android Programming Glossary: frameworks
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? why. If you check https platform frameworks support refs heads master v4 java android support v4 app
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? do you install Google frameworks Play Accounts etc on a Genymotion virtual device I'm currently..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off setScreenState from http p platform frameworks base.git a blob f core java android os does what..
Bitmaps in Android AndroidDevelopers 2009 03 msg00023.html android platform frameworks base graphics java android graphics android platform.. java android graphics android platform frameworks base core jni android graphics Bitmap.cpp share improve this..
Source of Android's lock screen but it doesn't look like it's under platform frameworks base.git . Maybe it's closed source android android source.. directions . As of Android 4.2 the keyguard source is at frameworks base policy src com android internal policy impl keyguard ... Android 2.3 and lower had their lockscreen source at frameworks policies base phone com android internal policy impl . You can..
Is there a multiplatform framework for developing iPhone / Android applications? [closed] there such a framework existing or planned iphone android frameworks middleware share improve this question Phonegap is a javascript..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime be cool. do_9patch http p platform frameworks base.git a blob f tools aapt Images.cpp h 3c471ca76107cc49b5f8e3ca15e87725ed80faf9.. isNinePatchChunk http android mydroid 1.6 frameworks base core jni android graphics NinePatch.cpp struct Res_png_9patch.. sipX main sipXmediaLib contrib android android_2_0_headers frameworks base include utils ResourceTypes.h Dmitry Skiba stuff http
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] week. Good news for you you have a lot of choices. These frameworks take different approaches and many of them are fundamentally.. have strong feelings about programming languages Of the frameworks I'm familiar with you can choose from ActionScript C C# Java.. space so I haven't played as much with the JavaScript CSS frameworks like Titanium PhoneGap and Sencha. But I can tell you a bit..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? reading I thought I would explain why for people wondering why. If you check https platform frameworks support refs heads master v4 java android support v4 app You will see the instantiate .. method in the Fragment..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? do you install Google frameworks Play Accounts etc on a Genymotion virtual device I'm currently trying out Genymotion and boy it's so much faster than the..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off about using a hidden api to turn the screen off in my app. setScreenState from http p platform frameworks base.git a blob f core java android os does what I want but its a hidden API. Does that mean I shouldn't use..
Bitmaps in Android memory in the native heap. Source http ml AndroidDevelopers 2009 03 msg00023.html android platform frameworks base graphics java android graphics android platform frameworks base core jni android graphics Bitmap.cpp ..
Source of Android's lock screen etc . I tried looking in the repository at http but it doesn't look like it's under platform frameworks base.git . Maybe it's closed source android android source share improve this question Do an actual full checkout of.. an actual full checkout of the source according to Google's directions . As of Android 4.2 the keyguard source is at frameworks base policy src com android internal policy impl keyguard . There's a mirror on GitHub you can look at online I pegged this.. in a future release . When this question was originally answered Android 2.3 and lower had their lockscreen source at frameworks policies base phone com android internal policy impl . You can also view these sources online in their GitHub mirror that..
Is there a multiplatform framework for developing iPhone / Android applications? [closed] allow me to specify the target platform at build time. Is there such a framework existing or planned iphone android frameworks middleware share improve this question Phonegap is a javascript css html based framework that targets the iPhone Android..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime can't post links so if someone can edit my answer that would be cool. do_9patch http p platform frameworks base.git a blob f tools aapt Images.cpp h 3c471ca76107cc49b5f8e3ca15e87725ed80faf9 hb refs heads gingerbread isNinePatchChunk.. hb refs heads gingerbread isNinePatchChunk http android mydroid 1.6 frameworks base core jni android graphics NinePatch.cpp struct Res_png_9patch https rep sipX main sipXmediaLib contrib.. struct Res_png_9patch https rep sipX main sipXmediaLib contrib android android_2_0_headers frameworks base include utils ResourceTypes.h Dmitry Skiba stuff http p android4me source browse src android graphics..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] of companies in this space. New ones seem to spring up every week. Good news for you you have a lot of choices. These frameworks take different approaches and many of them are fundamentally designed to solve different problems. Some are focused on games.. environment do you prefer IDE or plain ol' text editor Do you have strong feelings about programming languages Of the frameworks I'm familiar with you can choose from ActionScript C C# Java Lua and Ruby. My company is more in the game space so I haven't.. C C# Java Lua and Ruby. My company is more in the game space so I haven't played as much with the JavaScript CSS frameworks like Titanium PhoneGap and Sencha. But I can tell you a bit about some of the games oriented frameworks. Games and rich..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? EDIT I'm trying to make this post somewhat useful to the comunity Sencha Touch like many other Javascript Frameworks are not the best example of performance due to javascript itself. Then Why use Senha Touch In my case Multiplatform iOS..
Android Google Directions Service usable natively? with wrapper framework? Public transit/biking directions available? Service Is there a native way on Android to use the Directions Service from Google or are there any nice Wrapper Frameworks I would like to retrieve the time needed to get from A to B and maybe show the route in a table and or map. As far as I..
Resources & Frameworks for mobile development (iphone,android) using HTML5 [closed] Frameworks for mobile development iphone android using HTML5 closed I am looking for resources to develop HTML5 apps for iphone primarily...
Locations of super() calls in Android Eclipse Plugin generated code reliable?
Mono for Android: Which Testing Frameworks work for Android Which Testing Frameworks work I have created a Mono for Android VS2010 project and added NUnit tests. It seems Mono for Android does not support..
How to understand the directory structure of android root tree? and more. External contains source code for all external open source projects such as SQLite Freetype and webkit. Frameworks this folder is essential to Android since it contains the sources for the framework. Here you will find the implementation..