android Programming Glossary: gethttpclient
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request @link DefaultHttpClient private static DefaultHttpClient getHttpClient HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams Set the timeout.. se String result null HttpClient httpclient getHttpClient try HttpResponse httpResponse httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity..
Maintain cookie session in Android Régis Décamps private HttpClient getHttpClient final DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient synchronized..
HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue certificate . This is how I do it HttpClient httpClient getHttpClient for int i 0 i PARAMS.length mHttpPost.isAborted i mHttpPost.setURI.. response httpClient.execute mHttpPost ... With getHttpClient defined as follows public static DefaultHttpClient getHttpClient.. defined as follows public static DefaultHttpClient getHttpClient DefaultHttpClient client null Setting up parameters HttpParams..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? with connection parameters set private static HttpClient getHttpClient if mHttpClient null mHttpClient new DefaultHttpClient final.. Exception BufferedReader in null try HttpClient client getHttpClient HttpPost request new HttpPost url UrlEncodedFormEntity formEntity.. Exception BufferedReader in null try HttpClient client getHttpClient HttpGet request new HttpGet request.setURI new URI url HttpResponse..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request int SOCKET_TIMEOUT 10000 @return httpClient An instance of @link DefaultHttpClient private static DefaultHttpClient getHttpClient HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. The default.. Content Type application soap xml charset UTF 8 httppost.setEntity se String result null HttpClient httpclient getHttpClient try HttpResponse httpResponse httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity responseEntity httpResponse.getEntity if null responseEntity..
Maintain cookie session in Android without keeping in memory the full DefaultHttpClient. @author Régis Décamps private HttpClient getHttpClient final DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient synchronized mLock if mCookie null mCookie httpClient.getCookieStore..
HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue for sending POST requests to a server using a self signed certificate . This is how I do it HttpClient httpClient getHttpClient for int i 0 i PARAMS.length mHttpPost.isAborted i mHttpPost.setURI URI.create mUri PARAMS i .getPath mHttpPost.setEntity.. new UrlEncodedFormEntity PARAMS i .getContents HTTP.UTF_8 HttpResponse response httpClient.execute mHttpPost ... With getHttpClient defined as follows public static DefaultHttpClient getHttpClient DefaultHttpClient client null Setting up parameters HttpParams.. response httpClient.execute mHttpPost ... With getHttpClient defined as follows public static DefaultHttpClient getHttpClient DefaultHttpClient client null Setting up parameters HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams HttpProtocolParams.setVersion..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? of our HttpClient object. @return an HttpClient object with connection parameters set private static HttpClient getHttpClient if mHttpClient null mHttpClient new DefaultHttpClient final HttpParams params mHttpClient.getParams HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout.. String url ArrayList NameValuePair postParameters throws Exception BufferedReader in null try HttpClient client getHttpClient HttpPost request new HttpPost url UrlEncodedFormEntity formEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity postParameters request.setEntity.. Exception public static String executeHttpGet String url throws Exception BufferedReader in null try HttpClient client getHttpClient HttpGet request new HttpGet request.setURI new URI url HttpResponse response client.execute request in new BufferedReader..