android Programming Glossary: fragment2
Working with ViewPager and Fragments private Fragment fragments new Fragment new Fragment1 Fragment2 Fragment3 Fragment4 Fragment5 then implement getItem method..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack that replaces the first fragment to the backstack frag new Fragment2 transaction getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction transaction.replace.. Press back once and then issue the following code frag new Fragment2 transaction getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction transaction.replace..
Android 4.2: back stack behaviour with nested fragments .beginTransaction .addToBackStack null .add 2 new Fragment2 .commit public class Fragment2 extends Fragment @Override public.. null .add 2 new Fragment2 .commit public class Fragment2 extends Fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater.. .beginTransaction .addToBackStack null .add 2 new Fragment2 .commit public class Fragment2 extends Fragment @Override public..
Difference between FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter some data which user enter and via activity pass it into Fragment2 which is just simple ListFragment . Fragment3 is also ListFragment..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments fm getSupportFragmentManager setActionBar fragment2 new Fragment2 FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add
Replace fragment with another fragment inside ViewPager to host three different fragments Fragment1 Fragment2 Fragment3 What I'm trying to achieve is to successfully replace.. Fragment1.newInstance context_ break case 1 fragment Fragment2.newInstance context_ break case 2 fragment Fragment3.newInstance..
Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager to host three different fragments Fragment1 Fragment2 Fragment3 When I want to get Fragment1 from the ViewPager in..
ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event id to each of you fragment like 1 for Fragment1 2 for Fragment2 and likewise now whenever you want to pass any data and update..
ActionBar Tabs with multiple fragments wrap_content fragment android name com.example.tabrefactor.Fragment2 android id @ id fragment_2 android layout_height wrap_content.. TabActivity extends FragmentActivity Fragment1 fragment1 Fragment2 fragment2 Fragment3 fragment3 Fragment4 fragment4 @Override.. activity private Fragment1 fragment1 private Fragment2 fragment2 private Fragment3 fragment3 public ListTabListener..
Video blinks once on onCreate of previous fragment public class Fragment2 extends Fragment ImageViewTouch imgview LayoutInflater inflater.. buf BitmapWeakReference bitmap ViewGroup con static Fragment2 frag2 public static Fragment2 newInstance int num if frag2 null.. bitmap ViewGroup con static Fragment2 frag2 public static Fragment2 newInstance int num if frag2 null frag2 new Fragment2 return..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager fragment1 new Tab1 Fragment fragment3 new Tab3 Fragment fragment2 new Tab2 Fragment fragment5 new Tab5 Fragment fragment4 new.. fragment3 tab2.setTabListener new MyTabListener fragment2 tab5.setTabListener new MyTabListener fragment5 tab4.setTabListener..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments fm getSupportFragmentManager setActionBar fragment2 new Fragment2 FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add.. fragment1 frag1 ft.add fragment2 frag2 ft.commit private void setActionBar ActionBar actionBar..
ActionBar Tabs with multiple fragments extends FragmentActivity Fragment1 fragment1 Fragment2 fragment2 Fragment3 fragment3 Fragment4 fragment4 @Override protected.. fragment1Tag fragment1_tag private static final String fragment2Tag fragment2_tag private static final String fragment3Tag fragment3_tag.. fragment1_tag private static final String fragment2Tag fragment2_tag private static final String fragment3Tag fragment3_tag private..
Working with ViewPager and Fragments this question Declare this inside your MyFragmentPagerAdapter private Fragment fragments new Fragment new Fragment1 Fragment2 Fragment3 Fragment4 Fragment5 then implement getItem method like this @Override public Fragment getItem int index return..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack 2 fragment add it to the view and add the transaction that replaces the first fragment to the backstack frag new Fragment2 transaction getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction transaction.replace frag transaction.addToBackStack.. frag transaction.commit END OF SETUP CODE NOW Press back once and then issue the following code frag new Fragment2 transaction getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction transaction.replace frag transaction.addToBackStack..
Android 4.2: back stack behaviour with nested fragments super.onViewCreated view savedInstanceState getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .addToBackStack null .add 2 new Fragment2 .commit public class Fragment2 extends Fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container.. getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .addToBackStack null .add 2 new Fragment2 .commit public class Fragment2 extends Fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState.. super.onViewCreated view savedInstanceState getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .addToBackStack null .add 2 new Fragment2 .commit public class Fragment2 extends Fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container..
Difference between FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter a separate module with large amount of data. Fragment1 handle some data which user enter and via activity pass it into Fragment2 which is just simple ListFragment . Fragment3 is also ListFragment . So my questions are Which adapter should I use FragmentPagerAdapter..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments null setContentView R.layout.activity_main FragmentManager fm getSupportFragmentManager setActionBar fragment2 new Fragment2 FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add fragment1 frag1 ft.add fragment2..
Replace fragment with another fragment inside ViewPager ViewPager I'm using a ViewPager together with a FragmentPagerAdapter to host three different fragments Fragment1 Fragment2 Fragment3 What I'm trying to achieve is to successfully replace Fragment1 with a whole new fragment Fragment4 if a specific.. position Fragment fragment null switch position case 0 fragment Fragment1.newInstance context_ break case 1 fragment Fragment2.newInstance context_ break case 2 fragment Fragment3.newInstance context_ break default break return fragment Edit. So..
Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager ViewPager I'm using a ViewPager together with a FragmentStatePagerAdapter to host three different fragments Fragment1 Fragment2 Fragment3 When I want to get Fragment1 from the ViewPager in the FragmentActivity . What is the problem and how do I fix..
ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event new IntentFilter fragmentupdater Now assign a unique id to each of you fragment like 1 for Fragment1 2 for Fragment2 and likewise now whenever you want to pass any data and update any of the fragment just send a broadcast with the data in..
ActionBar Tabs with multiple fragments android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content fragment android name com.example.tabrefactor.Fragment2 android id @ id fragment_2 android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content fragment android name com.example.tabrefactor.Fragment3.. look slightly different than the normal stuff public class TabActivity extends FragmentActivity Fragment1 fragment1 Fragment2 fragment2 Fragment3 fragment3 Fragment4 fragment4 @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. static final String fragment3Tag fragment3_tag private FragmentActivity activity private Fragment1 fragment1 private Fragment2 fragment2 private Fragment3 fragment3 public ListTabListener FragmentActivity activity this.activity activity FragmentTransaction..
Video blinks once on onCreate of previous fragment import com.example.hscroll.library.imagezoom.ImageViewTouch public class Fragment2 extends Fragment ImageViewTouch imgview LayoutInflater inflater FileInputStream in BufferedInputStream buf BitmapWeakReference.. LayoutInflater inflater FileInputStream in BufferedInputStream buf BitmapWeakReference bitmap ViewGroup con static Fragment2 frag2 public static Fragment2 newInstance int num if frag2 null frag2 new Fragment2 return frag2 private final String PATH.. in BufferedInputStream buf BitmapWeakReference bitmap ViewGroup con static Fragment2 frag2 public static Fragment2 newInstance int num if frag2 null frag2 new Fragment2 return frag2 private final String PATH mnt sdcard Ideal Solar page_03.png..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager ActionBar.Tab tab5 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab5 Fragment fragment1 new Tab1 Fragment fragment3 new Tab3 Fragment fragment2 new Tab2 Fragment fragment5 new Tab5 Fragment fragment4 new Tab4 tab1.setTabListener new MyTabListener fragment1 tab3.setTabListener.. new MyTabListener fragment1 tab3.setTabListener new MyTabListener fragment3 tab2.setTabListener new MyTabListener fragment2 tab5.setTabListener new MyTabListener fragment5 tab4.setTabListener new MyTabListener fragment4 actionBar.addTab tab1 actionBar.addTab..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments null setContentView R.layout.activity_main FragmentManager fm getSupportFragmentManager setActionBar fragment2 new Fragment2 FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add fragment1 frag1 ft.add FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add fragment1 frag1 ft.add fragment2 frag2 ft.commit private void setActionBar ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS..
ActionBar Tabs with multiple fragments different than the normal stuff public class TabActivity extends FragmentActivity Fragment1 fragment1 Fragment2 fragment2 Fragment3 fragment3 Fragment4 fragment4 @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. implements ActionBar.TabListener private static final String fragment1Tag fragment1_tag private static final String fragment2Tag fragment2_tag private static final String fragment3Tag fragment3_tag private FragmentActivity activity private Fragment1.. ActionBar.TabListener private static final String fragment1Tag fragment1_tag private static final String fragment2Tag fragment2_tag private static final String fragment3Tag fragment3_tag private FragmentActivity activity private Fragment1 fragment1..