android Programming Glossary: animated
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? and want to replace it with a new Fragment B using animated effects I am in complete agreement. However Since you can only.. handled at the outset GONE android layout_weight of 0 pre animated to a scale of 0 something else @Roman Nurik points out that..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps views with all the possibilities that comes with it like animated progress bars etc. . I think there is a good reason why even..
How to center progress indicator in ProgressDialog easily (when no title/text passed along) create custom animations it means if you want a kind of animated progress indicator you always need to extend the ProgressDialog..
Android get width returns 0 want to be doing what you are doing anyway widgets being animated do not change their clickable areas and so the button will still..
Display Animated GIF Animated GIF I want to display animated GIF images in my aplication. As I found out the hard way Android.. As I found out the hard way Android doesn't support animated GIF natively. However it can display animations using AnimationDrawable.. in application resources but what I need is to display animated gif directly. My plan is to break animated GIF to frames and..
Custom Progress Bar in Android? Prepare an array list of images to be animated images new ArrayList String images.add progress_1 images.add..
Android Fragments and animation newFragment detailFragment Start the animated transition. ft.commit To achieve the same thing with hiding..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup Except there's a problem. Some of those child views are animated and hence I periodically call invalidate on them. When the scale.. perfectly fine. When the scale is other than 1 those animated child views are only seen to update in a portion of their viewing.. that makes sense. To put it another way if I have a single animated child View and I gradually zoom in further and further from..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android I'm new to Android platform... in the Live Wallpaper Tutorial hacked to display an animated gif. First create a project set up your manifest as a Live wallpaper...
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? For a two fragment scenario e.g. you only see Fragment A initially and want to replace it with a new Fragment B using animated effects I am in complete agreement. However Since you can only specify one in and one out animation I can't see how you.. on a percentage basis I am at a loss as to how Fragment C is handled at the outset GONE android layout_weight of 0 pre animated to a scale of 0 something else @Roman Nurik points out that you can animate any property including ones that you define..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps don't really need that much freedom to show my custom views with all the possibilities that comes with it like animated progress bars etc. . I think there is a good reason why even the google engineers don't do it this way in the Google Maps..
How to center progress indicator in ProgressDialog easily (when no title/text passed along) I haven't actually tried it myself yet but if you cannot create custom animations it means if you want a kind of animated progress indicator you always need to extend the ProgressDialog class Looking at the ProgressDialog class though I don't..
Android get width returns 0 not been sized and laid out on the screen yet. I doubt you want to be doing what you are doing anyway widgets being animated do not change their clickable areas and so the button will still respond to clicks in the original orientation regardless..
Display Animated GIF Animated GIF I want to display animated GIF images in my aplication. As I found out the hard way Android doesn't support animated GIF natively. However it can display.. GIF I want to display animated GIF images in my aplication. As I found out the hard way Android doesn't support animated GIF natively. However it can display animations using AnimationDrawable http guide topics graphics.. animation The example uses animation saved as frames in application resources but what I need is to display animated gif directly. My plan is to break animated GIF to frames and add each frame as drawable to AnimationDrawable. Does anyone..
Custom Progress Bar in Android? imageHolders.add ImageView view.findViewById Prepare an array list of images to be animated images new ArrayList String images.add progress_1 images.add progress_2 images.add progress_3 images.add progress_4 images.add..
Android Fragments and animation DetailsFragment.newInstance ft.replace newFragment detailFragment Start the animated transition. ft.commit To achieve the same thing with hiding or showing a fragment you'd simply call or ft.hide passing..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup and all of the views held within properly rescale together. Except there's a problem. Some of those child views are animated and hence I periodically call invalidate on them. When the scale is 1 those child views are seen to redraw periodically.. the scale is 1 those child views are seen to redraw periodically perfectly fine. When the scale is other than 1 those animated child views are only seen to update in a portion of their viewing area or not at all depending on the zoom scale. My initial.. actually update in the backing bitmap remains unscaled if that makes sense. To put it another way if I have a single animated child View and I gradually zoom in further and further from an initial scale of 1 and if we place an imaginary box on the..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android I'm new to Android platform. I wish to develop a live wallpaper application. When.. this question This is the basic wallpaper service as supplied in the Live Wallpaper Tutorial hacked to display an animated gif. First create a project set up your manifest as a Live wallpaper. Then download a gif like this one Save that gif in..