android Programming Glossary: enhance
Combine custom title with FEATURE_PROGRESS Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS getWindow .setFeatureInt Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS Window.PROGRESS_VISIBILITY_ON Now wishing to enhance that title bar a little bit I want to change its background color. First step is to check if FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE is supported..
Android ActionBar - Push custom view to bottom of screen
Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible hard coding the setZoom within onCreate feels very antiquated and I'd like to enhance the user experience by initially having the MapView set the zoom until all GeoPoints OverlayItems are visible on the map...
Android: tween animation of a bitmap sprite.getX sprite.getY null The app is a physics simulation and so far this has worked out great. But now I'd like to enhance the animation by morphing between images for the sprites when certain events occur. For example when a collision happens..
Android Layouts for Multiple Screen Sizes if your layout will work on tablets you will also want to provide different layouts for those extra large devices to enhance user experience. Edit concerning your screenshots. ImageButton android id @ id btnSubmit android src @drawable submit android..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility else like your deprecated methods or load a different class or notify they should get a newer version of Android to enhance your app Hope that helps and shortcuts a lot of googling P.S. if in the else you want to use your deprectated methods still..