

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:49

android Programming Glossary: fragmenttransaction.add

How can I test fragments with Robolectric?


fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit Edit If you upgraded.. fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit share improve this..

Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2


getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.parada_info_map_container mMapFragment MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG..

Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time


getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map_root mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed


fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit @Test public void login..

Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue


fragmentTransaction getFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit return rootView..

AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments


myFragment new WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add android.R.id.content myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit..

How disable / remove android activity label and label bar?


retain the fragment object while rotating


.beginTransaction Fragment homeFragment new Home fragmentTransaction.add R.id.mainFragement homeFragment fragmentTransaction.commit ..

Android Fragment (with Compatibility Package on 2.3.3) creates “Specified child already has a parent error”


.beginTransaction NewsList newsList new NewsList fragmentTransaction.add R.id.activity_phone_tabbedviewer_fragment_container newsList..

Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them?


.show if set null set new SettingsFragment fragmentTransaction.add R.id.framelayout_content set SET else fragmentTransaction.show.. SettingsFragment 40ef... second. However if I replace fragmentTransaction.add R.id.framelayout_content set SET with fragmentTransaction.replace.. it doesn't seem to find the Fragment by tag. Edit2 Adding fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null did the trick. This saves the whole hiding memorizing..

Get the current fragment object


R.id.frameTitle casinodetailFragment fragmentTag fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null fragmentTransaction.commit It is setting different.. we have set fragment using fragmentTransaction.replac e or fragmentTransaction.add but will return null if we have set the object at xml like what..

getActionBar() returns null


to set a layout for the activity. Instead I was using fragmentTransaction.add android.R.id.content mFragment mTag to add a fragment to the.. that contained an empty FrameLayout. I can still use the fragmentTransaction.add android.R.id.content mFragment mTag method the same way as before...

Android FragmentTransaction commit When?


fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.laydetailsfragment FragmentsPool.getHelperFileFragment..

Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes


FragmentOne fragment new FragmentOne fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit.. FragmentOne fragment new FragmentOne fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit..

How can I test fragments with Robolectric?


FragmentActivity .getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit Edit If you upgraded to Robolectric 2.0 public static void startFragment Fragment..

Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2


add it using a FragmentTransaction. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.parada_info_map_container mMapFragment MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit We can't be guaranteed that the..

Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time


SupportMapFragment.newInstance FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map_root mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this SupportMapFragment mMapFragment as you will need it to retrieve..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed


FragmentActivity .getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit @Test public void login EditText idEditText EditText fragment.getActivity .findViewById..

Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue


SupportMapFragment.newInstance FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit return rootView Map_fragment.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments


Activity onCreate FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction myFragment new WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add android.R.id.content myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit I am using Gradle to include the AppCompat..

How disable / remove android activity label and label bar?


retain the fragment object while rotating


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getFragmentManager .beginTransaction Fragment homeFragment new Home fragmentTransaction.add R.id.mainFragement homeFragment fragmentTransaction.commit android android 3.0 share improve this question By default..

Android Fragment (with Compatibility Package on 2.3.3) creates “Specified child already has a parent error”


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction NewsList newsList new NewsList fragmentTransaction.add R.id.activity_phone_tabbedviewer_fragment_container newsList fragmentTransaction.setTransition FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE..

Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them?


SET Toast.makeText this Settings set Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if set null set new SettingsFragment fragmentTransaction.add R.id.framelayout_content set SET else fragmentTransaction.show set shownFragment SET fragmentTransaction.commit If I call.. go back to settings the toast gives me null first and Settings SettingsFragment 40ef... second. However if I replace fragmentTransaction.add R.id.framelayout_content set SET with fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.framelayout_content set SET I keep getting null null.. set SET I keep getting null null null ... so it doesn't seem to find the Fragment by tag. Edit2 Adding fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null did the trick. This saves the whole hiding memorizing which fragment is shown part so I suppose it's the..

Get the current fragment object


Fragment newFragment new FragmentType1 fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.frameTitle casinodetailFragment fragmentTag fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null fragmentTransaction.commit It is setting different types of Fragment objects FragmentType2 FragmentType3.. EDIT 2 findFragmentById and findFragmentByTag will work if we have set fragment using fragmentTransaction.replac e or fragmentTransaction.add but will return null if we have set the object at xml like what i have done in my main.xml . I think I miss something in..

getActionBar() returns null


a solution for this problem. I wasn't using the setContentView to set a layout for the activity. Instead I was using fragmentTransaction.add android.R.id.content mFragment mTag to add a fragment to the activity. This worked fine in 3.2 but in earlier honeycomb.. in my onCreate method and just supplying it with a layout that contained an empty FrameLayout. I can still use the fragmentTransaction.add android.R.id.content mFragment mTag method the same way as before. It's not the prettiest fix but it works. android android..

Android FragmentTransaction commit When?


fragmentManager getFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.laydetailsfragment FragmentsPool.getHelperFileFragment 501 recordDetails fragmentTransaction.commit myDetailsFragment..

Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction mFragmentManager.beginTransaction FragmentOne fragment new FragmentOne fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit And the fragment public class FragmentOne extends Fragment private.. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction mFragmentManager.beginTransaction FragmentOne fragment new FragmentOne fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit Be warned though problems will occur if you try and access Activity..