android Programming Glossary: fragmentmanager
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? I suggested. You only need to Provide a constructor with a FragmentManager and call the super implementation Override getCount to return.. extends FragmentPagerAdapter public MyFragmentPagerAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm @Override public int getCount return 2 @Override.. mFragmentPagerAdapter new MyFragmentPagerAdapter getSupportFragmentManager mViewPager.setAdapter mFragmentPagerAdapter Of course there..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager 107 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 847 04 25 01 37 23.280.. 711 at 847 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 847 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 1032 04 25 01 37 23.280..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically page4 page5 page6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data pager.setAdapter adapter Button findViewById changed5 changed6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data adapter.setData data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged.. context private String data public MyFragmentAdapter FragmentManager fm int slideCount Context context String data super fm this.slideCount..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) reason to me is that the Activity holds a reference to the FragmentManager and the FragmentManager manages the backstack. That is no matter.. Activity holds a reference to the FragmentManager and the FragmentManager manages the backstack. That is no matter if you choose to retain.. to retain your Fragment s or not the Activity and thus the FragmentManager 's backstack will be destroyed on a configuration change. Another..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main FragmentManager manager getFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction manager.beginTransaction.. setContentView R.layout.main FragmentManager manager getFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction manager.beginTransaction transaction.add..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager savedInstanceState ... mAdapter new MyAdapter getSupportFragmentManager mPager ViewPager findViewById mPager.setAdapter.. 2 HomeListFragment fragment HomeListFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById mAdapter.fragId 0 fragment.updateDisplay public.. TitleProvider int fragId 0 0 0 0 0 public MyAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm @Override public String getTitle int position..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager R.layout.fragment_pager mAdapter new MyAdapter getSupportFragmentManager mPager ViewPager findViewById mPager.setAdapter mAdapter.. MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter public MyAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm @Override public int getCount return NUM_ITEMS.. public void onClick View v FragmentTransaction trans getFragmentManager .beginTransaction trans.replace
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? the same as fragments maybe this is the problem but FragmentManager already has all these fragments keeped somewhere where and starts.. mPagerAdapter new BasePagerAdapter screens getSupportFragmentManager mPager.setAdapter mPagerAdapter set title indicator TitlePageIndicator.. public BasePagerAdapter Map String Fragment screenMap FragmentManager fm super fm this.mScreens screenMap @Override public Fragment..
Proper way to give initial data to fragments to do was creating a new fragment this way FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace
How can I test fragments with Robolectric? void startFragment Fragment fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager new FragmentActivity .getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction.. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit.. .create .start .resume .get FragmentManager fragmentManager activity.getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction..
Fragment add or replace not working public void red View view fragmentManager getFragmentManager fragmentTransaction.. fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction ExampleFragments fragment new ExampleFragments.. this for example fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) mState true public TestPagerAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager @Override public int getCount return 3.. TestPagerAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager @Override public int getCount return 3 private void toggleState..
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager private Context context public MyAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager mFragmentManager fragmentManager @Override.. public MyAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager mFragmentManager fragmentManager @Override public CharSequence.. fragmentManager super fragmentManager mFragmentManager fragmentManager @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle int position return..
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager extends FragmentActivity public static FragmentManager fragmentManager @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. if you are coding for Android 3.0 or above. fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager Now we design the layout for the Showing.. SupportMapFragment. mMap SupportMapFragment MainActivity.fragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap Check if we were..
Replace fragment with another fragment inside ViewPager if a specific task succeeds. When I use.. FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction.. getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction transaction.replace has made a comeback. Then again if I use.. FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android . Them you can show it with fragmentManager tag . Here an example with the activity like listener public..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus String mTag null public MyTabListener FragmentManager fragmentManager Fragment fragment String tag mFragmentManager fragmentManager.. Fragment fragment String tag mFragmentManager fragmentManager mFragment fragment mTag tag @Override public void onTabReselected..
swap fragment in an activity via animation the below code to replace the position FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace
Fragment: which callback invoked when press back button & customize it fragment to replace the current fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager activity.getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction replace fragment fragmentTransaction.replace..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments have narrowed my problem down to being a problem with the fragmentManager retaining instances of old fragments and my viewpager being..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? in FragmentPagerAdapter if you're using what I suggested. You only need to Provide a constructor with a FragmentManager and call the super implementation Override getCount to return the number of fragments in your pager and getItem which is.. implements the pager static class MyFragmentPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter public MyFragmentPagerAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm @Override public int getCount return 2 @Override public Fragment getItem int position Fragment f switch position.. will give the pager all the fragments you need. Example mFragmentPagerAdapter new MyFragmentPagerAdapter getSupportFragmentManager mViewPager.setAdapter mFragmentPagerAdapter Of course there are other things to do like creating the tab buttons themselves..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager 107 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 847 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 107 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 847 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 1032.. 847 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at 1032 04 25 01 37 23.280 E AndroidRuntime 711 at
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically findViewById String data page1 page2 page3 page4 page5 page6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data pager.setAdapter adapter Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public.. void reload String data changed1 changed2 changed3 changed4 changed5 changed6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data adapter.setData data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged pager.invalidate pager.setCurrentItem 0 MyFragmentAdapter.. FragmentPagerAdapter private int slideCount private Context context private String data public MyFragmentAdapter FragmentManager fm int slideCount Context context String data super fm this.slideCount slideCount this.context context data @Override..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) reasons why it's not supported but the most obvious reason to me is that the Activity holds a reference to the FragmentManager and the FragmentManager manages the backstack. That is no matter if you choose to retain your Fragment s or not the Activity.. not supported but the most obvious reason to me is that the Activity holds a reference to the FragmentManager and the FragmentManager manages the backstack. That is no matter if you choose to retain your Fragment s or not the Activity and thus the FragmentManager.. manages the backstack. That is no matter if you choose to retain your Fragment s or not the Activity and thus the FragmentManager 's backstack will be destroyed on a configuration change. Another reason why it might not work is because things might get..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure layout_height match_parent and changed MyActivity to super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main FragmentManager manager getFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction manager.beginTransaction transaction.add MapFragment.newInstance.. and changed MyActivity to super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main FragmentManager manager getFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction manager.beginTransaction transaction.add MapFragment.newInstance transaction.commit..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager ViewPager mPager @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState ... mAdapter new MyAdapter getSupportFragmentManager mPager ViewPager findViewById mPager.setAdapter mAdapter @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode.. mPager.setAdapter mAdapter Attempt 2 HomeListFragment fragment HomeListFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById mAdapter.fragId 0 fragment.updateDisplay public static class MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements.. static class MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements TitleProvider int fragId 0 0 0 0 0 public MyAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm @Override public String getTitle int position return titles position @Override public int getCount return..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.fragment_pager mAdapter new MyAdapter getSupportFragmentManager mPager ViewPager findViewById mPager.setAdapter mAdapter Pager Adapter public static class MyAdapter extends.. mPager.setAdapter mAdapter Pager Adapter public static class MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter public MyAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm @Override public int getCount return NUM_ITEMS @Override public Fragment getItem int position if position.. button.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v FragmentTransaction trans getFragmentManager .beginTransaction trans.replace NextFragment.newInstance trans.setTransition FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? is created I try to create a new ViewPager fragments adapter the same as fragments maybe this is the problem but FragmentManager already has all these fragments keeped somewhere where and starts recreation mechanism for those. So recreation mechanism.. via adapter mPager ViewPager findViewById mPagerAdapter new BasePagerAdapter screens getSupportFragmentManager mPager.setAdapter mPagerAdapter set title indicator TitlePageIndicator indicator TitlePageIndicator findViewById implements TitleProvider private Map String Fragment mScreens public BasePagerAdapter Map String Fragment screenMap FragmentManager fm super fm this.mScreens screenMap @Override public Fragment getItem int position return mScreens.values .toArray new Fragment..
Proper way to give initial data to fragments clicks on a button the fragment is started. What I used to do was creating a new fragment this way FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace.. fragment this way FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace new DetailFragment item fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack..
How can I test fragments with Robolectric? throws InitializationError super testClass public static void startFragment Fragment fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager new FragmentActivity .getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction.. fragmentManager new FragmentActivity .getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add fragment null fragmentTransaction.commit Edit If you upgraded to Robolectric 2.0.. activity Robolectric.buildActivity FragmentActivity.class .create .start .resume .get FragmentManager fragmentManager activity.getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add..
Fragment add or replace not working the arguments int ExampleFragments Code from my main activity public void red View view fragmentManager getFragmentManager fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction ExampleFragments.. fragmentManager getFragmentManager fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction ExampleFragments fragment new ExampleFragments fragmentTransaction.replace fragment fragmentTransaction.commit.. also means calling getSupportFragmentManager . Something like this for example fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) TestPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter private boolean mState true public TestPagerAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager @Override public int getCount return 3 private void toggleState mState mState notifyDataSetChanged.. FragmentStatePagerAdapter private boolean mState true public TestPagerAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager @Override public int getCount return 3 private void toggleState mState mState notifyDataSetChanged private String getLabel..
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager mFragmentManager private Fragment mFragmentAtPos0 private Context context public MyAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager mFragmentManager fragmentManager @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle int position return.. private Fragment mFragmentAtPos0 private Context context public MyAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager mFragmentManager fragmentManager @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle int position return titles position @Override.. private Context context public MyAdapter FragmentManager fragmentManager super fragmentManager mFragmentManager fragmentManager @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle int position return titles position @Override public Fragment getItem int..
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager .class to show the Map public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity public static FragmentManager fragmentManager @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. I'm passing getSupportFragmentManager . You can pass getFragmentManager if you are coding for Android 3.0 or above. fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager Now we design the layout for the Showing the Map. location_fragment.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. the map. if mMap null Try to obtain the map from the SupportMapFragment. mMap SupportMapFragment MainActivity.fragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap Check if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null setUpMap This..
Replace fragment with another fragment inside ViewPager replace Fragment1 with a whole new fragment Fragment4 if a specific task succeeds. When I use.. FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction transaction.replace task succeeds. When I use.. FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction transaction.replace fragment4 transaction.commit ..the fragment is replaced beautifully.. the way to Fragment3 and then back to Fragment4 Fragment1 has made a comeback. Then again if I use.. FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction transaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction transaction.remove fragment1..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android . Override onCreateDialog and return your old Dialog or an AlertDialog . Them you can show it with fragmentManager tag . Here an example with the activity like listener public class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment public interface..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus mFragmentManager null private Fragment mFragment null private String mTag null public MyTabListener FragmentManager fragmentManager Fragment fragment String tag mFragmentManager fragmentManager mFragment fragment mTag tag @Override public void onTabReselected.. String mTag null public MyTabListener FragmentManager fragmentManager Fragment fragment String tag mFragmentManager fragmentManager mFragment fragment mTag tag @Override public void onTabReselected Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft do nothing @Override..
swap fragment in an activity via animation side of the screen with some transition animation. I tried the below code to replace the position FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace.. replace the position FragmentManager fragmentManager getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace new FragB fragmentTransaction.commit Looking for some clue...
Fragment: which callback invoked when press back button & customize it it MyFragment myFragment new MyFragment I use the above fragment to replace the current fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager activity.getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction replace fragment.. fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager activity.getSupportFragmentManager FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction replace fragment fragmentTransaction.replace myFragment myTag NOTE I did not..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments holds reference to old fragments LATEST INFO i have narrowed my problem down to being a problem with the fragmentManager retaining instances of old fragments and my viewpager being out of sync with my FragmentManager. See this issue... http..