android Programming Glossary: dur
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android 33 id Text left 0 top 67 width 100 layout head body par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region.. body par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 993 par body smil . 22 14 1.. 320 width 320px height 160px fit meet layout head body par dur 5000ms img src 8555 region Image text src text_0.txt region..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery setUnselectedAlpha 1.0f setHapticFeedbackEnabled false int dur getResources .getInteger R.integer.transition_dur mGalleryAlphaOut.. int dur getResources .getInteger R.integer.transition_dur mGalleryAlphaOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getContext android.R.anim.fade_out.. true mGalleryAlphaOut.setDuration dur mGalleryAlphaOut.setAnimationListener mFadeOutAnimationListener..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER int durationId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DURATION.. String contactName cursor.getString contactNameId String duration cursor.getString durationId String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance.. contactNameId String duration cursor.getString durationId String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? null long now android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis int dur Math.max movie.duration 1 is it really animated int pos int.. android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis int dur Math.max movie.duration 1 is it really animated int pos int now dur movie.setTime.. movie.duration 1 is it really animated int pos int now dur movie.setTime pos movie.draw canvas x y The view won't trigger..
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android 67 id Image left 0 top 0 width 100 region fit meet height 33 id Text left 0 top 67 width 100 layout head body par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 993 par body smil . 22 14 1 application.. meet height 33 id Text left 0 top 67 width 100 layout head body par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 993 par body smil . 22 14 1 application smil null null null null smil smil.xml null null.. width 320px height 320px fit meet region id Text left 0 top 320 width 320px height 160px fit meet layout head body par dur 5000ms img src 8555 region Image text src text_0.txt region Text par body smil . 13 11 1 application smil 123_1.smil null..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery false setCallbackDuringFling true setUnselectedAlpha 1.0f setHapticFeedbackEnabled false int dur getResources .getInteger R.integer.transition_dur mGalleryAlphaOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getContext android.R.anim.fade_out.. true setUnselectedAlpha 1.0f setHapticFeedbackEnabled false int dur getResources .getInteger R.integer.transition_dur mGalleryAlphaOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getContext android.R.anim.fade_out mGalleryAlphaOut.setFillAfter true mGalleryAlphaOut.setDuration.. getContext android.R.anim.fade_out mGalleryAlphaOut.setFillAfter true mGalleryAlphaOut.setDuration dur mGalleryAlphaOut.setAnimationListener mFadeOutAnimationListener mGalleryAlphaIn AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getContext..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER int durationId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DURATION int contactNameId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME.. String contactNumber cursor.getString numberColumnId String contactName cursor.getString contactNameId String duration cursor.getString durationId String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString.. cursor.getString numberColumnId String contactName cursor.getString contactNameId String duration cursor.getString durationId String callDate DateFormat.getDateInstance .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? code . @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas if movie null long now android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis int dur Math.max movie.duration 1 is it really animated int pos int now dur movie.setTime pos movie.draw canvas x y The view won't.. protected void onDraw Canvas canvas if movie null long now android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis int dur Math.max movie.duration 1 is it really animated int pos int now dur movie.setTime pos movie.draw canvas x y The view won't trigger itself.. long now android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis int dur Math.max movie.duration 1 is it really animated int pos int now dur movie.setTime pos movie.draw canvas x y The view won't trigger itself to be redrawn without help and blindly calling invalidate..