android Programming Glossary: fragment.setarguments
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? args new Bundle 1 args.putString EXTRA_CRS_CODE crsCode fragment.setArguments args return fragment Views LinearLayout mLinearLayout Layout..
FragmentPagerAdapter getItem is not called image urls.get position Log.i image urls.get position fragment.setArguments b return fragment And In FragmentActivity pager.setAdapter..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) new Bundle args.putParcelableArrayList KEY_POINTS points fragment.setArguments args return fragment @Override public void onSaveInstanceState..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? .cat bundle.putInt postid m_ArrayList.get arg2 .postid fragment.setArguments bundle BaseContainerFragment getParentFragment .replaceFragment..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? AnswersFragmentWebView.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments bundle FragmentInfo fragmentInfo new FragmentInfo TransactionMethods.ADD..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? bundle.putInt WebViewFragment.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments bundle FragmentInfo fragmentInfo new FragmentInfo TransactionMethods.ADD..
Android: Saving Fragment state in ViewPager? Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt position position fragment.setArguments args return fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater..
How to transfer some data to another Fragment? Fragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt key value fragment.setArguments bundle Bundle has put methods for lots of data types. See http..
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? fragment new StationInfoAccessibilityFragment final Bundle args new Bundle 1 args.putString EXTRA_CRS_CODE crsCode fragment.setArguments args return fragment Views LinearLayout mLinearLayout Layout Inflater private LayoutInflater mInflater Station Crs Code..
FragmentPagerAdapter getItem is not called Bundle b new Bundle b.putInt p position b.putString image urls.get position Log.i image urls.get position fragment.setArguments b return fragment And In FragmentActivity pager.setAdapter new ExamplePagerAdapter getSupportFragmentManager res2 android..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) points MyMapFragment fragment new MyMapFragment Bundle args new Bundle args.putParcelableArrayList KEY_POINTS points fragment.setArguments args return fragment @Override public void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState super.onSaveInstanceState outState mMapView.onSaveInstanceState..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? arg2 .description bundle.putString cat m_ArrayList.get arg2 .cat bundle.putInt postid m_ArrayList.get arg2 .postid fragment.setArguments bundle BaseContainerFragment getParentFragment .replaceFragment fragment true return rootView That's it. You are good..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? AnswersFragmentWebView.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt AnswersFragmentWebView.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments bundle FragmentInfo fragmentInfo new FragmentInfo TransactionMethods.ADD containerViewId fragmentInfo.setAnimation inAnimation..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? bundle.putString WebViewFragment.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType bundle.putInt WebViewFragment.CONTAINER_ID containerViewId fragment.setArguments bundle FragmentInfo fragmentInfo new FragmentInfo TransactionMethods.ADD containerViewId fragmentInfo.setAnimation inAnimation..
Android: Saving Fragment state in ViewPager? TestFragment.newInstance TestFragment fragment new TestFragment Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt position position fragment.setArguments args return fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState..
How to transfer some data to another Fragment? Use a Bundle. Here's an example Fragment fragment new Fragment Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putInt key value fragment.setArguments bundle Bundle has put methods for lots of data types. See http reference android os Bundle.html Then..