android Programming Glossary: android_log_error
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR OSLESMediaPlayer __VA_ARGS__ for native audio #include SLES..
TCP socket Transfer data from PC to android device (Android NDK) PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 if client_skt 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR jni client socket creation error exit 1 bind local socket to.. local_addr sizeof local_addr if rc 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR jni client socket bind error exit 1 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO.. serv_addr sizeof serv_addr if rc 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR jni client socket connect to server error exit 1 __android_log_print..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ extern C JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_example_jnitest_MainActivity_rotateBitmapCcw90..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ extern C JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_example_jnibitmapstoragetest_JniBitmapHolder_jniStoreBitmapData..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ extern C JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_jni_bitmap_1operations_JniBitmapHolder_jniStoreBitmapData..
Send HTTP request through 3G network without using WiFi?
How to call Java methods from C++ in JNI JNI info #define LOG_ERROR error __android_log_write ANDROID_LOG_ERROR JNI error and then within the sourcecode I can call LOG_INFO..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern C #endif Comments..
Android ndk-build iostream: No such file or directory LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern C #endif void..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES LOGW ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_WARN OSLESMediaPlayer __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR OSLESMediaPlayer __VA_ARGS__ for native audio #include SLES OpenSLES.h #include SLES OpenSLES_Android.h #include assert.h..
TCP socket Transfer data from PC to android device (Android NDK) 0 8 create local stream socket client_skt socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 if client_skt 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR jni client socket creation error exit 1 bind local socket to any port number local_addr.sin_family AF_INET local_addr.sin_addr.s_addr.. local_addr.sin_zero 0 8 rc bind client_skt struct sockaddr local_addr sizeof local_addr if rc 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR jni client socket bind error exit 1 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO jni client client start finished void Client connectServer.. starts connect to server rc connect client_skt struct sockaddr serv_addr sizeof serv_addr if rc 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR jni client socket connect to server error exit 1 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR jni client server connected void..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ extern C JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_example_jnitest_MainActivity_rotateBitmapCcw90 JNIEnv env..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ extern C JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_example_jnibitmapstoragetest_JniBitmapHolder_jniStoreBitmapData..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ extern C JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_jni_bitmap_1operations_JniBitmapHolder_jniStoreBitmapData..
Send HTTP request through 3G network without using WiFi?
How to call Java methods from C++ in JNI #define LOG_INFO info __android_log_write ANDROID_LOG_INFO JNI info #define LOG_ERROR error __android_log_write ANDROID_LOG_ERROR JNI error and then within the sourcecode I can call LOG_INFO Library is called Capture the standard out standard error of..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK #define LOGI ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern C #endif Comments omitted. void Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI..
Android ndk-build iostream: No such file or directory #define LOGI ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern C #endif void Java_com_test_ndk_SampleActivity_helloLog JNIEnv env jobject..