android Programming Glossary: endcall
How do you programmatically end a call on 2.3+? StackOverflow seems to have noticed it either. MODIFY_PHONE_STATE is no longer working on silenceRinger since 2.3 but endCall is just fine. So the solution is to comment out the call to silenceRinger . Can't believe I've just spent a week on this..
Fetch dial number while calling. file Like this package import android.os.Bundle interface ITelephony boolean endCall void dial String number void answerRingingCall void abortCall And In OutgoingCallReceiver public class OutgoingCallReceiver.. m.invoke tm telephonyService ITelephony m.invoke telephony telephonyService.answerRingingCall telephonyService.endCall telephonyService.dial null telephonyService.abortCall catch Exception e e.printStackTrace And if you want to get IncomingCallReceiver..
No such method getITelephony to disconnect Call m c.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony m.setAccessible true ITelephony telephony ITelephony m.invoke manager telephony.endCall catch Exception e Log.d e.getMessage AndroidMaifest.xml with packgename of package.. with packgename of package ITelephony.aidl interface ITelephony boolean endCall void answerRingingCall void silenceRinger android broadcastreceiver android 4.0 share improve this question use of..
Reflection to access advanced telephony features Object retbinder telephonyCall telephonyClass.getMethod call String.class telephonyEndCall telephonyClass.getMethod endCall telephonyAnswerCall telephonyClass.getMethod answerRingingCall telephonyCall.invoke telephonyObject number java android..
How to reject incoming call programatically in android? [duplicate] incno1 telephonyService ITelephony m.invoke tm telephonyService.silenceRinger telephonyService.endCall Log.v TAG BYE BYE BYE else telephonyService.answerRingingCall Log.v TAG HELLO HELLO HELLO catch Exception e e.printStackTrace.. aidl under package interface ITelephony boolean endCall void answerRingingCall void silenceRinger mh Worked for me only in emulator not on real devices... and google removed this..
how to block a mobile number call and message receiving in android application development? method.invoke telephonyManager telephonyService.silenceRinger System.out.println in block_number telephonyService.endCall catch Exception e Toast.makeText context e.toString Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Turn OFF the mute audioManager.setStreamMute..