android Programming Glossary: androidmanifest
How to check the Internet Connection periodically in whole application? Not Connected Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show and then in your AndroidManifest you can check if you have connectivity uses permission android..
Designing an android tablet-only app running ICS in Google Play you would do this in your AndroidManifest supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ to register the receiver. This uses the AndroidManifest for the IntentFilter. The reason it works in 2.x is because..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure map api v2 input SHA1 get API key created AndroidManifest file permission android name
support for different screen sizes in android Restricting your app to specific screen sizes via the AndroidManifest manifest xmlns android http apk res android..
?œApp won't run unless you update Google Play services??with Google Maps API android layout_height match_parent RelativeLayout And AndroidManifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? a new activity to the AndroidManifest I'm on a new android project just a simple one. I have three.. tasks. Anyways how do I add these 3 activities do the AndroidManifest my manifest application uses sdk android minSdkVersion..
Logcat not displaying my log calls imported android.util.Log AND I have made sure that in my AndroidManifest I have debuggable set to TRUE. I have also checked http
Android dialer application dial Give your application permission to call in AndroidManifest uses permission android name android.permission.CALL_PHONE Set.. android name android.permission.CALL_PHONE Set in AndroidManifest intention that says to your phone to use your app when need..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? using a specific kind of account. It does this in the AndroidManifest. 1. Notify Android that your application packages provides syncing.. your application packages provides syncing First off in AndroidManifest.xml you have to declare that you have a Sync Service service.. Account type and a Content Authority Looking back again at AndroidManifest that strange meta data tag in our service is the key piece that..
Receiving package install and uninstall events by making a BroadcastReceiver and activating it inside the AndroidManifest file but this will detect even if my app is closed. So that..
Android - Start service on boot here is a complete example of an AutoStart Application AndroidManifest file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http..
How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android you can add configChanges attribute in your tag in the AndroidManifest file to stop the re creation of the Activity. activity android..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation in your AndroidManifest you are telling Android Please don't do the default reset when..
Admob implementation Error is an error called you must have AdActivity declared in AndroidManifest.xml with configChanges. I used Android 4.0 so above 3.2 but.. with getting the you must have AdActivity declared in AndroidManifest.xml with configChanges. error message after integrating the.. attribute of the definition of the AdActivity in your AndroidManifest.xml . As shown in the AdMob SDK Docs the definition needs to..
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects first activity that starts it is properly declared in the AndroidManifest . 03 22 15 07 28.984 E AndroidRuntime 22106 Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException..
How to check the Internet Connection periodically in whole application? .show else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Not Connected Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show and then in your AndroidManifest you can check if you have connectivity uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE uses permission..
Designing an android tablet-only app improve this question To get your app filtered for just Tablets running ICS in Google Play you would do this in your AndroidManifest supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens false android requiresSmallestWidthDp 600 android smallScreens..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ filter receiver In Android 3.0 you must use registerMediaButtonEventReceiver to register the receiver. This uses the AndroidManifest for the IntentFilter. The reason it works in 2.x is because you were registering it with this.registerReceiver which registered..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure create app in google apis console enabled google map api v2 input SHA1 get API key created AndroidManifest file permission android name android protectionLevel signature uses permission..
support for different screen sizes in android res drawable hdpi my_icon.png res drawable nodpi composite.xml Restricting your app to specific screen sizes via the AndroidManifest manifest xmlns android http apk res android ... supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens..
?œApp won't run unless you update Google Play services??with Google Maps API android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent RelativeLayout And AndroidManifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package io.secrop.where360..
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? a new activity to the AndroidManifest I'm on a new android project just a simple one. I have three tabs activity1 2 3 with different tasks. Anyways how do I.. a simple one. I have three tabs activity1 2 3 with different tasks. Anyways how do I add these 3 activities do the AndroidManifest my manifest application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 4 Yeah so where do i put it in eclipse android share improve..
Logcat not displaying my log calls but can't seem to find it in the LogCat. I have also imported android.util.Log AND I have made sure that in my AndroidManifest I have debuggable set to TRUE. I have also checked http reference android util Log.html w o any luck..
Android dialer application Intent dial new Intent Intent.ACTION_CALL number startActivity dial Give your application permission to call in AndroidManifest uses permission android name android.permission.CALL_PHONE Set in AndroidManifest intention that says to your phone to use.. application permission to call in AndroidManifest uses permission android name android.permission.CALL_PHONE Set in AndroidManifest intention that says to your phone to use your app when need a dialer When someone press the call button intent filter action..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? that you are capable of synchronizing a specific kind of content using a specific kind of account. It does this in the AndroidManifest. 1. Notify Android that your application packages provides syncing First off in AndroidManifest.xml you have to declare.. It does this in the AndroidManifest. 1. Notify Android that your application packages provides syncing First off in AndroidManifest.xml you have to declare that you have a Sync Service service android name .sync.mySyncService android exported true intent.. have this in place. 4. Establish a binding between an Account type and a Content Authority Looking back again at AndroidManifest that strange meta data tag in our service is the key piece that establishes the binding between a ContentAuthority and an..
Receiving package install and uninstall events is running. I managed to detect the installation of the app by making a BroadcastReceiver and activating it inside the AndroidManifest file but this will detect even if my app is closed. So that is why I need to manually activate and deactivate the broadcastreveiver...
Android - Start service on boot intentservice share improve this question Well here is a complete example of an AutoStart Application AndroidManifest file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package pack.saltriver..
How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android orientation rotates the Activity gets re started. In this case you can add configChanges attribute in your tag in the AndroidManifest file to stop the re creation of the Activity. activity android name .Activity_name android configChanges orientation keyboardHidden..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? Activity to help it adjust to such changes. When you define android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation in your AndroidManifest you are telling Android Please don't do the default reset when the keyboard is pulled out or the phone is rotated I want..
Admob implementation Error super.onDestroy Now when i'll start the app in the AdView is an error called you must have AdActivity declared in AndroidManifest.xml with configChanges. I used Android 4.0 so above 3.2 but it is not working. I hope anyone could help me. android eclipse.. share improve this question I had exactly the same problem with getting the you must have AdActivity declared in AndroidManifest.xml with configChanges. error message after integrating the latest AdMob SDK. Even though I have found this and the other.. part at first you are missing a few flags in the configChanges attribute of the definition of the AdActivity in your AndroidManifest.xml . As shown in the AdMob SDK Docs the definition needs to look like this activity android name
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects can not find the MainActivity. The MainActivity is the first activity that starts it is properly declared in the AndroidManifest . 03 22 15 07 28.984 E AndroidRuntime 22106 Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException my.....MainActivity 03 22 15 07 28.984..