android Programming Glossary: freezes
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload pDialog.dismiss So when i hit button for upload screen freezes and stay frozen until upload is complete and progress bar isnt..
AsyncTask's get() method: Is there any scenario where it is actually the best option? a synchronous solution to the AsyncTask class that blocks freezes the UI until the background operations are finished. Other than..
Why does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening? always. That is when I start to open it it glitches and freezes with about 4 millimeters open and always the same distance... opens if you just click the edge of the screen as in it freezes after initial open and never drags. Any pointers would be appreciated...
How to use AsyncTask The .get call causes the UI thread to be blocked so the UI freezes if the operation takes longer than a few millisecons while the..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out I press a button Image on my UI the entire application freezes and after a couple of seconds I getthe dreaded force close dialog..
Developing an Android smartphone app - on which devices would YOU suggest to check the app? [closed] improve this question The most problems in my app are freezes on droid... no other device reports freezes... just droid. If.. in my app are freezes on droid... no other device reports freezes... just droid. If you have access to different devices very..
Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data thread so it makes my app unresponsive the progress dialog freezes and sometimes does the app . how do i make this time less can..
Android Fragment standard transition not animating Instead of using a transit animation the fragment freezes for about a second and the just disapears and the new one appears...
Eclipse freeze accessing project -> properties -> android tab select the Android tab I want to add a library Eclipse freezes. I have to kill it. Has anyone run into this problem or know.. automatically stretches the full height of my monitor and freezes. So I killed it and went back in but this time starting on a..
In android Why my ProgressBar Freezes? at time of plotting that data on chart my progress bar get freezes does any one have idea why this is so...... THANKS in advance.....
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload dialog once got all details tvComment.setText responseMessage pDialog.dismiss So when i hit button for upload screen freezes and stay frozen until upload is complete and progress bar isnt showing at all. Sometimes it shows but its rly rear and i..
AsyncTask's get() method: Is there any scenario where it is actually the best option? to complete and then retrieves its result. Basically a synchronous solution to the AsyncTask class that blocks freezes the UI until the background operations are finished. Other than test purposes and even in those cases I can't really think..
Why does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening? drawer and only when opening and only happens sometimes not always. That is when I start to open it it glitches and freezes with about 4 millimeters open and always the same distance. It then would not continue opening nor close back if I move.. the glitch happens at the same distance of which the drawer opens if you just click the edge of the screen as in it freezes after initial open and never drags. Any pointers would be appreciated. java android android layout navigation drawer ..
How to use AsyncTask long myLong new DownloadFilesTask .execute somestring .get The .get call causes the UI thread to be blocked so the UI freezes if the operation takes longer than a few millisecons while the AsyncTask is executing because the execution does not take..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out my Android application I am getting a very strange crash when I press a button Image on my UI the entire application freezes and after a couple of seconds I getthe dreaded force close dialog appearing. Here is what gets printed in the log WARN WindowManager..
Developing an Android smartphone app - on which devices would YOU suggest to check the app? [closed] your help Best regards S. android testing smartphone share improve this question The most problems in my app are freezes on droid... no other device reports freezes... just droid. If you have access to different devices very good. If not test.. smartphone share improve this question The most problems in my app are freezes on droid... no other device reports freezes... just droid. If you have access to different devices very good. If not test at least all possible screen sizes and densities..
Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data it past the setAdapter result and this is running in UI thread so it makes my app unresponsive the progress dialog freezes and sometimes does the app . how do i make this time less can i make this also run in background or any way to increase..
Android Fragment standard transition not animating abcFragment ft.addToBackStack null ft.commit Instead of using a transit animation the fragment freezes for about a second and the just disapears and the new one appears. Using ft.setCustomAnimations android.R.anim.slide_in_left..
Eclipse freeze accessing project -> properties -> android tab new when I right click on the project and go to properties then select the Android tab I want to add a library Eclipse freezes. I have to kill it. Has anyone run into this problem or know how I might fix it Thanks EDIT Eclipse SDK Version 3.6.2 Build.. it. When I'd go to the Android tab in Properties the window automatically stretches the full height of my monitor and freezes. So I killed it and went back in but this time starting on a different category Resource in this case I squashed the window..
In android Why my ProgressBar Freezes? retrieving data from server showing that data on chart but at time of plotting that data on chart my progress bar get freezes does any one have idea why this is so...... THANKS in advance... private ProgressDialog pd private Handler handler new Handler..