android Programming Glossary: getfragments
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment R.layout.activity_principal1 List Fragment fragments getFragments AcoesMuscularesAdapter ama new AcoesMuscularesAdapter getSupportFragmentManager.. ama private List Fragment getFragments List Fragment fList new ArrayList Fragment fList.add FragmentAcoesMusculares.newInstance.. The FragmentAcoesMusculares the code inside the method getFragments is this class below public class FragmentAcoesMusculares extends..
Is there a way to get references for all currently active fragments in an Activity? Looks like the API currently misses a method like getFragments . However using the event onAttachFragment of class Activity..
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_principal1 List Fragment fragments getFragments AcoesMuscularesAdapter ama new AcoesMuscularesAdapter getSupportFragmentManager fragments ViewPager vp_contentAcoesMusculares_SequenciaExercicios.. vp_contentAcoesMusculares_SequenciaExercicios.setAdapter ama private List Fragment getFragments List Fragment fList new ArrayList Fragment fList.add FragmentAcoesMusculares.newInstance Fragment 1 1 fList.add FragmentAcoesMusculares.newInstance.. layout_marginTop 5dp android background #fff RelativeLayout The FragmentAcoesMusculares the code inside the method getFragments is this class below public class FragmentAcoesMusculares extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE..
Is there a way to get references for all currently active fragments in an Activity? android fragments android 3.0 share improve this question Looks like the API currently misses a method like getFragments . However using the event onAttachFragment of class Activity it should be quite easy to do what you want. I would do something..