android Programming Glossary: engineengine
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES static SLObjectItf engineObject NULL static SLEngineItf engineEngine URI player interfaces static SLObjectItf uriPlayerObject NULL.. engineObject GetInterface engineObject SL_IID_ENGINE engineEngine assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result create output mix with environmental.. const SLboolean req 1 SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE result engineEngine CreateOutputMix engineEngine outputMixObject 1 ids req assert..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES #include assert.h #include sys types.h engine interfaces static SLObjectItf engineObject NULL static SLEngineItf engineEngine URI player interfaces static SLObjectItf uriPlayerObject NULL static SLPlayItf uriPlayerPlay static SLSeekItf uriPlayerSeek.. to create other objects LOGD get the engine interface result engineObject GetInterface engineObject SL_IID_ENGINE engineEngine assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result create output mix with environmental reverb specified as a non required interface LOGD create.. LOGD create output mix const SLInterfaceID ids 1 SL_IID_PLAYBACKRATE const SLboolean req 1 SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE result engineEngine CreateOutputMix engineEngine outputMixObject 1 ids req assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result realize the output mix LOGD realize..