android Programming Glossary: currentsig
Supporting Amazon and Android market links inside application isMarket Context context boolean isMarketSig false int currentSig 1 try Signature sigs context.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo.. .signatures for Signature sig sigs currentSig sig.hashCode Log.i MyApp Signature hashcode sig.hashCode This.. with that value to determine if it's market or not. if currentSig 1545485543 isMarketSig true else isMarketSig false return isMarketSig..
How to support Amazon and Android Market links in same APK [duplicate] isMarket Context context boolean isMarketSig false int currentSig 1 I just set this to 1 to avoid any exceptions later on. try.. .signatures for Signature sig sigs currentSig sig.hashCode Log.i MyApp Signature hashcode sig.hashCode This.. with that value to determine if it's market or not. if currentSig 1545485543 isMarketSig true else isMarketSig false return isMarketSig..
Android get free size of internal/external memory
Supporting Amazon and Android market links inside application How to do this public static boolean isMarket Context context boolean isMarketSig false int currentSig 1 try Signature sigs context.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES .signatures.. .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES .signatures for Signature sig sigs currentSig sig.hashCode Log.i MyApp Signature hashcode sig.hashCode This Log is for first time testing so you can find out what the.. line above so I compare the current signature hashCode value with that value to determine if it's market or not. if currentSig 1545485543 isMarketSig true else isMarketSig false return isMarketSig public static void openStore Context context if isMarket..
How to support Amazon and Android Market links in same APK [duplicate] and Market both from the same APK. Do it public static boolean isMarket Context context boolean isMarketSig false int currentSig 1 I just set this to 1 to avoid any exceptions later on. try Signature sigs context.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName.. .getPackageInfo context.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES .signatures for Signature sig sigs currentSig sig.hashCode Log.i MyApp Signature hashcode sig.hashCode This Log is for first time testing so you can find out what the.. line above so I compare the current signature hashCode value with that value to determine if it's market or not. if currentSig 1545485543 isMarketSig true else isMarketSig false return isMarketSig public static void openStore Context context if isMarket..
Android get free size of internal/external memory