android Programming Glossary: framerate
Framebuffer FBO render to texture is very slow, using OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android, why? to the framebuffer even trasparent without any color the framerates drops from 60 to 30 on a Samsung Galaxy w it has an adreno.. scene and blend a trasparent FBO texture to the screen the framerate drops. I tried other games with lighting effects on that phone..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec and it seems like it's lost all information regarding the framerate extremely fast playback . Also the color space looks incorrect.. the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service.. are not part of elementary stream. Either pre determined framerate is chosen or you pass on some sdp or something like that or..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match launch udpsrc port 5555 video x h264 width 640 height 480 framerate 15 1 ffdec_h264 autovideosink All works well except for the..
Android: ViewHolder pattern and different types of rows? of rows ViewHolder pattern improves ListView scrolling framerate as seen in following example http intl..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY ..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android? improve this question I'm affraid you can not. Preview framerate setting is hint for camera appplication which runs in separate..
Why are touch events destroying my Android framerate? are touch events destroying my Android framerate I'm developing a game for Android. It's got a lot going on.. be a fairly high priority as it absolutely obliterates the framerate. As soon as the touch ends the framerate returns to its nice.. obliterates the framerate. As soon as the touch ends the framerate returns to its nice state. I've tried having onTouchEvent handle..
android ffmpeg opengl es render movie it didn't make much of an improvement to the framerate. I then modified the code to modify a native Bitmap object on..
Framebuffer FBO render to texture is very slow, using OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android, why? try to blend it to the back buffer again. When I draw the FBO to the framebuffer even trasparent without any color the framerates drops from 60 to 30 on a Samsung Galaxy w it has an adreno 205 as gpu . I searched everywhere and tried everything even.. and tried everything even if I draw a single sprite on the scene and blend a trasparent FBO texture to the screen the framerate drops. I tried other games with lighting effects on that phone and they run fine almost every game is fine on that phone..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec to a file but this file is only playable with ffplay f h264 and it seems like it's lost all information regarding the framerate extremely fast playback . Also the color space looks incorrect atm using the camera's default on encoder's side . public.. bufferInfo 0 catch Throwable t t.printStackTrace Changing the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service this is not a good solution. I'm aware that I dropped some.. rate in advance or timestamps with each frame. Both of these are not part of elementary stream. Either pre determined framerate is chosen or you pass on some sdp or something like that or you use existing protocols like rtsp. In the second case the..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match use the following GStreamer pipeline to show the result gst launch udpsrc port 5555 video x h264 width 640 height 480 framerate 15 1 ffdec_h264 autovideosink All works well except for the colors. I need to set 2 colorformats in the computer one for..
Android: ViewHolder pattern and different types of rows? ViewHolder pattern and different types of rows ViewHolder pattern improves ListView scrolling framerate as seen in following example http intl de resources samples ApiDemos src com example android apis..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY I have a C game running through JNI in Android. The frame rate..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android? activity application manifest android camera preview share improve this question I'm affraid you can not. Preview framerate setting is hint for camera appplication which runs in separate process and it is free to accept or silently ignore it. It..
Why are touch events destroying my Android framerate? are touch events destroying my Android framerate I'm developing a game for Android. It's got a lot going on but is running reasonably smoothly. That is of course until.. y 0 roughly once every ten milliseconds at what appears to be a fairly high priority as it absolutely obliterates the framerate. As soon as the touch ends the framerate returns to its nice state. I've tried having onTouchEvent handle input for the.. at what appears to be a fairly high priority as it absolutely obliterates the framerate. As soon as the touch ends the framerate returns to its nice state. I've tried having onTouchEvent handle input for the game as usual having onTouchEvent return..
android ffmpeg opengl es render movie initialize a gltextImage2D only once and modify it with glSubTexImage2D it didn't make much of an improvement to the framerate. I then modified the code to modify a native Bitmap object on the NDK. With this approach I have a background thread that..