android Programming Glossary: endtime
Android Countdown Timer to Date created. TextView tv long diff long milliseconds long endTime @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. startTime System.currentTimeMillis do your work... long endTime System.currentTimeMillis diff endTime milliseconds Log.e day.. your work... long endTime System.currentTimeMillis diff endTime milliseconds Log.e day miliday diff long seconds long diff..
Android AlarmManager after reboot programme ua.getTitle String startTime ua.getStart String endTime ua.getEnd String nowPlaying ua.getChannel db.addAlarm new UAlarm.. ua.getChannel db.addAlarm new UAlarm programme startTime endTime nowPlaying final UAlarm ut new UAlarm ut.setTitle programme.. ut.setTitle programme ut.setStart startTime ut.setEnd endTime ut.setChannel nowPlaying ut.setId db.getLastEntered String bla..
How to make a LinearLayout scrollable layout_height wrap_content TextView android id @ id endTime android text @string endTime android layout_width wrap_content.. TextView android id @ id endTime android text @string endTime android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
How to launch Android Calendar application using Intent (Froyo) beginTime eventStartInMillis intent.putExtra endTime eventEndInMillis startActivity intent share improve this answer.. while writing Serializable object to external storage? public String title public String startTime public String endTime public boolean classEnabled public Context myContext public..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? then in the render loop public void onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep.. onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis..
how can i open the calendar from my app? 1 hour i.putExtra beginTime new Date .getTime i.putExtra endTime new Date .getTime DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS the action i.setAction..
How to set a reminder in Android? false intent.putExtra rrule FREQ DAILY intent.putExtra endTime cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 intent.putExtra title A Test..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? 9 14 7 30 startMillis beginTime.getTimeInMillis Calendar endTime Calendar.getInstance endTime.set 2012 9 14 8 45 endMillis endTime.getTimeInMillis.. Calendar endTime Calendar.getInstance endTime.set 2012 9 14 8 45 endMillis endTime.getTimeInMillis Insert.. Calendar.getInstance endTime.set 2012 9 14 8 45 endMillis endTime.getTimeInMillis Insert Event ContentResolver cr getContentResolver..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar true intent.putExtra rrule FREQ YEARLY intent.putExtra endTime cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 intent.putExtra title A Test.. 2012 0 2 9 0 0 long startTime start.getTimeInMillis long endTime end.getTimeInMillis cv.put dtstart startTime cv.put dtend endTime.. end.getTimeInMillis cv.put dtstart startTime cv.put dtend endTime Insertion on the events of the calendar cr.insert Uri.parse..
How to using intents to view calendar data? intent.putExtra beginTime beginMilliTS intent.putExtra endTime endMilliTS I got this working by using the values from begin..
Android Countdown Timer to Date extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. TextView tv long diff long milliseconds long endTime @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState tv new TextView this this.setContentView.. formatter.parse oldTime milliseconds oldDate.getTime long startTime System.currentTimeMillis do your work... long endTime System.currentTimeMillis diff endTime milliseconds Log.e day miliday diff long seconds long diff 1000 60 Log.e secnd.. oldDate.getTime long startTime System.currentTimeMillis do your work... long endTime System.currentTimeMillis diff endTime milliseconds Log.e day miliday diff long seconds long diff 1000 60 Log.e secnd miliday seconds long minutes long diff..
Android AlarmManager after reboot Context.ALARM_SERVICE for UAlarm ua alarms String programme ua.getTitle String startTime ua.getStart String endTime ua.getEnd String nowPlaying ua.getChannel db.addAlarm new UAlarm programme startTime endTime nowPlaying final UAlarm ut.. ua.getStart String endTime ua.getEnd String nowPlaying ua.getChannel db.addAlarm new UAlarm programme startTime endTime nowPlaying final UAlarm ut new UAlarm ut.setTitle programme ut.setStart startTime ut.setEnd endTime ut.setChannel nowPlaying.. startTime endTime nowPlaying final UAlarm ut new UAlarm ut.setTitle programme ut.setStart startTime ut.setEnd endTime ut.setChannel nowPlaying ut.setId db.getLastEntered String bla startTime.split int hour Integer.parseInt bla 0 .trim int..
How to make a LinearLayout scrollable id @ id TimePicker01 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content TextView android id @ id endTime android text @string endTime android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android textColor #ffffff.. layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content TextView android id @ id endTime android text @string endTime android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android textColor #ffffff DatePicker android id @ id..
How to launch Android Calendar application using Intent (Froyo) while writing Serializable object to external storage? MyClass implements Serializable other veriable stuff here... public String title public String startTime public String endTime public boolean classEnabled public Context myContext public MyClass Context context String title String startTime boolean..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? start like the constructor startTime System.currentTimeMillis then in the render loop public void onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis UpdateGame.. System.currentTimeMillis then in the render loop public void onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis UpdateGame dt RenderGame gl This way you will take..
how can i open the calendar from my app? millis. This example uses now as the start time and ends in 1 hour i.putExtra beginTime new Date .getTime i.putExtra endTime new Date .getTime DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS the action i.setAction Intent.ACTION_EDIT startActivity i code is untested copied..
How to set a reminder in Android? beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay false intent.putExtra rrule FREQ DAILY intent.putExtra endTime cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 intent.putExtra title A Test Event from android app startActivity intent Or the more complicated..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? 0 Calendar beginTime Calendar.getInstance beginTime.set 2012 9 14 7 30 startMillis beginTime.getTimeInMillis Calendar endTime Calendar.getInstance endTime.set 2012 9 14 8 45 endMillis endTime.getTimeInMillis Insert Event ContentResolver cr getContentResolver.. beginTime.set 2012 9 14 7 30 startMillis beginTime.getTimeInMillis Calendar endTime Calendar.getInstance endTime.set 2012 9 14 8 45 endMillis endTime.getTimeInMillis Insert Event ContentResolver cr getContentResolver ContentValues values.. 7 30 startMillis beginTime.getTimeInMillis Calendar endTime Calendar.getInstance endTime.set 2012 9 14 8 45 endMillis endTime.getTimeInMillis Insert Event ContentResolver cr getContentResolver ContentValues values new ContentValues TimeZone timeZone..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay true intent.putExtra rrule FREQ YEARLY intent.putExtra endTime cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 intent.putExtra title A Test Event from android app String.valueOf i startActivity intent.. 2012 0 2 8 0 0 Calendar end Calendar.getInstance end.set 2012 0 2 9 0 0 long startTime start.getTimeInMillis long endTime end.getTimeInMillis cv.put dtstart startTime cv.put dtend endTime Insertion on the events of the calendar cr.insert Uri.parse.. 0 2 9 0 0 long startTime start.getTimeInMillis long endTime end.getTimeInMillis cv.put dtstart startTime cv.put dtend endTime Insertion on the events of the calendar cr.insert Uri.parse content events cv It inserts my event but..
How to using intents to view calendar data? You have to add the event begin end time to intent's extra data intent.putExtra beginTime beginMilliTS intent.putExtra endTime endMilliTS I got this working by using the values from begin and end field of an event instance. This should work too with..