android Programming Glossary: currtime
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds ArrayList String callList new ArrayList.. values.put date callDate values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 this.db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat.. date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 getBaseContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange.. String numType String cNum String dur String date String currTime this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds ArrayList String callList new ArrayList String if cursor.moveToFirst do String contactNumber cursor.getString.. contact_number contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date callDate values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 this.db.insert CallDataHelper.TABLE_NAME null values Toast.makeText getBaseContext Inserted Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat MM dd yyyy Date date new Date ArrayList String callList.. contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 getBaseContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI new RatedCallsContentObserver.. public boolean insert Integer cId String cName String numType String cNum String dur String date String currTime this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name number_type contact_number duration date current_time cont..