android Programming Glossary: friend
Compiling Android project from command line is slow 20 seconds which is AFAIK creating Dalvik bytecode. But my friend that also works on the same project on Windows using Eclipse..
How to create a Custom Dialog box in android? Values.this Updates After long time one of my friend asked me to make curved shape dialog with transparent background...
Is there an example of how to use a TouchDelegate in Android to increase the size of a view's click target? android share improve this question I asked a friend at Google and they were able to help me figure out how to use..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements to handle some of the application specific Facebook friend relations. Like the highscores in a game for example stuff like..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android uid pic_square from user where uid in select uid2 from friend where uid1 me order by birthday_date Bundle params new Bundle.. uid pic_square from user where uid in select uid2 from friend where uid1 me AND birthday_date ' month 01' AND birthday_date.. name birthday_date FROM user WHERE uid IN SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 me AND strlen birthday_date 0 AND substr birthday_date..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog 2.1 Use Groundy library Groundy is a library a friend and I wrote time ago. It basically helps you run pieces of code..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? works as expected. Let's say I have another adapter for friend info that follows the same structure as above when it is accessed..
launch facebook app from other app 544410940 will only show the info if you have added it as friend. otherwise redirects to another activity facebook
Android - Hold Button to Repeat Action like behaviour. Having got so far I called upon a friend who hasnt coded Android before but done lots of C# Java and..
Scala Programming for Android I was suggested to use a treeshake I was explained by a friend that this strips out all the unnecessary libraries from the..
New Activity in Android “enter from the side” the view with the home meny to the right and then enters a friend stream from the left and takes place on the screen. I want to..
Passing String array between two class in android application [closed] the rest of the string will not displayed. Some of my friend said using Bundle we can access string array between the class..
Facebook post on Friends wall in Android wall in Android I would like to post a picture to my friend's wall. But I logged in to my account say but.. say but now I want to post on to any of my friend wall. I am having all my friends id and Name. Is it possible.. to post on to any of my friend wall. I am having all my friends id and Name. Is it possible to Post a picture in friends wall..
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error friends dialog returns &ldquo Unknown method&rdquo error So I have.. I didn't find anything on documentation pages telling that friends dialog is not allowed on touch devices. I am using the following.. SampleDialogListener mFacebook.dialog TestActivity.this friends params new SampleDialogListener If it's not allowed is there..
Get friends emails with facebook api friends emails with facebook api I read lots of question about this.. of question about this issue. There is a way to get my friends emails with Graph Api FQL or something I really need to import.. my App. But it seems there is not possible. Even setting a friend's email as public I can't get it. android facebook facebook..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? uncertain about where to make subclasses of these. One friend suggested extending TimerTask as an inner class in my FeedParser..
Facebook Graph API: Getting a random N friends? Graph API Getting a random N friends I'm unsure if this is possible I'm developing an Android game.. and I want it to include profile pictures of 15 random friends. However it seems my only option is to call the graph API me.. it seems my only option is to call the graph API me friends several times with paging to get all of a users friends store..
How to create a resizable rectangle with user touch events on Android? view in response to touch events. RelativeLayout is your friend for arbitrary view positining. You can add homemade views to..
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget android onClick onReferAFrnd android text Refer A Friend android textColor @color white android textSize @dimen font_size..
android: swipe left or right to slide views gravity right center_vertical android onClick tellAFriend android text Tell A Friend android textSize 10dip RelativeLayout.. android onClick tellAFriend android text Tell A Friend android textSize 10dip RelativeLayout RelativeLayout RelativeLayout..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class.. new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class twitterFriendIntent.putExtra twitterfriends twitterFriends.. MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class twitterFriendIntent.putExtra twitterfriends twitterFriends startActivity..
How can i clear a SQLite database each time i start my app null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public List Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend friends new ArrayList Friend Cursor.. return mCursor public List Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend friends new ArrayList Friend Cursor result fetchAllUsers if.. Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend friends new ArrayList Friend Cursor result fetchAllUsers if result.moveToFirst do note.getString..
Sending email from android app b startActivity Intent.createChooser emailIntent Email to Friend This shows mail app gmail and bluetooth for user to choose...
Filter list view from edit text view. I have used an customize array adapter with object Friend. Friend object has name address and phone number but I only.. I have used an customize array adapter with object Friend. Friend object has name address and phone number but I only want to.. Log.d TAG constraint constraint List ChatObject filteredFriendList new LinkedList ChatObject for int i 0 i friendList.size..
Get friends emails with facebook api graph api facebook fql share improve this question Friend emails are not available and probably never will be via the..
Android - Share browser url to app from my HTC Desire to a BlueTooth Target to Facebook to Friend Stream to Google Mail to Google Mail SMS and Peep. What I want..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id name id mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener null public class FriendListRequestListener.. GET new FriendListRequestListener null public class FriendListRequestListener public void onComplete final String response.. final JSONArray friends json.getJSONArray data FacebookFriendsActivity.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable JSONObject data public..
Compiling Android project from command line is slow java file. Most of this time is spent in dex stage about 20 seconds which is AFAIK creating Dalvik bytecode. But my friend that also works on the same project on Windows using Eclipse says that compiling takes only a second or two on his machine...
How to create a Custom Dialog box in android? CustomDialogClass cdd new CustomDialogClass Values.this Updates After long time one of my friend asked me to make curved shape dialog with transparent background. So Here i have implement it. To Make curved shape you..
Is there an example of how to use a TouchDelegate in Android to increase the size of a view's click target? to say increase its clickable region by 4 pixels in every direction android share improve this question I asked a friend at Google and they were able to help me figure out how to use TouchDelegate. Here's what we came up with final View parent..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements location Facebook integration and I guess I'll need a database to handle some of the application specific Facebook friend relations. Like the highscores in a game for example stuff like that. I'm a web developer and don't know neither java or..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android Log.d LOG_TAG requestFriends String query select name birthday uid pic_square from user where uid in select uid2 from friend where uid1 me order by birthday_date Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method fql.query params.putString query query.. month c.get Calendar.MONTH 1 String query select name birthday uid pic_square from user where uid in select uid2 from friend where uid1 me AND birthday_date ' month 01' AND birthday_date ' month 31' ORDER BY birthday_date ASC but i am not getting.. single digits . Then your FQL would look like this SELECT name birthday_date FROM user WHERE uid IN SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 me AND strlen birthday_date 0 AND substr birthday_date 0 2 '01' AND substr birthday_date 3 5 '01' AND substr..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog progress if progress 100 mProgressDialog.dismiss 2.1 Use Groundy library Groundy is a library a friend and I wrote time ago. It basically helps you run pieces of code in a background service and it is based on the ResultReceiver..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? first adapter in this case usersinfo is accessed everything works as expected. Let's say I have another adapter for friend info that follows the same structure as above when it is accessed by a different activity it would seem to me that the nested..
launch facebook app from other app facebook wall facebook wall user 544410940 will only show the info if you have added it as friend. otherwise redirects to another activity facebook notifications facebook photos facebook
Android - Hold Button to Repeat Action I've created a custom numpad from buttons and want a backspace like behaviour. Having got so far I called upon a friend who hasnt coded Android before but done lots of C# Java and seems to know what he's doing. The code below works just fine..
Scala Programming for Android in Scala nothing too epic. Not being a Java programmer I was suggested to use a treeshake I was explained by a friend that this strips out all the unnecessary libraries from the jar files. I have not documented it but I found that someone..
New Activity in Android “enter from the side” To explain a bit better on my Android phone I can swipe the view with the home meny to the right and then enters a friend stream from the left and takes place on the screen. I want to do it in my app with buttonclicks it's the sliding i am after...
Passing String array between two class in android application [closed] sharing string array between the class but i get only one string the rest of the string will not displayed. Some of my friend said using Bundle we can access string array between the class but i dont know how to use the bundle function. can anyone..
Facebook post on Friends wall in Android post on Friends wall in Android I would like to post a picture to my friend's wall. But I logged in to my account say but now I want to post on to any of my friend wall. I am having.. a picture to my friend's wall. But I logged in to my account say but now I want to post on to any of my friend wall. I am having all my friends id and Name. Is it possible to Post a picture in friends wall by logged to my account If.. I logged in to my account say but now I want to post on to any of my friend wall. I am having all my friends id and Name. Is it possible to Post a picture in friends wall by logged to my account If so how is it possible android..
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error friends dialog returns &ldquo Unknown method&rdquo error So I have been trying this since many days. Could not find anything anywhere... Message This method isn't supported for this display type I didn't find anything on documentation pages telling that friends dialog is not allowed on touch devices. I am using the following code to do this Bundle params new Bundle params.putString.. params.putString id brent Log.i In on click params.toString SampleDialogListener mFacebook.dialog TestActivity.this friends params new SampleDialogListener If it's not allowed is there any alternative way to send a friend request from within an..
Get friends emails with facebook api friends emails with facebook api I read lots of question about this issue. There is a way to get my friends emails with Graph.. friends emails with facebook api I read lots of question about this issue. There is a way to get my friends emails with Graph Api FQL or something I really need to import my Fb contacts into my App. But it seems there is not possible... or something I really need to import my Fb contacts into my App. But it seems there is not possible. Even setting a friend's email as public I can't get it. android facebook facebook graph api facebook fql share improve this question Friend..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? efficient use of these classes or TimerTask . I am also very uncertain about where to make subclasses of these. One friend suggested extending TimerTask as an inner class in my FeedParser class to make it simpler. However to implement it in that..
Facebook Graph API: Getting a random N friends? Graph API Getting a random N friends I'm unsure if this is possible I'm developing an Android game and I want it to include profile pictures of 15 random friends... I'm unsure if this is possible I'm developing an Android game and I want it to include profile pictures of 15 random friends. However it seems my only option is to call the graph API me friends several times with paging to get all of a users friends.. want it to include profile pictures of 15 random friends. However it seems my only option is to call the graph API me friends several times with paging to get all of a users friends store the list then randomly select a subset of friends and retrieve..
How to create a resizable rectangle with user touch events on Android? from ImageView . Dragging is implemented as moving your view in response to touch events. RelativeLayout is your friend for arbitrary view positining. You can add homemade views to the layout just go to XML editing and type a com.mypackage.MyViewClass..
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget layout_weight 1 android background @drawable property_blue_blink android onClick onReferAFrnd android text Refer A Friend android textColor @color white android textSize @dimen font_size android textStyle bold TableRow TableRow android id..
android: swipe left or right to slide views @ id buy android background @drawable button_green_rhs android gravity right center_vertical android onClick tellAFriend android text Tell A Friend android textSize 10dip RelativeLayout RelativeLayout RelativeLayout LinearLayout share..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class twitterFriendIntent.putExtra twitterfriends twitterFriends.. at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class twitterFriendIntent.putExtra twitterfriends twitterFriends startActivity twitterFriendIntent catch TwitterException.. getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class twitterFriendIntent.putExtra twitterfriends twitterFriends startActivity twitterFriendIntent catch TwitterException e System.out.println..
How can i clear a SQLite database each time i start my app email email null null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public List Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend friends new ArrayList Friend Cursor result fetchAllUsers if result.moveToFirst do note.getString.. null null null null if mCursor null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public List Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend friends new ArrayList Friend Cursor result fetchAllUsers if result.moveToFirst do note.getString note.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. null mCursor.moveToFirst return mCursor public List Friend retrieveAllUsers List Friend friends new ArrayList Friend Cursor result fetchAllUsers if result.moveToFirst do note.getString note.getColumnIndexOrThrow NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE..
Sending email from android app Html.fromHtml b this is html text in email body. b startActivity Intent.createChooser emailIntent Email to Friend This shows mail app gmail and bluetooth for user to choose. I dont want user to show bluetooth in this list. What i need..
Filter list view from edit text that I typed but unfortunately it doesn't filter the list view. I have used an customize array adapter with object Friend. Friend object has name address and phone number but I only want to filter its name. In my activity... searchBarTextView.addTextChangedListener.. I typed but unfortunately it doesn't filter the list view. I have used an customize array adapter with object Friend. Friend object has name address and phone number but I only want to filter its name. In my activity... searchBarTextView.addTextChangedListener.. constraint constraint.toString .toLowerCase Log.d TAG constraint constraint List ChatObject filteredFriendList new LinkedList ChatObject for int i 0 i friendList.size i Friend newFriend friendList.get i Log.d TAG displayName..
Get friends emails with facebook api email as public I can't get it. android facebook facebook graph api facebook fql share improve this question Friend emails are not available and probably never will be via the Facebook Graph API or FQL. If you look at the documentation..
Android - Share browser url to app browser there is the possibility to forward URLs for example from my HTC Desire to a BlueTooth Target to Facebook to Friend Stream to Google Mail to Google Mail SMS and Peep. What I want to achive is to add my app into that list providing functionality..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields name id mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener null public class FriendListRequestListener public void onComplete final String response _error null.. fields name id mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener null public class FriendListRequestListener public void onComplete final String response _error null try JSONObject json Util.parseJson response.. _error null try JSONObject json Util.parseJson response final JSONArray friends json.getJSONArray data FacebookFriendsActivity.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable JSONObject data public void run try try data Util.parseJson response catch..