android Programming Glossary: cursor1
how can i read inbox in android mobile? Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms Cursor cursor1 getContentResolver .query mSmsinboxQueryUri new String _id thread_id.. person date body type null null null startManagingCursor cursor1 String columns new String address person date body type if.. columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e..
I want to fetch and view sms conversations? Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms inbox Cursor cursor1 getContentResolver .query mSmsinboxQueryUri new String _id thread_id.. person date body type null null null startManagingCursor cursor1 String columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount.. String columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount while..
how can i read inbox in android mobile? android share improve this question Using the content resolver Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms Cursor cursor1 getContentResolver .query mSmsinboxQueryUri new String _id thread_id address person date body type null null null startManagingCursor.. .query mSmsinboxQueryUri new String _id thread_id address person date body type null null null startManagingCursor cursor1 String columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount.. date body type null null null startManagingCursor cursor1 String columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount Log.e Count count while cursor1.moveToNext out.write message..
I want to fetch and view sms conversations? share improve this question You can fetch sms inbox Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms inbox Cursor cursor1 getContentResolver .query mSmsinboxQueryUri new String _id thread_id address person date body type null null null startManagingCursor.. .query mSmsinboxQueryUri new String _id thread_id address person date body type null null null startManagingCursor cursor1 String columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount.. date body type null null null startManagingCursor cursor1 String columns new String address person date body type if cursor1.getCount 0 String count Integer.toString cursor1.getCount while cursor1.moveToNext String address cursor1.getString cursor1.getColumnIndex..