android Programming Glossary: currenttime
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? .getHours Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes currentTime DateFormat.format hh mm d.getTime currentDate DateFormat.format.. 0 Constants.dbHelper.updateData currentDate.toString currentTime.toString Facebook Image else Constants.dbHelper.insertData..
android CountDownTimer - additional milliseconds delay between ticks too long skip the intervals that were already missed long currentTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis do mNextTime mCountdownInterval .. do mNextTime mCountdownInterval while currentTime mNextTime Make sure this interval doesn't exceed the stop time..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? else a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height 0 0 long currentTime AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis boolean running a.getTransformation.. boolean running a.getTransformation currentTime layer.transformation if running animation is running draw..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View long startTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime long currentTime float elapsedRatio 0 Bitmap bufferBitmap carBitmap Matrix matrix.. draw your canvas here using whatever method you've defined currentTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime elapsedRatio currentTime startTime.. currentTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime elapsedRatio currentTime startTime durationOfAnimation As elapsed ratio will never exactly..
How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable? [closed] toAlpha @Override public boolean getTransformation long currentTime Transformation outTransformation if mPaused mElapsedAtPause.. if mPaused mElapsedAtPause 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime currentTime mElapsedAtPause.. currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime currentTime mElapsedAtPause return super.getTransformation currentTime outTransformation..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it counter int state 0 int length 20000 long startTime 0 long currentTime 0 long timeElapsed 0 long timeRemaining 0 long prevTimeRemaining.. control View view switch state case 0 startTime System.currentTimeMillis counter.start control.setText R.string.pause state 1 break.. control.setText R.string.pause state 1 break case 1 Pause currentTime System.currentTimeMillis timeElapsed currentTime startTime if..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes pos currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById pos currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById But that last line gives..
How to change a TextView every second in Android convert position to formatted minutes seconds string ... currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById minutes seconds string ... currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById But that fails because.. yet the text never changes from the original value of 0 00 currentTime.setText String.format d 0 d minutes seconds else currentTime.setText..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android if location.hasAccuracy return LocationQuality.BAD long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE.. return LocationQuality.BAD long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy.. long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy GOOD_ACCURACY..
How To implement a sqlite database in phonegap
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? null parameters POST time Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getHours Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes currentTime DateFormat.format hh mm d.getTime currentDate DateFormat.format dd MM yyyy d.getTime Cursor cursor Constants.dbHelper.. Constants.enhancedImage .getImagename if cursor.getCount 0 Constants.dbHelper.updateData currentDate.toString currentTime.toString Facebook Image else Constants.dbHelper.insertData true Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Image uploaded..
android CountDownTimer - additional milliseconds delay between ticks interval from the original start time If user's onTick took too long skip the intervals that were already missed long currentTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis do mNextTime mCountdownInterval while currentTime mNextTime Make sure this interval doesn't.. intervals that were already missed long currentTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis do mNextTime mCountdownInterval while currentTime mNextTime Make sure this interval doesn't exceed the stop time if mNextTime mStopTimeInFuture sendMessageAtTime obtainMessage..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? bounds.height parentBounds.width parentBounds.height else a.initialize bounds.width bounds.height 0 0 long currentTime AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis boolean running a.getTransformation currentTime layer.transformation if running.. bounds.height 0 0 long currentTime AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis boolean running a.getTransformation currentTime layer.transformation if running animation is running draw animation frame Matrix animationFrameMatrix layer.transformation.getMatrix..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View it. private void animateRotation int degrees float durationOfAnimation long startTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime long currentTime float elapsedRatio 0 Bitmap bufferBitmap carBitmap Matrix matrix new Matrix while elapsedRatio 1 matrix.setRotate elapsedRatio.. bufferBitmap 0 0 width height matrix true draw your canvas here using whatever method you've defined currentTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime elapsedRatio currentTime startTime durationOfAnimation As elapsed ratio will never exactly.. true draw your canvas here using whatever method you've defined currentTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime elapsedRatio currentTime startTime durationOfAnimation As elapsed ratio will never exactly equal 1 you have to manually draw the last frame matrix..
How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable? [closed] float fromAlpha float toAlpha super fromAlpha toAlpha @Override public boolean getTransformation long currentTime Transformation outTransformation if mPaused mElapsedAtPause 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime.. getTransformation long currentTime Transformation outTransformation if mPaused mElapsedAtPause 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime currentTime mElapsedAtPause return super.getTransformation currentTime outTransformation.. outTransformation if mPaused mElapsedAtPause 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime currentTime mElapsedAtPause return super.getTransformation currentTime outTransformation public void pause mElapsedAtPause 0 mPaused..
Passing data through Intent and receiving it .getIntExtra beefType 200 TextView timeDisplay MyCount counter int state 0 int length 20000 long startTime 0 long currentTime 0 long timeElapsed 0 long timeRemaining 0 long prevTimeRemaining 0 Button control public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. hours output hoursD minutesD secondsD return output public void control View view switch state case 0 startTime System.currentTimeMillis counter.start control.setText R.string.pause state 1 break case 1 Pause currentTime System.currentTimeMillis timeElapsed.. case 0 startTime System.currentTimeMillis counter.start control.setText R.string.pause state 1 break case 1 Pause currentTime System.currentTimeMillis timeElapsed currentTime startTime if prevTimeRemaining 0 timeRemaining length timeElapsed else..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” pos TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds pos TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes pos currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById But that last line gives me the exception android.view.ViewRoot.. pos TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes pos currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById But that last line gives me the exception android.view.ViewRoot CalledFromWrongThreadException..
How to change a TextView every second in Android catch InterruptedException e return ... convert position to formatted minutes seconds string ... currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById But that fails because I can only touch a TextView in the.. InterruptedException e return ... convert position to formatted minutes seconds string ... currentTime.setText time currentTime TextView findViewById But that fails because I can only touch a TextView in the thread where it was created... seconds no problem here if seconds 10 this is hit yet the text never changes from the original value of 0 00 currentTime.setText String.format d 0 d minutes seconds else currentTime.setText String.format d d minutes seconds timeHandler.postAtTime..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android Location location if location null return LocationQuality.BAD if location.hasAccuracy return LocationQuality.BAD long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy GOOD_ACCURACY return LocationQuality.GOOD.. if location null return LocationQuality.BAD if location.hasAccuracy return LocationQuality.BAD long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy GOOD_ACCURACY return LocationQuality.GOOD if location.getAccuracy.. LocationQuality.BAD if location.hasAccuracy return LocationQuality.BAD long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy GOOD_ACCURACY return LocationQuality.GOOD if location.getAccuracy ACCEPTED_ACCURACY..
How To implement a sqlite database in phonegap