android Programming Glossary: bb.order
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results src ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect 4 src.length bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder FloatBuffer inBuf bb.asFloatBuffer inBuf.put.. src ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect 2 src.length bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder ShortBuffer inBuf bb.asShortBuffer inBuf.put..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect squareVertices.length 4 bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder vertexBuffer bb.asFloatBuffer vertexBuffer.put..
What is the easiest way to draw line using OpenGL-ES (android) 4 use the device hardware's native byte order bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder create a floating point buffer from the..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? length 4 use the device hardware's native byte order bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder create a floating point buffer from the..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect screenshotSize 4 bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder gl.glReadPixels 0 0 width height GL10.GL_RGBA..
Android: How can you get framebuffer (screenshot) on rooted device? ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect screenshotSize 4 bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder gl.glReadPixels 0 0 width height GL10.GL_RGBA..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results float angle _angleZ angle FloatBuffer InitFloatBuffer float src ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect 4 src.length bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder FloatBuffer inBuf bb.asFloatBuffer inBuf.put src return inBuf ShortBuffer InitShortBuffer short src.. inBuf.put src return inBuf ShortBuffer InitShortBuffer short src ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect 2 src.length bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder ShortBuffer inBuf bb.asShortBuffer inBuf.put src return inBuf Init data for our rendered pyramid private..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL public DirectVideo int _texture texture _texture ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect squareVertices.length 4 bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder vertexBuffer bb.asFloatBuffer vertexBuffer.put squareVertices vertexBuffer.position 0 ByteBuffer dlb..
What is the easiest way to draw line using OpenGL-ES (android) number of coordinate values 4 bytes per float LineCoords.length 4 use the device hardware's native byte order bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder create a floating point buffer from the ByteBuffer VertexBuffer bb.asFloatBuffer add the coordinates..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? number of coordinate values 4 bytes per float lineCoords. length 4 use the device hardware's native byte order bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder create a floating point buffer from the ByteBuffer vertexBuffer bb.asFloatBuffer prepare shaders and..
Taking screenshot of Android OpenGL code if screenshot int screenshotSize width height ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect screenshotSize 4 bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder gl.glReadPixels 0 0 width height GL10.GL_RGBA GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE bb int pixelsBuffer new int..
Android: How can you get framebuffer (screenshot) on rooted device? int height dm.heightPixels int screenshotSize width height ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect screenshotSize 4 bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder gl.glReadPixels 0 0 width height GL10.GL_RGBA GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE bb int pixelsBuffer new int screenshotSize..