android Programming Glossary: animation.infinite
How to create a marquee effect for a text of smaller length not exceeding the screen size in Android? toXDelta 0 0 mAnimation.setDuration 15000 mAnimation.setRepeatMode Animation.RESTART mAnimation.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE view.setAnimation mAnimation parent_layout.addView view in activity_main.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http
Android ImageView Animation anim new RotateAnimation 0f 350f 15f 15f anim.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator anim.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE anim.setDuration 700 Start animating the image final ImageView splash ImageView findViewById splash.startAnimation..
Android get width returns 0 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration 3000L ra.setRepeatMode Animation.RESTART ra.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE ra.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator bt.startAnimation ra ll.addView bt layoutParams setContentView ll Any help is..
Android Animate Rotate
android - How can I make a button flash? half a second animation.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator do not alter animation rate animation.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE Repeat animation infinitely animation.setRepeatMode Animation.REVERSE Reverse animation at the end so the button will fade..
Animated Icon for ActionItem null Animation rotation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getActivity R.anim.clockwise_refresh rotation.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE iv.startAnimation rotation refreshItem.setActionView iv TODO trigger loading When the loading is done simply stop the animation..