android Programming Glossary: getintent
How do I restart an Android Activity question I did my theme switcher like this Intent intent getIntent finish startActivity intent Basically I'm calling finish first..
Caching images and displaying savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main s getIntent .getExtras .getString url new ProgressTask Tools_ListItemActivity.this..
handle textview link click in my android app In my target activity I can retrieve this address Uri data getIntent .getData In my example I could simply check data for null values..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? can pull them back out with getParcelableExtra Intent i getIntent MyParcelable myParcelableObject MyParcelable i.getParcelableExtra..
How can I pass a Bitmap object from one activity to another bitmap and retrieve it on the other end Intent intent getIntent Bitmap bitmap Bitmap intent.getParcelableExtra BitmapImage ..
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android
Launch custom android application from android browser any way to check. Edit To answer your question you can use getIntent .getData which returns a Uri object. You can then use Uri. methods.. clicked on a link to http status 1234 Uri data getIntent .getData String scheme data.getScheme http String host data.getHost..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' fillData private void fillData Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras long catID extras.getLong cat_id Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchNews..
Android and MJPEG super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String mac String extras.get MAC ..
How to start new activity on button click void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState Intent intent getIntent String value intent.getStringExtra key if it's a string you..
How to get extra data from intent in android? get the intent which has started your activity using the getIntent method Intent intent getIntent If your extra data is represented.. your activity using the getIntent method Intent intent getIntent If your extra data is represented as strings then you can use..
Android post picture to Facebook wall method photos.upload Toast.makeText FacebookPoster.this getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data .length Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner.. is the data of a picture. params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data try facebook.request me photos..
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Passing a Bundle on startActivity()? the launched Activity you would read them via String value getIntent .getExtras .getString key NOTE Bundles have get and put methods..
How do I restart an Android Activity act.finish android android activity share improve this question I did my theme switcher like this Intent intent getIntent finish startActivity intent Basically I'm calling finish first and I'm using the exact same intent this activity was started..
Caching images and displaying savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated method stub super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main s getIntent .getExtras .getString url new ProgressTask Tools_ListItemActivity.this .execute @Override protected void onListItemClick..
handle textview link click in my android app action to perform id that might be needed In my target activity I can retrieve this address Uri data getIntent .getData In my example I could simply check data for null values because when ever it isn't null I'll know it was invoked..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? Intent i.putExtra name_of_extra myParcelableObject Then you can pull them back out with getParcelableExtra Intent i getIntent MyParcelable myParcelableObject MyParcelable i.getParcelableExtra name_of_extra If your Object Class implements Parcelable..
How can I pass a Bitmap object from one activity to another
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android
Launch custom android application from android browser they'll get a nasty error. And I'm not sure there's any way to check. Edit To answer your question you can use getIntent .getData which returns a Uri object. You can then use Uri. methods to extract the data you need. For example let's say the.. extract the data you need. For example let's say the user clicked on a link to http status 1234 Uri data getIntent .getData String scheme data.getScheme http String host data.getHost List String params data.getPathSegments..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.newslist fillData private void fillData Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras long catID extras.getLong cat_id Cursor c mDbHelper.fetchNews catID startManagingCursor c String from new String..
Android and MJPEG MjpegView mv @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String mac String extras.get MAC Log.i Other mac TextView tv TextView findViewById
How to start new activity on button click retrieved on the other side via code edited @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState Intent intent getIntent String value intent.getStringExtra key if it's a string you stored. added Don't forget to add your new activity in the AndroidManifest.xml..
How to get extra data from intent in android? android android intent share improve this question First get the intent which has started your activity using the getIntent method Intent intent getIntent If your extra data is represented as strings then you can use intent.getStringExtra String.. improve this question First get the intent which has started your activity using the getIntent method Intent intent getIntent If your extra data is represented as strings then you can use intent.getStringExtra String name method. In your case String..
Android post picture to Facebook wall what I have so far Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Toast.makeText FacebookPoster.this getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data .length Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray.. getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data .length Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request null.. params.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken The byte array is the data of a picture. params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data try facebook.request me photos params POST catch FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException..
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Passing a Bundle on startActivity()? this Example.class mIntent.putExtra key value Then in the launched Activity you would read them via String value getIntent .getExtras .getString key NOTE Bundles have get and put methods for all the primitive types Parcelables and Serializables...