android Programming Glossary: getextra
start a remote service and receive a result in Android by putExtra and can able to retrieve it in the service by getExtra . I need to return a value from service and receive it in activity..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? args fail args 'WebIntent' 'getUri' WebIntent.prototype.getExtra function params success fail return cordova.exec function args.. args success args function args fail args 'WebIntent' 'getExtra' params WebIntent.prototype.onNewIntent function callback .. res return true else if action.equals getExtra if args.length 1 PluginResult res new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION..
getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent from Intent launched from a pendingIntent I am trying to make.. Alarm worked. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Bundle b intent.getExtras String showname b.getString showname This is where I suppose..
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data to use putExtra and getExtra for string data Can someone please tell me how exactly to use.. string data Can someone please tell me how exactly to use getExtra and putExtra for Intent. Actually I have a string variable say.. findViewById Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if bundle.getString strName null TODO here get the string..
get the click event from webpage in my android application click on WebView. HitTestResult class has only two method. getExtra It return String. String has HTML element which is clicked by.. hr WebView v .getHitTestResult Log.i TAG getExtra hr.getExtra t t Type hr.getType return false Edited Refer.. hr WebView v .getHitTestResult Log.i TAG getExtra hr.getExtra t t Type hr.getType return false Edited Refer for perfect..
keeping a variable value across all android activities activity. mRowId variable is then given the row id using getExtra . The problem I now have is making mRowId available.. if mRowId null Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras mRowId extras null Long.parseLong extras.getString OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID.. if mRowId null Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras mRowId extras null Long.parseLong extras.getString OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID..
start a remote service and receive a result in Android to the activity app as modified result. I can able to send by putExtra and can able to retrieve it in the service by getExtra . I need to return a value from service and receive it in activity app. PS The thing i needed is the same way what we do..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? return cordova.exec function args success args function args fail args 'WebIntent' 'getUri' WebIntent.prototype.getExtra function params success fail return cordova.exec function args success args function args fail args 'WebIntent' 'getExtra'.. function params success fail return cordova.exec function args success args function args fail args 'WebIntent' 'getExtra' params WebIntent.prototype.onNewIntent function callback return cordova.exec function args callback args function args.. PluginResult.Status.OK i.hasExtra extraName callbackContext.sendPluginResult res return true else if action.equals getExtra if args.length 1 PluginResult res new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION callbackContext.sendPluginResult..
getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent from Intent launched from a pendingIntent I am trying to make some alarms after the user selects something with a time.. onReceive Context context Intent intent Toast.makeText context Alarm worked. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Bundle b intent.getExtras String showname b.getString showname This is where I suppose to receive it but its null NotificationManager manger NotificationManager..
How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data to use putExtra and getExtra for string data Can someone please tell me how exactly to use getExtra and putExtra for Intent. Actually I have a string.. to use putExtra and getExtra for string data Can someone please tell me how exactly to use getExtra and putExtra for Intent. Actually I have a string variable say str which stores some string data. Now I want to send this.. setContentView R.layout.table TextView userName TextView findViewById Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras if bundle.getString strName null TODO here get the string stored in the string variable and do setText on userName I..
get the click event from webpage in my android application will help us to find the HTML element which press when user click on WebView. HitTestResult class has only two method. getExtra It return String. String has HTML element which is clicked by user getType It return integer. It is used to identify which.. public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event WebView.HitTestResult hr WebView v .getHitTestResult Log.i TAG getExtra hr.getExtra t t Type hr.getType return false Edited Refer for perfect answer Detect click on HTML button through javascript.. boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event WebView.HitTestResult hr WebView v .getHitTestResult Log.i TAG getExtra hr.getExtra t t Type hr.getType return false Edited Refer for perfect answer Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android..
keeping a variable value across all android activities via an intent to pass a row id to the next activity. mRowId variable is then given the row id using getExtra . The problem I now have is making mRowId available to other activities i.e. MyUsual and DrinksList so I can.. bundle null null Long bundle.getSerializable OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID if mRowId null Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras mRowId extras null Long.parseLong extras.getString OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID null I then need to make this mRowId.. bundle null null Long bundle.getSerializable OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID if mRowId null Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras mRowId extras null Long.parseLong extras.getString OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID null populateFields drink1.setOnClickListener..