android Programming Glossary: getlastnonconfigurationinstance
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? Create and populate planets. planets Planet getLastNonConfigurationInstance if planets null planets new Planet new Planet Mercury new..
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs new TabListener aboutFragment Tab selectedTab Tab getLastNonConfigurationInstance if selectedTab null bar.addTab mapTab false bar.addTab settingsTab.. help tips would be greatly appreciated. Also what about getLastNonConfigurationInstance It is deprecated. android android layout android fragments..
Save cache when rotate device invocation of your activity. In your onCreate method call getLastNonConfigurationInstance to retrieve the object the system is saving for you. If this..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? super.onCreate savedInstanceState mWorker Worker getLastNonConfigurationInstance if mWorker null mWorker.mActivity this ... @Override public..
getLastNonConfigurationInstance always returning null always returning null HashMap myMap HashMap getLastNonConfigurationInstance.. always returning null HashMap myMap HashMap getLastNonConfigurationInstance myMap is always null. getLastNonConfigurationInstance returns.. getLastNonConfigurationInstance myMap is always null. getLastNonConfigurationInstance returns an object. My map has two keys symbol and name . public..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? original now going away activity. Step #5 In onCreate if getLastNonConfigurationInstance is not null cast it to your AsyncTask class and call your setter..
Developing A Streaming Server For Android protected void onStart super.onStart ap AsyncPlayer getLastNonConfigurationInstance @Override protected void onStop super.onStop if ap null ap.stop..
Android - screen orientation reloads activity super.onCreate savedInstanceState image Bitmap getLastNonConfigurationInstance if bitmap null image downloadImage setImage bitmap @Override..
Maintain WebView content scroll position on orientation change OrientationChangeData data OrientationChangeData getLastNonConfigurationInstance if data null mHasToRestoreState true mProgressToRestore data.mProgress..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change void restoreAsyncTask pd new ProgressDialog Login.this if getLastNonConfigurationInstance null asyncLoginThread AsyncTask String Void Boolean getLastNonConfigurationInstance.. null asyncLoginThread AsyncTask String Void Boolean getLastNonConfigurationInstance if asyncLoginThread null if asyncLoginThread.getStatus .equals.. from the Activity and not the Fragment same goes with getLastNonConfigurationInstance . I've read some similar questions here with no answer. I understand..
How to get selected list items from a Listview with checkBox and Custom Adapter? item .getTag viewHolder.getCheckBox .setChecked planet.isChecked Create and populate planets. planets Planet getLastNonConfigurationInstance if planets null planets new Planet new Planet Mercury new Planet Venus new Planet Earth new Planet Mars new Planet Jupiter..
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs new TabListener settingsFragment aboutTab.setTabListener new TabListener aboutFragment Tab selectedTab Tab getLastNonConfigurationInstance if selectedTab null bar.addTab mapTab false bar.addTab settingsTab false bar.addTab aboutTab true setContentView R.layout.main.. to proceed for a couple of days but I am really confused. Any help tips would be greatly appreciated. Also what about getLastNonConfigurationInstance It is deprecated. android android layout android fragments android maps google maps android api 2 share improve this..
Save cache when rotate device . This object will be held and made available to the next invocation of your activity. In your onCreate method call getLastNonConfigurationInstance to retrieve the object the system is saving for you. If this function returns null proceed as you would normally. If it..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? bytes @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mWorker Worker getLastNonConfigurationInstance if mWorker null mWorker.mActivity this ... @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance return mWorker @Override..
getLastNonConfigurationInstance always returning null always returning null HashMap myMap HashMap getLastNonConfigurationInstance myMap is always null. getLastNonConfigurationInstance.. always returning null HashMap myMap HashMap getLastNonConfigurationInstance myMap is always null. getLastNonConfigurationInstance returns an object. My map has two keys symbol and name . public Object.. always returning null HashMap myMap HashMap getLastNonConfigurationInstance myMap is always null. getLastNonConfigurationInstance returns an object. My map has two keys symbol and name . public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance HashMap myMap new..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? return the AsyncTask after detaching it from the original now going away activity. Step #5 In onCreate if getLastNonConfigurationInstance is not null cast it to your AsyncTask class and call your setter to associate your new activity with the task. Step #6 Do..
Developing A Streaming Server For Android savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main @Override protected void onStart super.onStart ap AsyncPlayer getLastNonConfigurationInstance @Override protected void onStop super.onStop if ap null ap.stop @Override protected void onResume super.onResume if ap null..
Android - screen orientation reloads activity image null @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState image Bitmap getLastNonConfigurationInstance if bitmap null image downloadImage setImage bitmap @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance return bitmap..
Maintain WebView content scroll position on orientation change new MyWebViewClient mWebView.loadUrl http OrientationChangeData data OrientationChangeData getLastNonConfigurationInstance if data null mHasToRestoreState true mProgressToRestore data.mProgress To restore the current position you will have to..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change return super.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance private void restoreAsyncTask pd new ProgressDialog Login.this if getLastNonConfigurationInstance null asyncLoginThread AsyncTask String Void Boolean getLastNonConfigurationInstance if asyncLoginThread null if asyncLoginThread.getStatus.. new ProgressDialog Login.this if getLastNonConfigurationInstance null asyncLoginThread AsyncTask String Void Boolean getLastNonConfigurationInstance if asyncLoginThread null if asyncLoginThread.getStatus .equals AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED showProgressDialog public.. use onRetainNonConfigurationInstance since it has to be called from the Activity and not the Fragment same goes with getLastNonConfigurationInstance . I've read some similar questions here with no answer. I understand that it might require some working around to get this..