android Programming Glossary: getitemposition
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android or return POSITION_NONE in the adapter's getItemPosition method. What am I doing wrong Here's a basic example current and traversable views. Override the adapter method getItemPosition shown below . When we call mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged the.. ... your existing code @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return PagerAdapter.POSITION_NONE share improve..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically setData String data data @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE MyFragment public final class.. it's not a good match. The right solution is to override getItemPosition . When notifyDataSetChanged is called ViewPager calls getItemPosition.. . When notifyDataSetChanged is called ViewPager calls getItemPosition on all the items in its adapter to see whether they need to..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition Object object I believe that FragmentStatePagerAdapter does.. does not behave correctly when overriding getItemPosition Object object with the purpose of reordering the pages. Below.. the order of the pages changes to A C B . By overriding getItemPosition Object object we ensure that the current page being viewed A..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager longer exists return POSITION_NONE. @Override public int getItemPosition Object object int index views.indexOf object if index 1 return.. View pageToShow pager.setCurrentItem pagerAdapter.getItemPosition pageToShow true Finally you can use the following for your main..
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment getCount return this.fragments.size @Override public int getItemPosition Object object TODO Auto generated method stub return MyFragmentPagerAdapter.POSITION_NONE..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View first option is easier but bit more inefficient. Override getItemPosition in your PagerAdapter like this public int getItemPosition Object.. getItemPosition in your PagerAdapter like this public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager position frag.getId return frag @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE To make notifyDataSetChanged..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager the base class of your adapter. Second ViewPager uses the getItemPosition abstract method to check which pages should be destroyed and.. your new page. Thus to make fragment replacement work getItemPosition needs to be overridden in your adapter and must return POSITION_NONE.. public int getCount return NUM_ITEMS @Override public int getItemPosition Object object if object instanceof FirstPageFragment mFragmentAtPos0..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter this.customViewPager awesomePager @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE @Override public int getCount..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android the last one gets removed. I also tried to use an FragmentStatePagerAdapter or return POSITION_NONE in the adapter's getItemPosition method. What am I doing wrong Here's a basic example public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity.. disposes of views that fall outside the current and traversable views. Override the adapter method getItemPosition shown below . When we call mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged the ViewPager interrogates the adapter to determine what has changed..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically @Override public int getCount return slideCount public void setData String data data @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE MyFragment public final class MyFragment extends Fragment private String text public.. setTag and findViewWithTag doesn't work with fragments so it's not a good match. The right solution is to override getItemPosition . When notifyDataSetChanged is called ViewPager calls getItemPosition on all the items in its adapter to see whether they.. a good match. The right solution is to override getItemPosition . When notifyDataSetChanged is called ViewPager calls getItemPosition on all the items in its adapter to see whether they need to be moved to a different position or removed. By default getItemPosition..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition Object object I believe that FragmentStatePagerAdapter does not behave correctly when overriding getItemPosition Object.. getItemPosition Object object I believe that FragmentStatePagerAdapter does not behave correctly when overriding getItemPosition Object object with the purpose of reordering the pages. Below is a simple example. In the initial state the order of the.. the order of the pages is A B C . Upon calling toggleState the order of the pages changes to A C B . By overriding getItemPosition Object object we ensure that the current page being viewed A B or C does not change. public static class TestPagerAdapter..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager page should be displayed from left to right. If the page no longer exists return POSITION_NONE. @Override public int getItemPosition Object object int index views.indexOf object if index 1 return POSITION_NONE else return index Used by ViewPager. Called.. be in the adapter or this will crash. public void setCurrentPage View pageToShow pager.setCurrentItem pagerAdapter.getItemPosition pageToShow true Finally you can use the following for your main activity layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment position Returns the number of pages @Override public int getCount return this.fragments.size @Override public int getItemPosition Object object TODO Auto generated method stub return MyFragmentPagerAdapter.POSITION_NONE Interface FragmentData public..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View this question There are several ways to achieve this. The first option is easier but bit more inefficient. Override getItemPosition in your PagerAdapter like this public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged.. first option is easier but bit more inefficient. Override getItemPosition in your PagerAdapter like this public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged the view pager will remove all views and..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager frag HomeListFragment.newInstance position Attempt 2 fragId position frag.getId return frag @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE To make notifyDataSetChanged do something public class HomeListFragment extends ListFragment..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager pages you need to call notifyDataSetChanged that resides in the base class of your adapter. Second ViewPager uses the getItemPosition abstract method to check which pages should be destroyed and which should be kept. The default implementation of this function.. to keep all current pages and consequently not attaching your new page. Thus to make fragment replacement work getItemPosition needs to be overridden in your adapter and must return POSITION_NONE when called with an old to be hidden fragment as argument... else return SecondPageFragment.newInstance @Override public int getCount return NUM_ITEMS @Override public int getItemPosition Object object if object instanceof FirstPageFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof NextFragment return POSITION_NONE return..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter public AwesomePagerAdapter CustomViewPager awesomePager this.customViewPager awesomePager @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE @Override public int getCount return uris.size public DocumentNewView addViewAt int position..