

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:08

android Programming Glossary: entity.addpart

How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android


CompressFormat.JPEG 75 bos byte data bos.toByteArray entity.addPart files new ByteArrayBody data myImage.jpg entity.addPart message0.. entity.addPart files new ByteArrayBody data myImage.jpg entity.addPart message0 new StringBody caption.getText .toString httpPost.setEntity..

Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server


FileBody filePhoto new FileBody destination entity.addPart image filePhoto catch Exception e Log.w ProductForm.class.getSimpleName.. Context.MODE_PRIVATE Charset chars Charset.forName UTF 8 entity.addPart barcode new StringBody bundle.getString barcode chars entity.addPart.. barcode new StringBody bundle.getString barcode chars entity.addPart name new StringBody bundle.getString name chars entity.addPart..

ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload


key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new FileBody new File nameValuePairs.get.. index .getValue image jpeg else Normal string data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new StringBody nameValuePairs.get.. key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart list.get index .getName new FileBody new File list.get index..

Sending images using Http Post


key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new FileBody new File nameValuePairs.get.. index .getValue else Normal string data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new StringBody nameValuePairs.get..

Android Multipart Upload


example.com MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart file new FileBody file httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse..

upload an image and audio in One request in android


for upload file MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart myIdentifier new StringBody somevalue entity.addPart myImageFile.. entity.addPart myIdentifier new StringBody somevalue entity.addPart myImageFile new FileBody imageFile entity.addPart myAudioFile.. entity.addPart myImageFile new FileBody imageFile entity.addPart myAudioFile new FileBody audioFile httpost.setEntity entity..

Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically


key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart postContent.get index .getName new FileBody new File postContent.get.. postContent.get index .getValue else Normal string data entity.addPart postContent.get index .getName new StringBody postContent.get..

How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android


bos new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmap.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 75 bos byte data bos.toByteArray entity.addPart files new ByteArrayBody data myImage.jpg entity.addPart message0 new StringBody caption.getText .toString httpPost.setEntity.. CompressFormat.JPEG 75 bos byte data bos.toByteArray entity.addPart files new ByteArrayBody data myImage.jpg entity.addPart message0 new StringBody caption.getText .toString httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost..

Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server


destination new File destinationFolder destinationImageName FileBody filePhoto new FileBody destination entity.addPart image filePhoto catch Exception e Log.w ProductForm.class.getSimpleName e SharedPreferences userSettings getSharedPreferences.. userSettings getSharedPreferences UserPreferences Context.MODE_PRIVATE Charset chars Charset.forName UTF 8 entity.addPart barcode new StringBody bundle.getString barcode chars entity.addPart name new StringBody bundle.getString name chars entity.addPart.. Charset chars Charset.forName UTF 8 entity.addPart barcode new StringBody bundle.getString barcode chars entity.addPart name new StringBody bundle.getString name chars entity.addPart description new StringBody bundle.getString description..

ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload


index .getName .equalsIgnoreCase image If the key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new FileBody new File nameValuePairs.get index .getValue image jpeg else Normal string.. index .getName new FileBody new File nameValuePairs.get index .getValue image jpeg else Normal string data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new StringBody nameValuePairs.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse.. if list.get index .getName .equalsIgnoreCase image If the key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart list.get index .getName new FileBody new File list.get index .getValue image jpeg else Normal string data entity.addPart..

Sending images using Http Post


index .getName .equalsIgnoreCase image If the key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new FileBody new File nameValuePairs.get index .getValue else Normal string data entity.addPart.. nameValuePairs.get index .getName new FileBody new File nameValuePairs.get index .getValue else Normal string data entity.addPart nameValuePairs.get index .getName new StringBody nameValuePairs.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse..

Android Multipart Upload


new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost http example.com MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart file new FileBody file httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response null try response httpClient.execute httpPost catch..

upload an image and audio in One request in android


want. Here is the stuff HttpPost httpost new HttpPost url for upload file MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart myIdentifier new StringBody somevalue entity.addPart myImageFile new FileBody imageFile entity.addPart myAudioFile new FileBody.. url for upload file MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart myIdentifier new StringBody somevalue entity.addPart myImageFile new FileBody imageFile entity.addPart myAudioFile new FileBody audioFile httpost.setEntity entity HttpResponse.. MultipartEntity entity.addPart myIdentifier new StringBody somevalue entity.addPart myImageFile new FileBody imageFile entity.addPart myAudioFile new FileBody audioFile httpost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response response httpclient.execute httpost and..

Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically


index .getName .equalsIgnoreCase image If the key equals to image we use FileBody to transfer the data entity.addPart postContent.get index .getName new FileBody new File postContent.get index .getValue else Normal string data entity.addPart.. postContent.get index .getName new FileBody new File postContent.get index .getValue else Normal string data entity.addPart postContent.get index .getName new StringBody postContent.get index .getValue httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response..