android?
Android: Can not send http post
Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android in http group android developers browse_thread thread 1ac2b851e07269ba c7275f3b28ad8bbc lnk gst q certificate and then call allowAllSSL before you do any SSL communication call to ksoap2. It will register a new default..
Why is is a TabHost stealing focus from a TextView in Android? following http group android developers browse_thread thread 435791bbd6c550a 8022183887f38f4f lnk gst q tabs focus#8022183887f38f4f Anyway have you any idea of why that happens And of course any workaround would be appreciated...
ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo EndlessAdapter . http group cw android browse_thread thread 4739ce05742841da af59c779e99f5e23 lnk gst q index#af59c779e99f5e23 But it's not EndlessAdapter 's fault. It's android's fault. java android listview indexoutofboundsexception..