android Programming Glossary: endindex
How to get height of text with fixed width and get text length which fits in a frame? here String myText String tempStr int startIndex 0 int endIndex 0 calculate end index that fits endIndex myPaint.breakText myTest.. startIndex 0 int endIndex 0 calculate end index that fits endIndex myPaint.breakText myTest true frameWidth null 1 substring that.. fits into the frame tempStr myText.substring startIndex endIndex while endIndex myText.length 1 draw or add tempStr to the Frame..
https Session and posting problem .toString int startIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' int endIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' startIndex 1 ipAddress ipAddress.substring.. ' startIndex 1 ipAddress ipAddress.substring startIndex 1 endIndex this function is to authenticate with the database it returns..
Android: Copy to clipboard selected text from a TextView .toString int startIndex tv.getSelectionStart int endIndex tv.getSelectionEnd stringYouExtracted stringYouExtracted.subString.. stringYouExtracted stringYouExtracted.subString startIndex endIndex ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService..
How to get height of text with fixed width and get text length which fits in a frame? useful I haven't compiled it because I don't have android SDK here String myText String tempStr int startIndex 0 int endIndex 0 calculate end index that fits endIndex myPaint.breakText myTest true frameWidth null 1 substring that fits into the frame.. have android SDK here String myText String tempStr int startIndex 0 int endIndex 0 calculate end index that fits endIndex myPaint.breakText myTest true frameWidth null 1 substring that fits into the frame tempStr myText.substring startIndex endIndex.. myPaint.breakText myTest true frameWidth null 1 substring that fits into the frame tempStr myText.substring startIndex endIndex while endIndex myText.length 1 draw or add tempStr to the Frame at this point set new start index startIndex endIndex 1..
https Session and posting problem .replace ' ' ' ' ipAddress wifiMan.getDhcpInfo .toString int startIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' int endIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' startIndex 1 ipAddress ipAddress.substring startIndex 1 endIndex this function is to authenticate.. ipAddress.indexOf ' ' int endIndex ipAddress.indexOf ' ' startIndex 1 ipAddress ipAddress.substring startIndex 1 endIndex this function is to authenticate with the database it returns the id_subject if it is greater than 0 authentication was..
Android: Copy to clipboard selected text from a TextView this question TextView tv String stringYouExtracted tv.getText .toString int startIndex tv.getSelectionStart int endIndex tv.getSelectionEnd stringYouExtracted stringYouExtracted.subString startIndex endIndex ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager.. tv.getSelectionStart int endIndex tv.getSelectionEnd stringYouExtracted stringYouExtracted.subString startIndex endIndex ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText stringYouExtracted EDIT..