android Programming Glossary: androideabi
openSSL using Android's NDK problems run the following make clean export PATH opt arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 bin PATH export LDFLAGS lssl lcrypto L home user Development.. android 8 arch arm usr include . configure host arm linux androideabi with ssl home user Development Projects portingLibs openssl..
How to get ndk-gdb working on Android? adb forward tcp 5055 tcp 5055 on host running arm linux androideabi gdb.exe from your app folder entering following commands in..
Android NDK linking done for all options opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g fpic c Client_Events.cpp Client Wrapper.cpp jni.cpp I opt.. link the lib in at all opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o.. ZeroMQ in statically opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 util incore export PATH ANDROID_NDK toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin PATH export MACHINE armv7l export.. android export ARCH arm export CROSS_COMPILE arm linux androideabi export ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) Disassemble 1 ~ tools android ndk r5 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi objdump S.. linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi objdump S 1 of echo Parse stack trace in 2 ~ bin
How to use addr2line in Android I'm using is located at NDK toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin make sure that is in your PATH.. is in your PATH . The command to use looks like arm linux androideabi addr2line C f e obj local armeabi address Or for the.. armeabi address Or for the case above arm linux androideabi addr2line C f e obj local armeabi 0003deb4..
Debugging Android NDK native apps toolchain prefix opt android ndk r7 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi Using app.. linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi Using app out directory . obj local armeabi v7a Found data directory.. starlon@lyrical native plasma .. .. toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi addr2line..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems your lib remove the disable protocol for the desired protocol run the following make clean export PATH opt arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 bin PATH export LDFLAGS lssl lcrypto L home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr.. I home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr include . configure host arm linux androideabi with ssl home user Development Projects portingLibs openssl android master disable ftp disable gopher disable file disable..
How to get ndk-gdb working on Android? attach PID where PID is your application process id. running adb forward tcp 5055 tcp 5055 on host running arm linux androideabi gdb.exe from your app folder entering following commands in gdb set solib search path obj local armeabi file obj local armeabi..
Android NDK linking libs armeabi . # Compile all object files this part was done for all options opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g fpic c Client_Events.cpp Client Wrapper.cpp jni.cpp I opt android root include I my project specific stuff # Option 1.. root include I my project specific stuff # Option 1 Don't link the lib in at all opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o # Option 2 Link ZeroMQ in statically.. jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o # Option 2 Link ZeroMQ in statically opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o libzmq.a libstdc .a Wl whole archive..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 export ANDROID_NDK ANDROID_NDK_HOME export FIPS_SIG PWD util incore export PATH ANDROID_NDK toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin PATH export MACHINE armv7l export RELEASE 2.6.32.GMU export SYSTEM android export ARCH arm.. export MACHINE armv7l export RELEASE 2.6.32.GMU export SYSTEM android export ARCH arm export CROSS_COMPILE arm linux androideabi export ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c openssl..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) crash echo Usage 0 crash.log exit 1 fi of mktemp echo Disassemble 1 ~ tools android ndk r5 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi objdump S 1 of echo Parse stack trace in 2 ~ bin of 2.. echo Disassemble 1 ~ tools android ndk r5 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi objdump S 1 of echo Parse stack trace in 2 ~ bin of 2 Change the paths to the Android NDK and
How to use addr2line in Android the number to pass to addr2line. I'm using NDK r5 so the executable I'm using is located at NDK toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin make sure that is in your PATH . The command to use looks like arm linux androideabi addr2line.. androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin make sure that is in your PATH . The command to use looks like arm linux androideabi addr2line C f e obj local armeabi address Or for the case above arm linux androideabi addr2line C f e obj local.. looks like arm linux androideabi addr2line C f e obj local armeabi address Or for the case above arm linux androideabi addr2line C f e obj local armeabi 0003deb4 Which gives you the location of the crash. Note The C flag..
Debugging Android NDK native apps Using gdb setup init . libs armeabi v7a gdb.setup Using toolchain prefix opt android ndk r7 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi Using app out directory . obj local armeabi v7a Found data directory.. Using toolchain prefix opt android ndk r7 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi Using app out directory . obj local armeabi v7a Found data directory ' data data com.example.native_plasma' Found first.. prompt. Android NDK Debugging Edit1 There's also this command starlon@lyrical native plasma .. .. toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux androideabi addr2line f e libs armeabi libnative bedb2330 0 I have debug..