android Programming Glossary: guidelines
PopUp dialog Android from background thread when they may be doing something else. From the Android UI guidelines Use the notification system don't use dialog boxes in place..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? you class a Runnable like a standard class and follow the guidelines above you should run into few problem. The reality is that many..
Android Facebook chat example project and For connecting Facebook chat you can used following guidelines. Steps for implementing Facebook chat API in Android First we..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM USSD code. It is presumed that the phone follows android guidelines and has two IMEI numbers. Storing the SIM serial number and..
Google Play Services in emulator, implementing Google Plus login button etc the button appears all red and shiny according to the guidelines mentioned here https mobile android sign..
GCM SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE on Android 2.2 the new Google Play Services. I implemented it using the guidelines provided on the Android website and my source contains a lot..
Android: What is better - multiple activities or switching views manually? immensely. Also I think it's telling that the Android guidelines for Activity and Task Design don't mention switching Views at..
Android home screen widget documentation widget on Android I just found these links widget design guidelines Introducing home screen widgets and the AppWidget framework..
Android and Layouts layout share improve this question Here a couple quick guidelines Android Layouts tend to be much more deeply nested than you..
How to develop a soft keyboard for Android? development for Android out there Any best practices or guidelines Can I do with my keyboard application pretty much anything I..
Calling an app from another app but I can't find anything that works. Mostly because the guidelines for finding package name and class name are really bad. Via..
How to play a video in a webview with android? Here it's an article with a working example and some guidelines to encode videos for Android webkit. And then... when I had..
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed] App Store I would read through their exhaustive lists for guidelines on how to develop your app. For example in the tools link above..
Android best practices [closed]
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL php OpenSSL In an attempt to follow some of the security guidelines for in app purchase here http guide market..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters e return result I think I have followed the general guidelines on how to create the parameters and post them but apparently..
How to display a Dialog from a Service you DON'T do this it goes against Android design and UI guidelines . Notifications are the preferred way to accomplish what you..
How to create standard Borderless buttons (like in the design guidline mentioned)? design guidline mentioned I was just checking the design guidelines and wondering about the borderless buttons. I goggled and tried.. but then I don't have the divider Here links to the design guidelines http design building blocks buttons.html..
What are the default color values for the Holo theme on Android 4.0? Google gives some examples at the Themes and Color style guidelines but they don't really go into the actual color values being..
How can I implement custom Action Bar with custom buttons in Android? You may also consider reading through the Android Design Guidelines to get a better idea on how to design your ActionBar. If you..
Android: How to detect double-tap? touch Long Press is a recommeded interaction in the UI Guidelines double touch is not. It's what users expect a user might not..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button that it's incredibly ironic to bring up Human Interface Guidelines in response to this particular question. Especially considering..
Android gotchas and lessons learned
Size of android notification bar and title bar? this is a helpful approach Referring to the Icon Design Guidelines there are only three different heights for the status notification..
Most popular screen sizes/resolutions on Android phones Multiple Screens Screen Sizes and Densites Icon Design Guidelines They do not give the information statistics that I am looking..
How to Create Borderless Buttons in Android [duplicate] guidline mentioned 7 answers The Android Design Guidelines say to use borderless buttons see picture below but don't really..
Android compatibility contextual action bar action bar In trying to follow the Android Design Guidelines I'm running into a small quandary. I want to have a list of.. select and then perform bulk actions on them. The Design Guidelines suggest using the Contextual Action Bar for this and it sounds..
PopUp dialog Android from background thread a dialog over a different application interrupts the user when they may be doing something else. From the Android UI guidelines Use the notification system don't use dialog boxes in place of notifications If your background service needs to notify..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? is creating another thread just slightly more managed. If you class a Runnable like a standard class and follow the guidelines above you should run into few problem. The reality is that many developers do not do this. Out of ease readability and logical..
Android Facebook chat example project is one Android Open Source Project available Beem Project and For connecting Facebook chat you can used following guidelines. Steps for implementing Facebook chat API in Android First we have to implement MemorizingTrustManager Library project in..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM will give me IMEI number for the SIM from which I dialed the USSD code. It is presumed that the phone follows android guidelines and has two IMEI numbers. Storing the SIM serial number and or IMSI for the SIM. And after detection of any other IMSI Serial..
Google Play Services in emulator, implementing Google Plus login button etc layout_height wrap_content When I test my app on the device the button appears all red and shiny according to the guidelines mentioned here https mobile android sign in . But when running on the emulator it's just a normal..
GCM SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE on Android 2.2 I am writing an app that uses GoogleCloudMessaging using the new Google Play Services. I implemented it using the guidelines provided on the Android website and my source contains a lot of error checking and handling code such as making sure the..
Android: What is better - multiple activities or switching views manually? of passing objects the speed of launching Activities increased immensely. Also I think it's telling that the Android guidelines for Activity and Task Design don't mention switching Views at all it's centered around an Activity as View design. share..
Android home screen widget documentation screencasts that document how to develop an home screen widget on Android I just found these links widget design guidelines Introducing home screen widgets and the AppWidget framework I would like to develop a tiny home screen ticker and I'm searching..
Android and Layouts ca27bc012e.png Please help me Thanks for your help android layout share improve this question Here a couple quick guidelines Android Layouts tend to be much more deeply nested than you would normally expect. You often end up with empty layouts that..
How to develop a soft keyboard for Android? one. Is there any general information about soft keyboard development for Android out there Any best practices or guidelines Can I do with my keyboard application pretty much anything I could do with a normal Android application Can I do HTTP connections..
Calling an app from another app installed I know it is. I've googled this problem for hours but I can't find anything that works. Mostly because the guidelines for finding package name and class name are really bad. Via cmd and adb I was able to find that the info regarding the application..
How to play a video in a webview with android? share improve this question First of all care the encoding. Here it's an article with a working example and some guidelines to encode videos for Android webkit. And then... when I had to face this issue I had to research a bit and found some useful..
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed] that are distributed through the Android market and iPhone App Store I would read through their exhaustive lists for guidelines on how to develop your app. For example in the tools link above there is a tool plugin called Easy APNS while this is useful..
Android best practices [closed]
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL in app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL In an attempt to follow some of the security guidelines for in app purchase here http guide market billing billing_best_practices.html I am trying to do signature..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters e catch IOException e Log.e TAG IOException e return result I think I have followed the general guidelines on how to create the parameters and post them but apparently not. Any help or pointers to where I can find a solution are..
How to display a Dialog from a Service improve this question I highly highly HIGHLY recommend that you DON'T do this it goes against Android design and UI guidelines . Notifications are the preferred way to accomplish what you are doing which it sounds as if you have already accomplished..
How to create standard Borderless buttons (like in the design guidline mentioned)? to create standard Borderless buttons like in the design guidline mentioned I was just checking the design guidelines and wondering about the borderless buttons. I goggled and tried to find in the source but can't bring it together by myself... buttons of course you can set the background to empty but then I don't have the divider Here links to the design guidelines http design building blocks buttons.html http guide topics ui controls button.html#Borderless..
What are the default color values for the Holo theme on Android 4.0? list backgrounds primary and secondary text ActionBar etc. Google gives some examples at the Themes and Color style guidelines but they don't really go into the actual color values being used. I can grab them from the images but I ™d rather use something..
How can I implement custom Action Bar with custom buttons in Android? not using the ActionBar at all but I wouldn't recommend that. You may also consider reading through the Android Design Guidelines to get a better idea on how to design your ActionBar. If you choose to forgo the ActionBar and use your own layout instead..
Android: How to detect double-tap? something else The advantages over a long touch over a double touch Long Press is a recommeded interaction in the UI Guidelines double touch is not. It's what users expect a user might not find a double touch action as they won't go looking for it..
Change the side the text appears on a radio button work with a RadioGroup. @CommonsWare It's worth mentioning that it's incredibly ironic to bring up Human Interface Guidelines in response to this particular question. Especially considering that adjusting the RadioButton layout to place the button..
Android gotchas and lessons learned
Size of android notification bar and title bar? a better way. android share improve this question Maybe this is a helpful approach Referring to the Icon Design Guidelines there are only three different heights for the status notification bar depending on the screen density 24px for LDPI 32px..
Most popular screen sizes/resolutions on Android phones topic. I have already read the following three pages Supporting Multiple Screens Screen Sizes and Densites Icon Design Guidelines They do not give the information statistics that I am looking for. Judging from the second link the two most important screen..
How to Create Borderless Buttons in Android [duplicate] How to create standard Borderless buttons like in the design guidline mentioned 7 answers The Android Design Guidelines say to use borderless buttons see picture below but don't really explain how. Someone asked this same question a few weeks..
Android compatibility contextual action bar compatibility contextual action bar In trying to follow the Android Design Guidelines I'm running into a small quandary. I want to have a list of items that I can long press several of multi select and then.. have a list of items that I can long press several of multi select and then perform bulk actions on them. The Design Guidelines suggest using the Contextual Action Bar for this and it sounds perfectly like what i had in mind. Problem is I'm trying..