

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:49

android Programming Glossary: fragmenttransaction.commit

Proper way to give initial data to fragments


item fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack DETAIL_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit Then in my fragment public DetailFragment EventItem item mItem..

How can I test fragments with Robolectric?


fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit Edit If you upgraded to Robolectric 2.0 public static void..

Fragment add or replace not working


fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.frag fragment fragmentTransaction.commit ExampleFragments.java package com.example.learn.fragments import.. fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.frag fragment fragmentTransaction.commit It is important to note that the support library Fragment and..

Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2


mMapFragment MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit We can't be guaranteed that the map is available because Google.. .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.remove mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit private void setUpMapIfNeeded Do a null check to confirm that..

Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time


fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map_root mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this SupportMapFragment mMapFragment as you will need it..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed


fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit @Test public void login EditText idEditText EditText fragment.getActivity.. Activity has been destroyed in startFragment#fragmentTransaction.commit . Anyone knows how to fix this You can find whole source from..

Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue


fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit return rootView Map_fragment.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android..

AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments


android.R.id.content myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit I am using Gradle to include the AppCompat ActionBar library..

retain the fragment object while rotating


fragmentTransaction.add R.id.mainFragement homeFragment fragmentTransaction.commit android android 3.0 share improve this question By default..

Android Fragment (with Compatibility Package on 2.3.3) creates “Specified child already has a parent error”


FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE fragmentTransaction.commit Does anyone have any idea what is wrong Thanks in advanced ..

Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them?


SET else fragmentTransaction.show set shownFragment SET fragmentTransaction.commit If I call up the settings then something else and then go back.. set SET fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null fragmentTransaction.commit However this invoked an IllegalStateException Fragment already..

Fragment already added IllegalStateException


fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null Commit transaction fragmentTransaction.commit I call it from my container Activity for the first time gets..

Get the current fragment object


fragmentTag fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null fragmentTransaction.commit It is setting different types of Fragment objects FragmentType2..

Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes


fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit And the fragment public class FragmentOne extends Fragment private.. fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit Be warned though problems will occur if you try and access Activity..

swap fragment in an activity via animation


fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.container new FragB fragmentTransaction.commit Looking for some clue. Thanks in advance. android share improve..

Proper way to give initial data to fragments


R.id.center_container new DetailFragment item fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack DETAIL_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit Then in my fragment public DetailFragment EventItem item mItem item mPlaces Database.getContainerPlaces getActivity .getValidItems..

How can I test fragments with Robolectric?


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit Edit If you upgraded to Robolectric 2.0 public static void startFragment Fragment fragment FragmentActivity activity Robolectric.buildActivity..

Fragment add or replace not working


ExampleFragments fragment new ExampleFragments fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.frag fragment fragmentTransaction.commit ExampleFragments.java package com.example.learn.fragments import android.os.Bundle import android.support.v4.app.Fragment.. ExampleFragments fragment new ExampleFragments fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.frag fragment fragmentTransaction.commit It is important to note that the support library Fragment and the normal Fragment are NOT interchangeable. They achieve..

Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2


.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.parada_info_map_container mMapFragment MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit We can't be guaranteed that the map is available because Google Play services might not be available. setUpMapIfNeeded.. fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.remove mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit private void setUpMapIfNeeded Do a null check to confirm that we have not already instantiated the map. if mMap null Try..

Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time


fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map_root mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this SupportMapFragment mMapFragment as you will need it to retrieve the GoogleMap object GoogleMap map mMapFragment.getMap..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit @Test public void login EditText idEditText EditText fragment.getActivity .findViewById R.id.main_id assertThat idEditText.. test class for Fragment class. It throws java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed in startFragment#fragmentTransaction.commit . Anyone knows how to fix this You can find whole source from https github.com msbaek frame test Thanks in advance android..

Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue


fragmentTransaction getFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add R.id.map mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit return rootView Map_fragment.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android xmlns tools http..

AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments


myFragment new WallFragment fragmentTransaction.add android.R.id.content myFragment myFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit I am using Gradle to include the AppCompat ActionBar library in my app. compile 'com.android.support appcompat v7 18.0...

retain the fragment object while rotating


.beginTransaction Fragment homeFragment new Home fragmentTransaction.add R.id.mainFragement homeFragment fragmentTransaction.commit android android 3.0 share improve this question By default android will retain the fragment objects In your code you..

Android Fragment (with Compatibility Package on 2.3.3) creates “Specified child already has a parent error”


newsList fragmentTransaction.setTransition FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE fragmentTransaction.commit Does anyone have any idea what is wrong Thanks in advanced android android fragments share improve this question Can..

Android Honeycomb: How to change Fragments in a FrameLayout, without re-creating them?


fragmentTransaction.add R.id.framelayout_content set SET else fragmentTransaction.show set shownFragment SET fragmentTransaction.commit If I call up the settings then something else and then go back to settings the toast gives me null first and Settings SettingsFragment.. set new Settings fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.framelayout_content set SET fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null fragmentTransaction.commit However this invoked an IllegalStateException Fragment already added much the same like here . Is there an easy way to prevent..

Fragment already added IllegalStateException


stack so it will be reversed when backbutton is pressed fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null Commit transaction fragmentTransaction.commit I call it from my container Activity for the first time gets into the else statement and mBFrag replace mAFrag. Then I..

Get the current fragment object


fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.frameTitle casinodetailFragment fragmentTag fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack null fragmentTransaction.commit It is setting different types of Fragment objects FragmentType2 FragmentType3 ... at different time. Now at some point of..

Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes


FragmentOne fragment new FragmentOne fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit And the fragment public class FragmentOne extends Fragment private static final String TAG FragmentTest.FragmentOne EditText.. FragmentOne fragment new FragmentOne fragmentTransaction.add R.id.fragment_container fragment fragmentTransaction.commit Be warned though problems will occur if you try and access Activity Views from inside the Fragment as the lifecycles will..

swap fragment in an activity via animation


fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.container new FragB fragmentTransaction.commit Looking for some clue. Thanks in advance. android share improve this question Old questiion and you probably already..