android Programming Glossary: cursor.isafterlast
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false ... cursor.moveToNext Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... for..
Android SQLite performance in complex queries cursor database.rawQuery sql args cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast TeamStats stat new TeamStats stat.setTeamId cursor.getLong 0..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address emails new ArrayList String cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast emails.add cursor.getString ProfileQuery.ADDRESS Potentially..
Get data from sent SMS messages new ArrayList SmsRep try for cursor.moveToFirst cursor.isAfterLast cursor.moveToNext SmsRep singleSms new SmsRep
Getting Number from Contacts Picker Phone.DATA if cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false phoneNumber cursor.getString phoneIdx allNumbers.add..
Efficient way to load all contacts and all phone numbers (Android 2.0) ASC cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false String contactNumber cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android cursor.getColumnIndex KEY_LONGITUDE for cursor.moveToFirst cursor.isAfterLast cursor.moveToNext result cursor.getString iRow cursor.getString..
How can I choose a phone number with Android's contacts dialog Phone.DATA if cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false phoneNumber cursor.getString phoneIdx allNumbers.add..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? moving on to the next row. Typical examples are as follows. Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false ... cursor.moveToNext Cursor cursor db.rawQuery ... for boolean hasItem cursor.moveToFirst hasItem hasItem cursor.moveToNext..
Android SQLite performance in complex queries s.score DESC s.go ASC which is then used like this Cursor cursor database.rawQuery sql args cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast TeamStats stat new TeamStats stat.setTeamId cursor.getLong 0 stat.setTeamName cursor.getString 1 stat.setGamesPlayed cursor.getInt..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address Loader Cursor cursorLoader Cursor cursor List String emails new ArrayList String cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast emails.add cursor.getString ProfileQuery.ADDRESS Potentially filter on ProfileQuery.IS_PRIMARY cursor.moveToNext .....
Get data from sent SMS 0 cursor.getCount return new ArrayList SmsRep List SmsRep messages new ArrayList SmsRep try for cursor.moveToFirst cursor.isAfterLast cursor.moveToNext SmsRep singleSms new SmsRep cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow _id singleSms.address..
Getting Number from Contacts Picker null Phone.CONTACT_ID new String id null phoneIdx cursor.getColumnIndex Phone.DATA if cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false phoneNumber cursor.getString phoneIdx allNumbers.add phoneNumber cursor.moveToNext else no results actions ..
Efficient way to load all contacts and all phone numbers (Android 2.0) null null ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME ASC cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false String contactNumber cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER String..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android int iLat cursor.getColumnIndex KEY_LATITUDE int iLon cursor.getColumnIndex KEY_LONGITUDE for cursor.moveToFirst cursor.isAfterLast cursor.moveToNext result cursor.getString iRow cursor.getString iName cursor.getDouble iLat latitude cursor.getDouble iLon..
How can I choose a phone number with Android's contacts dialog null Phone.CONTACT_ID new String id null phoneIdx cursor.getColumnIndex Phone.DATA if cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast false phoneNumber cursor.getString phoneIdx allNumbers.add phoneNumber cursor.moveToNext else no results actions ..