android Programming Glossary: cursor.getint
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA int fileSize cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE long.. long duration TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.DURATION..
Delete call log in android for particular number bol cursor.moveToFirst if bol do int idOfRowToDelete cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls._ID getContentResolver..
Android SQLite and huge data sets Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex name TextView tvItemText TextView view.findViewById..
delete multiple items in custom listview Integer while cursor.moveToNext al_tmp_rec_id.add cursor.getInt 0 cursor.close for int i1 al_tmp_rec_id database.delete.. cursor.moveToNext categories new Category new Category cursor.getInt 0 cursor.getString 1 categoryList.addAll Arrays.asList categories..
How do I load a contact Photo? thumbnailId null if cursor.moveToFirst thumbnailId cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_ID return..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex address int type cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex type 2 sent etc. String date cursor.getString..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? for int r 0 r cursor.getCount r cursor.moveToNext int i cursor.getInt 0 int l cursor.getString 1 .length if l 0 keep any playlists..
How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images? Build URI to the main image from the cursor int imageID cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath..
Android Calendar Events cursor.getCount for int i 0 i CalNames.length i CalIds i cursor.getInt 0 CalNames i cursor.getString 1 cursor.moveToNext cursor.close..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? cursor.getString titleCol boolean completed Util.intToBool cursor.getInt completedCol holder.textview.setText title holder.textview.setChecked..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview Get the current value for the requested column int imageID cursor.getInt columnIndex obtain the image URI Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath..
Get data from sent SMS SmsRep singleSms new SmsRep cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow _id singleSms.address cursor.getString.. date 1000 ### the sent time singleSms.type cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow type singleSms.protocol cursor.getInt.. cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow type singleSms.protocol cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow protocol String smsSubject cursor.getString..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? sql new String if cursor.moveToFirst this.accId cursor.getInt 0 this.accName cursor.getString 1 this.accImage cursor.getBlob..
Android change contact picture ContactsContract.Data._ID if cursor.moveToFirst photoRow cursor.getInt idIdx cursor.close values.put ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID..
Android: how to mark sms as read in onReceive cursor.getColumnIndex address .equals number cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex read 0 if cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex..
Android - Update a contact ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI cursor.getInt 0 return Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY..
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data String filePath cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA int fileSize cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE long duration TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE long duration TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Video.Media.DURATION some extra potentially useful data to help with filtering if..
Delete call log in android for particular number null CallLog.Calls.NUMBER strNumberOne boolean bol cursor.moveToFirst if bol do int idOfRowToDelete cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls._ID getContentResolver .delete Uri.withAppendedPath CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI String.valueOf..
Android SQLite and huge data sets cursor public void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex name TextView tvItemText TextView view.findViewById tvItemText.setText data.getName..
delete multiple items in custom listview else ArrayList Integer al_tmp_rec_id new ArrayList Integer while cursor.moveToNext al_tmp_rec_id.add cursor.getInt 0 cursor.close for int i1 al_tmp_rec_id database.delete records_fields_data rec_id new String i1 database.delete.. found. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show cursor.close else while cursor.moveToNext categories new Category new Category cursor.getInt 0 cursor.getString 1 categoryList.addAll Arrays.asList categories cursor.close listAdapter new CategoryArrayAdapter..
How do I load a contact Photo? null null ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME ASC try Integer thumbnailId null if cursor.moveToFirst thumbnailId cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_ID return thumbnailId finally cursor.close final Bitmap fetchThumbnail..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? uri null selection null null String phone cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex address int type cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex type 2 sent etc. String date cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex date String body cursor.getString..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? playlist_uri STAR null null null cursor.moveToFirst for int r 0 r cursor.getCount r cursor.moveToNext int i cursor.getInt 0 int l cursor.getString 1 .length if l 0 keep any playlists with a valid data field and let me know list.add Keeping..
How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images? code to load the thumbnail image Android 2.x code is shown ... Build URI to the main image from the cursor int imageID cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..
Android Calendar Events String CalNames new String cursor.getCount int CalIds new int cursor.getCount for int i 0 i CalNames.length i CalIds i cursor.getInt 0 CalNames i cursor.getString 1 cursor.moveToNext cursor.close Fetching all events and particular event is done by specifying..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow Tasks.COMPLETED String title cursor.getString titleCol boolean completed Util.intToBool cursor.getInt completedCol holder.textview.setText title holder.textview.setChecked completed @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#runQueryOnBackgroundThread..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview cursor to current position cursor.moveToPosition position Get the current value for the requested column int imageID cursor.getInt columnIndex obtain the image URI Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Integer.toString..
Get data from sent SMS SmsRep try for cursor.moveToFirst cursor.isAfterLast cursor.moveToNext SmsRep singleSms new SmsRep cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow _id singleSms.address cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow address singleSms.timestamp.. address singleSms.timestamp cursor.getLong cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow date 1000 ### the sent time singleSms.type cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow type singleSms.protocol cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow protocol String smsSubject.. date 1000 ### the sent time singleSms.type cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow type singleSms.protocol cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow protocol String smsSubject cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex subject byte subjByts..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? String sql SELECT FROM ACCOUNTS Cursor cursor db.rawQuery sql new String if cursor.moveToFirst this.accId cursor.getInt 0 this.accName cursor.getString 1 this.accImage cursor.getBlob 2 if cursor null cursor.isClosed cursor.close db.close if..
Android change contact picture null where null null int idIdx cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Data._ID if cursor.moveToFirst photoRow cursor.getInt idIdx cursor.close values.put ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID ContentUris.parseId rawContactUri values.put ContactsContract.Data.IS_SUPER_PRIMARY..
Android: how to mark sms as read in onReceive uri null null null null try while cursor.moveToNext if cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex address .equals number cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex read 0 if cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex body .startsWith body String SmsMessageId cursor.getString..
Android - Update a contact cursor if cursor.getString 5 null Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI cursor.getInt 0 return Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY .toString return null Returns..