android Programming Glossary: getfilestreampath
Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 getResources .getResourceEntryName resId File subtitleFile getFileStreamPath fileName if subtitleFile.exists Log.d TAG Subtitle already exists..
Android: Intent.ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_STREAM doesn't attach any image when choosing Gmail app on htc Hero editableImageView.draw new Canvas bitmap File png getFileStreamPath getString R.string.file_name FileOutputStream out null try out..
image attachment to a mail.. how in android? .getString R.string.emlSendToFriendBody File file getFileStreamPath EMAIL_TEMP_FILE emailIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION..
Android - not able to attach a file in email fos.write string.getBytes fos.close File imageFile getFileStreamPath FILENAME Uri imageUri Uri.fromFile imageFile final Intent emailIntent..
Hosting an executable within Android application Context.MODE_PRIVATE fos.write buffer fos.close File file getFileStreamPath FILENAME file.setExecutable true Of course all this should be..
Retrieve Picasa Image for Upload from Gallery 1 ... public showImagePicker mTempFile getFileStreamPath yourTempFile mTempFile.getParentFile .mkdirs Intent intent new..
How to pass drawable between activities picname Make drawable out of the picture File filePath getFileStreamPath fileName Drawable d Drawable.createFromPath filePath.toString..
Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 private String getSubtitleFile int resId String fileName getResources .getResourceEntryName resId File subtitleFile getFileStreamPath fileName if subtitleFile.exists Log.d TAG Subtitle already exists return subtitleFile.getAbsolutePath Log.d TAG Subtitle..
Android: Intent.ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_STREAM doesn't attach any image when choosing Gmail app on htc Hero editableImageView.getHeight Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 editableImageView.draw new Canvas bitmap File png getFileStreamPath getString R.string.file_name FileOutputStream out null try out openFileOutput getString R.string.file_name MODE_WORLD_READABLE..
image attachment to a mail.. how in android? emailIntent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT getResources .getString R.string.emlSendToFriendBody File file getFileStreamPath EMAIL_TEMP_FILE emailIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION emailIntent.setType image jpeg emailIntent.putExtra..
Android - not able to attach a file in email FileOutputStream fos openFileOutput FILENAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE fos.write string.getBytes fos.close File imageFile getFileStreamPath FILENAME Uri imageUri Uri.fromFile imageFile final Intent emailIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND emailIntent.setType..
Hosting an executable within Android application FileOutputStream fos context.openFileOutput FILENAME Context.MODE_PRIVATE fos.write buffer fos.close File file getFileStreamPath FILENAME file.setExecutable true Of course all this should be done only once after installation. You can have a quick check..
Retrieve Picasa Image for Upload from Gallery YourActivity extends Activity File mTempFile int REQUEST_CODE_CHOOSE_PICTURE 1 ... public showImagePicker mTempFile getFileStreamPath yourTempFile mTempFile.getParentFile .mkdirs Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT null intent.setType image..
How to pass drawable between activities extras getIntent .getExtras String fileName extras.getString picname Make drawable out of the picture File filePath getFileStreamPath fileName Drawable d Drawable.createFromPath filePath.toString Apply it to the ImageView resource someImageView.setBackgroundDrawable..