android Programming Glossary: freeing
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK whereToPut pixel AndroidBitmap_unlockPixels env newBitmap freeing the native memory used to store the pixels delete tempPixels..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory app comes to the background. If you don't want to forget freeing the memory you can either free it each time you restore the..
Diff b/w bitmap.recycle() and bitmap=null . So my question is will making my bitmap null help me in freeing up the used memory or should I provide bitmap.recycle in some..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory this would occassionally cause my app to become anorexic freeing and freeing bitmaps until there was nothing left to purge. Does.. occassionally cause my app to become anorexic freeing and freeing bitmaps until there was nothing left to purge. Does anyone know..
Android grow heap frag case message you see. If you do a lot of memory allocation and freeing you may run into fragmentation problems. Wikipedia has a decent..
Garbage collector in Android is running, but nothing is shown as being allocated in ddms' allocation tracker collector getting invoked every second or two and it is freeing up around 400k of memory per invocation. I look back at the..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? and so for a number of reasons I am trying to put memory freeing routines in onStop . Currently my onStop method sets some View..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK y uint32_t pixel tempPixels info.width y x newBitmapPixels whereToPut pixel AndroidBitmap_unlockPixels env newBitmap freeing the native memory used to store the pixels delete tempPixels return newBitmap java file static System.loadLibrary JniTest..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory being prioritized by the system to be killed first once your app comes to the background. If you don't want to forget freeing the memory you can either free it each time you restore the bitmap or make the class implement Closable . As a safety measure..
Diff b/w bitmap.recycle() and bitmap=null I am allowed to null the used bitmap by using bitmap null . So my question is will making my bitmap null help me in freeing up the used memory or should I provide bitmap.recycle in some other part of my code android bitmap out of memory share..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory adding the javaBytes total free to NativeHeapAllocSize but this would occassionally cause my app to become anorexic freeing and freeing bitmaps until there was nothing left to purge. Does anyone know the exact computation used to calculate the.. javaBytes total free to NativeHeapAllocSize but this would occassionally cause my app to become anorexic freeing and freeing bitmaps until there was nothing left to purge. Does anyone know the exact computation used to calculate the memory limit..
Android grow heap frag case until it's reached the max. I believe that's the Grow heap message you see. If you do a lot of memory allocation and freeing you may run into fragmentation problems. Wikipedia has a decent description here but basically means that you might have..
Garbage collector in Android is running, but nothing is shown as being allocated in ddms' allocation tracker series of changes to my application I suddenly see the garbage collector getting invoked every second or two and it is freeing up around 400k of memory per invocation. I look back at the changes that I made and I don't have any explicit allocations..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? have just implemented onConfigurationChanged in the Activity and so for a number of reasons I am trying to put memory freeing routines in onStop . Currently my onStop method sets some View s to display a default Drawable calls recycle on the Bitmap..