

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:08

android Programming Glossary: ensurelist

ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package


super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState ensureList Detach from list view. @Override public void onDestroyView.. @param position public void setSelection int position ensureList mList.setSelection position public long getSelectedPosition.. position public long getSelectedPosition ensureList return mList.getSelectedPosition public long getSelectedId ensureList..

ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package


to run. @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState ensureList Detach from list view. @Override public void onDestroyView mHandler.removeCallbacks mRequestFocus mList null super.onDestroyView.. list item to the specified position with the adapter's data @param position public void setSelection int position ensureList mList.setSelection position public long getSelectedPosition ensureList return mList.getSelectedPosition public long getSelectedId.. position public void setSelection int position ensureList mList.setSelection position public long getSelectedPosition ensureList return mList.getSelectedPosition public long getSelectedId ensureList return mList.getSelectedId public ExpandableListView..