android Programming Glossary: androidannotations
Android Studio: Use AndroidAnnotations not seem to work is AndroidAnnotations. I selected the androidannotations 2.7.jar file under File Settings Compiler Annotation Processing... intellij idea 12 with maven actionbarsherlock roboelectric androidannotations ...the above post walks you through setting up various libs.. set my Processor Path to something like... PATH TO AA JARS androidannotations 2.7.jar PATH TO AA JARS androidannotations api 2.7.jar PATH..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor compile fileTree dir 'libs' include ' .jar' apt org.androidannotations androidannotations androidAnnotationsVersion compile org.androidannotations.. dir 'libs' include ' .jar' apt org.androidannotations androidannotations androidAnnotationsVersion compile org.androidannotations androidannotations.. androidannotations androidAnnotationsVersion compile org.androidannotations androidannotations api androidAnnotationsVersion android compileSdkVersion..
Android Studio: Use AndroidAnnotations Studio Use AndroidAnnotations So I wanted to try the new Android Studio and imported my eclipse.. good. The only library which does not seem to work is AndroidAnnotations. I selected the androidannotations 2.7.jar file under File Settings..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor by the following in the gradle output Note Starting AndroidAnnotations annotation processing When building the Pro variants the annotations.. location package com.MyCompany.MyApp.Team Note Starting AndroidAnnotations annotation processing Note AndroidManifest.xml file found ...... The important lines are these Note Starting AndroidAnnotations annotation processing Note AndroidManifest.xml file found ......
Android Studio: Use AndroidAnnotations build file . Worked pretty good. The only library which does not seem to work is AndroidAnnotations. I selected the androidannotations 2.7.jar file under File Settings Compiler Annotation Processing. As production source directory i selected gen . But the.. to this post... http 2012 12 setting up intellij idea 12 with maven actionbarsherlock roboelectric androidannotations ...the above post walks you through setting up various libs in intelliJ scroll towards the bottom for AA. The main thing..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor apt dependencies compile files 'libs android support v13.jar' compile fileTree dir 'libs' include ' .jar' apt org.androidannotations androidannotations androidAnnotationsVersion compile org.androidannotations androidannotations api androidAnnotationsVersion.. compile files 'libs android support v13.jar' compile fileTree dir 'libs' include ' .jar' apt org.androidannotations androidannotations androidAnnotationsVersion compile org.androidannotations androidannotations api androidAnnotationsVersion android compileSdkVersion.. dir 'libs' include ' .jar' apt org.androidannotations androidannotations androidAnnotationsVersion compile org.androidannotations androidannotations api androidAnnotationsVersion android compileSdkVersion 17 buildToolsVersion 17.0.0 defaultConfig minSdkVersion..
Android Studio: Use AndroidAnnotations Studio Use AndroidAnnotations So I wanted to try the new Android Studio and imported my eclipse projects I generated a gradle build file . Worked pretty.. eclipse projects I generated a gradle build file . Worked pretty good. The only library which does not seem to work is AndroidAnnotations. I selected the androidannotations 2.7.jar file under File Settings Compiler Annotation Processing. As production source..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor the free variants the annotations processor is run as indicated by the following in the gradle output Note Starting AndroidAnnotations annotation processing When building the Pro variants the annotations processor doesn't run so the references to the generated.. ^ symbol class activityTeamSelect_ location package com.MyCompany.MyApp.Team Note Starting AndroidAnnotations annotation processing Note AndroidManifest.xml file found .... build manifests pro debug AndroidManifest.xml error The generated.. symbol import com.MyCompany.MyApp.Notifications.NotificationSetupActivity_ The important lines are these Note Starting AndroidAnnotations annotation processing Note AndroidManifest.xml file found .... build manifests pro debug AndroidManifest.xml error The generated..